German is a beautiful language

German gets a bad rap for being one of the most aggressive-sounding languages in the world, but this video demonstrates how it's actually pretty beautiful.

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Picture of braveheart205231 achievements
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-14 1. braveheart2052 commented 8 years ago

german sucks ! >:)>:)>:):S:S:S:S8-)8-)8-)
Picture of ChuckMaurice46 achievements

+2 2. ChuckMaurice commented 8 years ago

I get the purpose of this video but I'm afraid it's missing its goal.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+4 3. thefox commented 8 years ago

I am English, I studied German at school, and one of the first things you notice when learning this language is the preponderance of harsh guttural speech sounds. I would not regard German as a 'beautiful' language (no offense meant to all you Deutschländers on snotr) . To my ears, Italian holds the crown for that. What do other people think?
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+4 4. thundersnow commented 8 years ago

Growing up with German, it became the language that defines me and is integrated in who I am, so therefore to me it's more than sounds, it's everything that makes me me and it is beautiful to me, obviously a very subjective view though. Objectively speaking I am in love with the French language, always have been, it's pure music to me...I could sit all day and just listen to people speak it and be content...
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+5 5. Judge-Jake commented 8 years ago

I think the English shouting lady was Irish the northern side of which is English with aggression. I think this is a stupid video, get everyone to shout Butterfly and the German to whisper it,:S
Picture of mircea91128 achievements

+1 6. mircea911 commented 8 years ago

sorry, they tried something to fix the youtube vides that counter this and fucked up
Picture of Austin42 achievements

0 7. Austin commented 8 years ago

3. thefox - What do other people think?

First, any time you start a sentence with ‘no offense meant to X’ you are most likely going to offend someone. This is one of those delightfully ironic English idioms IMHO. Up there with ‘with all due respect’ when respect per se is really never sincerely offered. Nichts fuer ungut.

So German has a preponderance of harsh guttural speech sounds for your English ears? Fair enough. Do you have the same feelings about Welsh and Irish? Or Scots Gaelic? These are equally guttural languages phonetically. And as an Englishman you are surrounded by guttural languages - the auditory horror ;-)

Guttural sounding to me is the phonological inventory of Arabic and Hebrew and Persian. That is tough on the ears for a non speaker like me.
Picture of thefox30 achievements

+1 8. thefox commented 8 years ago

#7. No. I don't have the same feelings about Welsh, Irish or Scots Gaelic. Thanks for asking. :)
Picture of Austin42 achievements

0 9. Austin commented 8 years ago

7. No. I don't have the same feelings about Welsh, Irish or Scots Gaelic. Thanks for asking. :)

My pleasure.
Picture of dushan56 achievements

+2 10. dushan commented 8 years ago

For those who think German language can't be beautiful :)
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+3 11. Austin commented 8 years ago

Or one could listen to a Bach or Mozart cantatas .... German is more then just Hitler's Nuremberg rally and Neubauten. It can be a perfectly pleasent language, some people just unfortunately map stereotypes or bias on to it to hear what they want. And ignore the equivalent sounds all around around them.
Picture of Thunderknight32 achievements

+2 12. Thunderknight commented 8 years ago

I as a Dutch guy of forty-ish, love the German Language. In this country, as in many others, there is a great difference in where you hear the spoken words. For example in Bayern there is a flowing speech with nice sounds. In Nordrhein-Westfalen is much harsher. But the North is for me the most nice sounding with a sound that sometimes reminds me of English. But Swedish is a close second. You can say a lot with so little words in Sweden, that google translate does not compute. a bit the same with English. I speak Dutch, Frysian and dialect (Mestreechs). English, German, Swedish and a bit of French and Spanish. And recently started to learn Sampi, but that is going to take a while to go to a level where you can have a conversation. (my two pennies)
Picture of archis51 achievements

+6 13. archis commented 8 years ago

For me German is sharp and clear language, easy to understand. I know 4 languages and the English speech is the hardest to understand. English is soft and foggy. Rap song lyrics I can only understand by reading them. Does anybody else feel like this?
Picture of BloodBeast28 achievements

+3 14. BloodBeast commented 8 years ago

(With apologies in advance to Thunderknight :))...
If you want a really guttural throaty and very funny language, you really can't beat Dutch. As the joke goes, I was on a train when the guy in front of me started to choke; I was just about to give him the Heimlich when I realised he was just speaking Dutch...
Picture of kirkelicious44 achievements

+3 15. kirkelicious commented 8 years ago

this is a spoof video of this one:
I, as a german find it hillarious!
Picture of Thunderknight32 achievements

+2 16. Thunderknight commented 8 years ago

@Bloodbeast Had to laugh ad your remark, Heimlich. Hahaha.

I know what you mean, but that is more the Western part of The Netherlands. They pronounce the "G" very harsh. It sound for some people like they getting rid of some flem. :D:D:D I am from the South of the Netherlands originaly, in that part and in some other parts they speak the "G" softly without the guttural sounds. It sounds more like the g in gentle.

The languages I speak are easier when you have a soft G. But if you speak my accent in Dutch they instantly know I am from the South. But is gives an advantage if you speak German or Swedish. Try to speak this Swedish word with a hard guttural g: sjuksköterska it means nurse. hahaha that is a tongue twister.

Here you can hear what it sounds like.,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.139782543,d.ZGg&biw=1817&bih=990&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=nl&client=tw-ob#nl/sv/nurse
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+2 17. thundersnow commented 8 years ago

#12 The German dialects are very unique and "colorful" niederrheinisch spoken in Nordrhein-Westfalen...
Picture of Thunderknight32 achievements

+2 18. Thunderknight commented 8 years ago

#17 That is actually what I mean. My German dialect is Nordrhein Westfälisch for the main part. Have friends in Aachen and Köln. Spend lot of time working there in factories. My day job lets me travel through most of Germany and Sweden. Sweden is my second home what holidays concerns. Love Dalarna and everything above it. That is why "Sami" is on my wish list. Jämtland dialect.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 19. thundersnow commented 8 years ago

#18 My personal dialect is schwäbisch...but I have a very good friend in Nordrhein Westfalen (Düsseldorf) who taught me a lot of niederrheinisch (the definition of the dialect spoken in Nordrhein Westfalen)...I can't speak it, but I love the sound of it. Cool, that you are from NRWF...I guess you love Kölsch beer! ;)

Edit Dec 6, 2016: Hey why down vote me for this comment? I really don't care, but be brave enough to speak up! :x
Picture of samxgx54 achievements

+1 20. samxgx commented 8 years ago

There Thunders... I upvoted you just to make it even.

And i'm from Iran and i was about to write something about what #7 said, but then i rememberd... we have some guttural words in our language too. Some of them are taken over from Arabic when muslims invaded.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

0 21. thundersnow commented 8 years ago

#20 Thank you, dear samxgx! <3 Iran... another place I'd like to visit!
Picture of snotraddict45 achievements

+1 22. snotraddict commented 8 years ago

The British lady sounds like my mom, the German lady is sweet.<3