Extreme Biking

A very cool first person view of a downhill mountain bike trip at insane speed.

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Picture of SixaxisDualshock20 achievements

+11 1. SixaxisDualshock commented 16 years ago

"My brakes! My brakes! Oh noooooooooooo..." :D
Picture of Darnko29 achievements

+3 2. Darnko commented 16 years ago

that "insane speed" could haved knocked a slower rider off the hill, an added element of danger for everyone. :(|) 8-)
Picture of kutless42924 achievements

+2 3. kutless429 commented 16 years ago

I don't think I like it as much as a previous one here, but as before, good job and do this in high definition sometime in the future... ;)
Picture of lacroupade17 achievements

+3 4. lacroupade commented 16 years ago

absolutely men-tal!
Picture of r4v3r19 achievements

+2 5. r4v3r commented 16 years ago

c'mon man, can do that with no hands would be better >:)
Picture of dave919145 achievements

+6 6. dave9191 commented 16 years ago

Sweet area. I wish I had places like that to ride down. The hills near me never last more then 2 min or so. Thats so sweet :D Too many people tho :(
Picture of its425 achievements

+1 7. its42 commented 16 years ago

It's called Extreme Biking "POV", just like in the porn.
Picture of BaronKite23 achievements

+2 8. BaronKite commented 16 years ago

Would do it uphill on a motorbike... but not downhill like that :O
Picture of martynbiker29 achievements

-2 9. martynbiker commented 16 years ago

Fantastic! a little arrogant in that they didn't really care about shoving in front of slower riders...whats wrong with waiting at the top for like 2 more minutes and getting a clear run?... and the bit at the end when he cut in front of the guy going through the narrow fence was just plain rude....... but at the same time I have to admire that nutters skill on a bike.
Picture of JimDunlop40 achievements

-2 10. JimDunlop commented 16 years ago

Extreme? If by extreme they mean irresponsible then yeah. Idiots like this have no business being on a hill with other riders. The way they were riding was an accident just waiting to happen. And for what? So they can show off on the net with a stupid video clip of their ride.

Doesn't matter if it's skiing, boarding, biking -- people like this give their sport a bad name and hotshots that think they can "handle it" are still human. they can make a mistake. One slipup and they can f### themselves or someone else up for life.

If I was one of the guys that got cut off by these douchebags and I met up with them at the bottom of the hill, one of 'em would be eating that f---n' camera.
Picture of BombDiggady19 achievements

-1 11. BombDiggady commented 16 years ago

I thought that the camera was going to get whacked by a tree several times.
Picture of esoteric16 achievements

+1 12. esoteric commented 16 years ago

what country is this
Picture of Fergus_Thedog36 achievements

+2 13. Fergus_Thedog commented 16 years ago

Thankfully I live in Australia, and can go down a hundred hills like this on my bike and never see another rider.
Picture of drwhitelight2 achievements

+1 14. drwhitelight commented 16 years ago

This video must have been taken in Hungary because of the language. I wish I knew where, my girlfriend lives in Kecskemet. I would like to talk to whoever posted this video.
Picture of drwhitelight2 achievements

+1 15. drwhitelight commented 16 years ago

They are saying koszi to those they pass, which is Hungarian for thanks.
Picture of Lazra8 achievements

+3 16. Lazra commented 16 years ago

Actually, it's in France. They are not saying "Koszi", but "Merci", which is French for thanks. They also speak French at the begining and at the end of the video.

The name of the place is given at the begining of the video: "Descente de Venosc", which is in France, in the Alps, here: http://maps.google.com/maps?source=ig&hl=fr&rlz=&=&q=descente%20de%20venosc&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl .
Picture of alexnader38 achievements

+3 17. alexnader commented 16 years ago

#16 i've lived in france for the past six years; you are right, that's definitely french. (#9 and #10) and they are generaly very rude.
Picture of Chumney_Warner19 achievements

0 18. Chumney_Warner commented 16 years ago


used to go faster on our ralirgh grifters back in the day, and we used to pedal up the hill.
Picture of Chumney_Warner19 achievements

