Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

A grown man takes revenge on a kid who quit his team and "burned his patch".

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Picture of djacy34 achievements

+3 1. djacy commented 9 years ago

And after that if happend that with my kid he will be at least with two broken hands or may be worst ! I can't belive that, what pussy must be to do this ......
Picture of mwak48 achievements

+3 2. mwak commented 9 years ago

wait .. he is "playing" with kids this young ?
There is a problem of age and recognition there, obviously.

Anyway kids with realistic fake guns shooting at each other ... t they want to shoot a gun they can go to a firing club and learn precision shooting without hurting anyone nor being violent and have some real competition there.
Picture of ringmaster54 achievements

+3 3. ringmaster commented 9 years ago

I'd rather have shot his parents with that thing allowing him to talk like that! I see negative ratings here so let me clarify, I believe all children are innocent, since they are minor etc. And that it is the parents responsibility to raise their children right. And I'd rather talk with everyone than to use any form of physical or verbal violence.
Picture of Glubok44 achievements

+18 4. Glubok commented 9 years ago

Can someone please explain me what "burning a patch" means in the Airsoft game ? (not familiar with this concept)
Picture of dushan56 achievements

+14 5. dushan commented 9 years ago

#4 the kid was once on the same team ( with douchebag who shot him ) and he sent them a video of him burning the team patch ( team emblem ) and talked a lot of trash...
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+18 6. Sizzlik (admin) commented 9 years ago

#4 In a team game you get a patch of the team to signal wich team youre on. Apparently the kid got shot ingame, left the team and burned his patch/trash talking. Seems the grown up took it so serious like burning the american flag. What a dipshit..
Getting shot with such a high powered airsoft from that short distance hurts pretty bad..talking from experience..
Picture of Glubok44 achievements

+6 7. Glubok commented 9 years ago

#5 and #6 : Thank's guys.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+7 8. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

The rest of the adults should have lit him up as a lesson. 8-)
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+8 9. ughlah commented 9 years ago

Thats why you dont "play" with weapons. There is always some moron, who hasn't even got the most basic understanding of what you should or should not do.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+9 10. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

If the kid talks trash, then just exclude him from the game and never allow him back, maybe notify the parents for his behavior , but as a grown-up man he shouldn't have lowered himself to the kid's level and even shoot him. Looks like somebody needs to grow up.
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+5 11. huldu commented 9 years ago

#10 Well, sadly these days it's the only things kids understand. Arrogance, no respect or discipline. Send them off to the military for a few years and that'll set them straight.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 12. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

#11 Good point! Couldn't say it any better myself ;)
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 13. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

So trur #9 and #10..
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+1 14. Zebulun commented 9 years ago

#2 They're playing airsoft, similar to paintball.

You should be careful before you speak (type) lest your ignorance show.
Picture of MindTrick43 achievements

0 15. MindTrick commented 9 years ago

#14 almost looks like you're saying #2 is being ignorant? The words ignorant and ignorance are usually negatively loaded so i would pick my words a bit better if that's not what you're trying to imply. (jfy, not knowing about airsoft is not being ignorant, if that was the case, we would all be ignorant towards something all the time, rendering the words useless)
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 16. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#15 Being ignorant is just a lack of knowledge, education, or awareness of one thing or another. It is not synonymous with being dumb , stupid , or mentally deficient.
We all are ignorant of things we have no experience with or have never heard of before. :)
Picture of MindTrick43 achievements

+1 17. MindTrick commented 9 years ago

#16 yea, but as you see in his comment, its negatively loaded, it usually is in most contexts, i can't remember last time someone was called ignorant in a nice way. The word alone means what it means as you say, but the usage is another thing. And in such a trivial context as whether or not you know what airsoft is, i really don't see the need or place to use that kinda phrase.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 18. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

#16 sux get your gun, we're eating :squirrel: stew tonight, the rest can wait in the dining room :)
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+1 19. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Hey, no hunting squirrels during mating season, guys!!! >:)
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

