Indian tractor movie

The special FX in this movie are going to blow your mind... :D

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Picture of McLovin17 achievements
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-9 1. McLovin commented 16 years ago

Picture of Ginnina2 achievements

+1 2. Ginnina commented 16 years ago

but funny!
Picture of NicknamePending10 achievements

+2 3. NicknamePending commented 16 years ago

Bollywood might be bigger than Hollywood.. But Hollywood iz bettah!
Picture of NucleoVega23 achievements

+2 4. NucleoVega commented 16 years ago

i think this could possibly be the best movie ever made.
Picture of AfterDune16 achievements

+1 5. AfterDune commented 16 years ago

#1 Shut up

Pretty funny, lol. I truly hope it's not a serious attempt :D
Picture of daisetsuzan9 achievements

+1 6. daisetsuzan commented 16 years ago

Picture of Alessa27 achievements

+1 7. Alessa commented 16 years ago

OMG it's better than Knight Rider >:)
Picture of Mix32 achievements

+2 8. Mix commented 16 years ago

What the .... :P
Picture of leviathan8 achievements

+1 9. leviathan commented 16 years ago

#1 Poor crap

These guys sure know how to have fun =)
Picture of lacroupade17 achievements

+1 10. lacroupade commented 16 years ago

#7 I thought it WAS Knight Rider?
Picture of ILMV13 achievements

+2 11. ILMV commented 16 years ago

#1 Well done captain obvious
Picture of levelnext14 achievements

+2 12. levelnext commented 16 years ago

now those are real nice stunts!
Picture of Dark_Leaf18 achievements

-2 13. Dark_Leaf commented 16 years ago

#1 I agree on fake ;)
Picture of Bender_Rodriguez18 achievements

+2 14. Bender_Rodriguez commented 16 years ago

Fake or not everyone agrees that Bollywood movies are a mixture of crap and cheap actors :D
I've seen one Bollywood movie and that's enough for me for the rest of my life.
3 Hours movie where 2.5 Hours was just synchronous dancing :D
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

-2 15. MsZoomy commented 16 years ago

that's just to damn funny!! it's like all them dang country boy/rednecks around here with their huntin' buggys and mud trucks!! And, no, I ain't bein' mean to the country boys and rednecks around these parts.... Yeeeee Freakin' Haww!!
1 :(|) Monkey Head
Picture of smodd23 achievements

+1 16. smodd commented 16 years ago

LOL so much crap but funny :D
Picture of CR_PT12 achievements

0 17. CR_PT commented 16 years ago

LOL so much crap but funny :D

#1 I agree on fake ;)

OMG it's better than Knight Rider >:)
Picture of fenerli7 achievements

+1 18. fenerli commented 16 years ago

As if tractors can jump that high... fake
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+1 19. LightAng3l commented 16 years ago

What do you mean fake??? It's a movie !!!

Do you think the curved bullets in WANTED???? damn...some people are retarded

do you believe in Iron Man #18 ?
Picture of Bender_Rodriguez18 achievements

0 20. Bender_Rodriguez commented 16 years ago

Actually curved bullets are real :D
Picture of Bender_Rodriguez18 achievements

0 21. Bender_Rodriguez commented 16 years ago

But it is not possible to curve it on such short distance.
I think they would have to move their arms with the speed of sound :D
Picture of murdoc37 achievements

0 22. murdoc commented 16 years ago

idiots that is not bollywood..its tollywood..southern side of india...they bring an embarrassment to us...but your hollywood is no different...
those curving bullets in wanted and poking a hole through a guy by a carrot is also fake i reckon
Picture of murdoc37 achievements

0 23. murdoc commented 16 years ago

in case if you are wondering about that carrot sequence..its in the movie SHOOT EM UP
Picture of MaxXL20 achievements

0 24. MaxXL commented 16 years ago

#21 Who says that swinging your arms with the speed of sound is impossible!?

#19 Have you ever seen that movie "A thing called love" ?? You should try the other one; "A thing called irony"

Picture of zackyconiglietti4 achievements

0 25. zackyconiglietti commented 16 years ago

people say fake!??? in what way is it fake??????

he had to do the jump and there is no cgi involved just "special" effects. it's just a stunt so no need to call it a fake...

i find the sceene in die hard v4.0 the one with the chopper funnier as this...a lot funnier :D btw fake as hell
Picture of BombDiggady19 achievements

0 26. BombDiggady commented 16 years ago

Wow, lol! :D
I want to jump a tractor, too!
Picture of Cmon17 achievements

-1 27. Cmon commented 16 years ago

They have tractors in India?? :D
Picture of rearcushion6 achievements

-1 28. rearcushion commented 16 years ago

#4 LOL maybe you should watch more movies! retard!
Picture of Onlyodin21 achievements

0 29. Onlyodin commented 16 years ago

Quality :)
Picture of alexnader38 achievements

+1 30. alexnader commented 16 years ago

now that's what I call an awesome donut.
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements

0 31. SpikedSilver commented 16 years ago

i hope micheal jackson has a dance perfomance in this movie
Picture of arakawa25 achievements

0 32. arakawa commented 16 years ago

OMG, the jumping tractor was great! I bet it was really hard to shoot that scene! 8-)
Picture of proatwork39 achievements

-1 33. proatwork commented 16 years ago

#28 , you really should google up "irony"
Picture of JvK_081 achievements

0 34. JvK_08 commented 16 years ago

hmmmm... this is a trailer for the next fast and the furious if im not mistaken? :D
Picture of Mooz23 achievements

0 35. Mooz commented 16 years ago

and what happens next? this is effin awesome!
Picture of caives20 achievements

-1 36. caives commented 16 years ago

This is pointless. i give 4 monkeys: :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) /10
Picture of regata448 achievements

+1 37. regata4 commented 14 years ago

#20 curved bullets....not humanly possible.... mythbusters tried their best but still busted
Picture of Hellion198238 achievements

+1 38. Hellion1982 commented 14 years ago

#33 I think you meant 'Sarcasm', not 'Irony'.