0 19. Chumney_Warner commented 16 years ago

Ohh anf for those that wonder what a raliegh Grifter is imagine you had some spare steel scafold poles lieing around and you decided to make a bike from them.
Picture of OnetimeX36 achievements

+1 20. OnetimeX commented 16 years ago

3speed Sturmey Archer gears Chumney old bean??? I had the XL model, black with red detailing and a stand too :D :D :D
Picture of Team4213 achievements

+2 21. Team42 commented 16 years ago

#16 it's not "merci"; it's "passez" from the french verb "to pass". The cameraman is warning the rider in front he's coming though. Pity his mate didn't extend the same courtesy to the unsuspecting bikers he nearly forced off the track on numerous occasions (he seemed quite intent on passing everyone in front of him, regardless of the threat to the other bikers).
Picture of SuperDave12 achievements

+1 22. SuperDave commented 16 years ago

#21 I'm French Canadian and he's saying "Merci" as in thanks for letting me pass. There's no doubt there.

"Passez" actualy means "You may pass". If he wanted to warn them that he was going to pass, he would say "Laissez moi passer" as in "Let me pass" or "Je passe" as in "I'm going to pass you" or "Tassez-vous" as in "Get out of the way". He didn't do any of this. He was just saying thanks as he was passing them to be polite.

It was still rude since most of them didn't really let him pass. He just cut in front of em'.
Picture of Barack4PRESIDENT2 achievements

0 23. Barack4PRESIDENT commented 16 years ago

I want to do this so bad. Amazing how the cliffs and trails are so steep with so many wicked turns; incredible how they don't fuck up going that fast! Looks dangerous but really fun.

Are they really in France? Those mountains look incredibly high!
Picture of digiD18 achievements

0 24. digiD commented 16 years ago

Pretty droll in essence. I really liked seeing how the landscape changed and developed as the descended the mountain.
Picture of Team4213 achievements

+2 25. Team42 commented 16 years ago

#22 I've watched this again several times and I am willing to admit that, on the first occasion, the cameraman says "Merci". However, the next two times, he says something that sounds very diferent.

While I am not French or French-Canadian, I do have reasonably good hearing. However, I will respectively bow to your natively superior knowledge of the French language. May I ask you the following questions? I have some doubt that the cameraman was as polite (by saying "thank you";) as you have indicated.

How do you say in French:

1. "Excuse me, I'd like to pass."
2. "I'm passing!"
3. "PASSING!!!"

My questions are derived from the apparent activities of the two cyclists. They seem intent on passing all other cyclists in front of them. Almost at any cost. I don't think the "Merci" response fits everything the cameraman says on the downhill section of the videoclip.
Picture of Severd_nerv22 achievements

+2 26. Severd_nerv commented 16 years ago

Did anyone else who ever had a bike in there life See every Acident they ever had flash b4 there eyes ..... i did lolol Still a Wikid Video tho .....Bloody Nutters :)
Picture of pictoc1 achievements

+3 27. pictoc commented 16 years ago

clowns, irresponsible, that little respect for the mtb and the people who practiced
Picture of drevil29 achievements

+2 28. drevil commented 16 years ago

wow.. the camera man is realy good .. nice focus on frontman
Picture of kokodrilito2 achievements

+1 29. kokodrilito commented 16 years ago

why you people bother to talk about the harm if they fall down??? just enjoy the extreme ride and save time writing bulls.
What if they pass by other people? if other are slowest than you just, pass it...

Let this two extreme guys show off whatever the way they want... or is it jealousy?
Picture of belgiancyclist1 achievements

+3 30. belgiancyclist commented 16 years ago


He's saying "pardon" the first time (same word) and then "merci" each time he's passing a rider, to apologize.