-3 20. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

I say shoot them and eat them before the little bushy-tailed tree rats can mate and make more little rodents to chew on my bird feeders and the wood trim on my out-building. I like them much better in my stew than in my trees. :D :squirrel:
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 21. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

What the hell sux :x
Picture of Kenuty31 achievements

+6 22. Kenuty commented 9 years ago

Before anyone starts blabbing stupid shit here please understand the situation first as this was posted last week on reddit. The guy who shot the kid is a minor himself, 15 years old shot a 13 year old in the back because the kid posted a youtube video of him burning a team patch (In paintball or this kind of sport it is a sign of a huge disrespect) Over a petty dispute after leaving the teen and taunted the older gentlemen about it for about a year and a half so he encountered him on a public field and took the shot.

These kind of delinquent acts happens many times in this sport over really petty shit and not the first of its kind.
The kid isn't dead though some of the people just exaggerate on the situation. Its petty shit.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

-2 23. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

Yeah..WTF out Geek, Americans showing their true face :x >:) :squirrel:
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

0 24. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#21 What do you mean?
Picture of krillemaster46 achievements

-1 25. krillemaster commented 9 years ago

this is the kind of individual who shouldn't own a real gun...
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 26. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

#22 Indeed, the kid might deserved a lesson but we have to remember that kids can be really stupid and still its just a game. No need to be this serious about it. If he talks trash, just exclude him from the team or just ignore him.
Picture of badasspuppy23 achievements

0 27. badasspuppy commented 9 years ago

Would be nice to see the rest of the guys gang up on this dude and shoot him a bunch of times
Picture of BrahmaBull44 achievements

+2 28. BrahmaBull commented 9 years ago

#9 I don't think you can use the Word weapon for these guns. Sure they are shaped like real guns but they can do no actual damage, only hurt. So can a smack from a rubber band but it's also not a weapon. The way i see it they are toys.
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+3 29. Zebulun commented 9 years ago

#15 oh yeah I think it's clear I was being "negatively loaded", as was #2's comment, not understanding and bashing a sport that thousands of people play. Who are they to dictate to others an alternative action since this sport is obviously not appropriate in #2's eyes.
I personally don't play airsoft but, others certainly do enjoy it in a safe and fun manner. There's inherent danger in just about any sport, therefore I say ban Rugby due to it's violent physicality. :|
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

0 30. Sizzlik (admin) commented 9 years ago

*Sits back and eats popcorn*
Picture of metataggers41 achievements

0 31. metataggers commented 9 years ago

I'd say and eye for an eye.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 32. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

:squirrel: stew is ready guys!
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+1 33. sux2bu commented 9 years ago

#32 Go get your own squirrels for the next batch.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 34. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago

#32 you mean to go out and kill :squirrel: :squirrel: for the stew? :x
Ummm.... Heyyy guys!!! Have you ever tried vegetarian :squirrel: stew? :x
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 35. thundersnow commented 9 years ago

#34 Are you kidding me, Geekster, I know you used the missing tooth emoji, but that's what he meant all along, I'm sure you knew that...I live here and know plenty of people who hunt, shoot and make those little creatures into a pie or stew and refer to them as furry tailed rats. This is rural redneck culinary at its best, it also includes possum (opossum) and woodchuck (ground hog)...just to name a few...
Picture of Zeusisgreat31 achievements

+2 36. Zeusisgreat commented 8 years ago

I don't know whats more stupid, the fact he shot the kid, or the fact he uploaded the clip. . . SMH
Picture of ajcorb23 achievements

+1 37. ajcorb commented 8 years ago

What a dick, not only giving airsofters a bad name but polarstar too so that rate of fire, if yo didn't like it talk to him, so shot him in the back like a chicken you mofo
Picture of ManOWar1471 achievements

0 38. ManOWar147 commented 6 years ago

For those who don't know , the guy that shot was some part of a team and the kid left that team and burned the patch .The team also helped him get his airsoft least that's what i know . He disrespected the team after they helped him , he deserved it .