They're also sometime speaking in english maybe because of the movie. And I'm not sure the first guy is french.
Picture of dsv0071 achievements

0 31. dsv007 commented 16 years ago

jajaja genial como genial es este libro de ciencia ficcion ^^


es muy bueno ^^
Picture of makramee1 achievements

-1 32. makramee commented 16 years ago

anyone speak french can help me here? i need a little translation assistance. how do you say the following phrase in french -

"You arrogant dangerous asshole, do you think you own that mountain? Or is it because you are French that you can cut in front of people like that, at high speed, with no regard for their safety? Extreme, indeed! Your stupidity is very extreme, you sad, lonely, selfish little man."

can anyone help me out here with a little translation? thanks!!
Picture of makramee1 achievements

-1 33. makramee commented 16 years ago

anyone speak french can help me here? i need a little translation assistance. how do you say the following phrase in french -

"You arrogant dangerous asshole, do you think you own that mountain? Or is it because you are French that you can cut in front of people like that, at high speed, with no regard for their safety? Extreme, indeed! Your stupidity is very extreme, you sad, lonely, selfish little man."

can anyone help me out here with a little translation? thanks!!
Picture of makramee1 achievements

0 34. makramee commented 16 years ago

anyone speak french can help me here? i need a little translation assistance. how do you say the following phrase in french -

"You arrogant dangerous asshole, do you think you own that mountain? Or is it because you are French that you can cut in front of people like that, at high speed, with no regard for their safety? Extreme, indeed! Your stupidity is very extreme, you sad, lonely, selfish little man."

can anyone help me out here with a little translation? thanks!!
Picture of belgiancyclist1 achievements

+1 35. belgiancyclist commented 16 years ago

Ok I'll help you :

"ta gueule."
Picture of Maskime10 achievements

-1 36. Maskime commented 16 years ago

#34 here is your translation :
"Espece de trou du cul arrogant, tu penses vraiment être propriétaire de la montagne ? Ou est ce que c'est parce que tu es américain que tu te donne le droit d'attaquer les gens dans le monde à haute vitesse sans penser à la sécurité des autres ? Extrême en effet est ta stupidité toi aigris, seul et égoïst petit homme."
French speaking people will get it XD
Picture of piti1 achievements

0 37. piti commented 16 years ago

¡¡ acojonante...!!!
¿ dónde está eso...?
Picture of crashtest4501 achievements

0 38. crashtest450 commented 16 years ago

35, as a French Canadian, from the little we hear spoken, with the exception of "merci" (as in, thank you for letting me pass), I think the cameraman is from Quebec as opposed to being an American. It is sad to say but we sometimes make poor tourists...
Picture of crashtest4501 achievements

0 39. crashtest450 commented 16 years ago

I meant to say 36...
Picture of mariana1 achievements

+2 40. mariana commented 16 years ago

HI!!! ;)

I really like it!!!!


Pure adrenalin!!!!


Picture of Daire36 achievements

+2 41. Daire commented 16 years ago

wow a quarter of a million views! :O :O :O
well done snotr!
Picture of yeyi1 achievements

-2 42. yeyi commented 16 years ago

Picture of therippedpage26 achievements

0 43. therippedpage commented 14 years ago

more like:

Extreme Douchebags

two hotshots push riders off a two foot path
Picture of joeman74 achievements

0 44. joeman commented 14 years ago

Before we blame:
Who's really rude here?
Our riders, or the one's they passed?
Many of the riders that were passed did not belong there.

The video shows what amounts to a black double diamond ski run...
It isn't made to go slow on!
It's for experts.
It's straight down!
Did you notice?

Not everyone belongs on a run like this...
and not everyone should be there.

It's a high level double black diamond run, not a sightseeing tour...
Picture of DemosTheKing28 achievements

-1 45. DemosTheKing commented 14 years ago

#17 needs to get a life. People here are just as rude, just they do it behind your back. #34 for instance is an example of rudeness. I love the translation by #36.
He said "merci" when passing.
The scenery is breathtaking! Beautiful.
Picture of AstonMartin27 achievements

+2 46. AstonMartin commented 14 years ago

It's the Nurburgring of bikes :P
Picture of cielosurf4 achievements

+1 47. cielosurf commented 13 years ago

Dope to bad the quality is not so good
Picture of yokey9129 achievements

0 48. yokey91 commented 13 years ago

"holly but-load of comments batman!"
Picture of mtbtrips2 achievements

0 49. mtbtrips commented 11 years ago

Anybody knows informations about when and where this video was recorded. Also infos about riders will help more. Thanks! O:)