Incredible dishonest cutting & editing of Jordan Petersons Vice interview

This is why I stopped watching TV more than 10 years ago.

Not only did they cut out very important parts of Petersons responses and arguments, they also cut together sentences that are literally several minutes apart and did in no way follow the previous sentence , thus making it look like Peterson strung together sentences that in reality were filled with context and careful back and forth exchange.

This is super shady. You just don't cut sentences together without making it clear that there was a cut made. This is no mistake, they were carefully cut together to appear seamlessly and uncut.

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Picture of Austin42 achievements

+11 1. Austin commented 6 years ago

Whoa! Did not expect the topic Jordan Petersons to pop on Snotr. Well done Geekster!
I have to ask, what is your interest in his work and/or ideas? The man is a serious scholar and quite the lightening rod in academic and political circles. I may find many of his social science arguments to be wrong and/or blindly anchored in privilege or but he is a polished intellectual and certainly makes people think – which is a good thing.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+2 2. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

Can't be arsed to sit through all that I'm afraid. It's what we in Iceland call Jibba Jabba Jibba Jabba Jou Jou Jou <3
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements
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-16 3. oleHashow commented 6 years ago

JP! admited he picked a side and he is team god, so i dont count him as intellectual.

PS: lots of loonies around :) tnxs for down-voting without any comment shows me why we are still fighting god wars :)
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+5 4. ughlah commented 6 years ago

#2 it was well worth watch at least a few excerpts, if not the whole thing. Vice, as the shit they are, totally cut out what he intended to say and reduced it to some catchphrases that make him look like a nutjob. And thats not even the worst case of editing I have seen over the years, not by far.
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+7 5. Austin commented 6 years ago

#3. oleHashow. I don’t think that the Snotr community has suddenly become populated with devout believers who don’t like your team god comment. I suspect the down-voting is because of your very peculiar and nonsensical definition of the term intellectual.

So to be an intellectual in your opinion, a person or persons has to hold the same opinion as you? That is basically what you have said. If you are with team god then you aren’t an intellectual.

I suggest you look up the word intellectual. And reconsider the logical implication s of such a statement. There are plenty of people I would consider intellectuals in the world that I don’t agree with but that doesn’t make their opinions any less valid. It may make them wrong in my eyes but that in itself is a value judgement. By considering yourself as the locus of truth and accuracy and validity and dismissing those who disagree with you then you retreat into a self-reinforcing echo chamber or bubble. And from that come the polarization that now pervades the modern world. Throwing critical thinking and research and reflection etc etc out the window so we end up with ‘ I know what I know and it is right’. How do you ever learn new things and expand / refine your worldview? Or is that not an issue for you? IMHO one only learns and grows when he or she is challenged.
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+6 6. ughlah commented 6 years ago

#3 I just downvoted you, because of your loonies comment.

Might have downvoted you before, as you judged him by one of his standpoints, but I didn't know JP before this and wasn't aware of his standpoints so far, so couldn't put your comment into context. On the other hand in the context of him being wrongfully accused on the basis of unethical editing, that is exactly what is wrong with the world. So he has one standpoint you don't agree with, so everything he says is BS? Good luck finding people you totally agree with in the world.
Picture of fjwjr62 achievements

+5 7. fjwjr commented 6 years ago

There are so many things done in this 'interview' that prove my long held assertion that journalism is dead.
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+7 8. ughlah commented 6 years ago

#7 not dead, but it is hidden under a shitton of crap, dishonesty and greed.
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

-2 10. oleHashow commented 6 years ago

#5 We agree that he believes in god ?

His grasp of history is wolfs and apes, jesus communism :)
Picture of snotraddict45 achievements

+5 11. snotraddict commented 6 years ago

First time this guy has come across my radar. I'll have to read some more about him but so far I like him.
Picture of Paperman20 achievements

+4 12. Paperman commented 6 years ago

@oleHashow - the man is a professor in psychology and takes a very special approach to belief and religion. I'm not a religious person myself but I have to respect that his approach to religion and support of certain values projected through the lenses of symbolism and psychological thinking is well worth listening him and understanding his perspective. Maybe you should listen to some of his analysis of theological and mythological subjects, that might enlighten you why people reacted negatively to your very generalizing and arrogant statement.
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements
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-5 13. oleHashow commented 6 years ago

#12 That is main problem with him he knows our mind best. And it makes it scary when he claim its all about god. While we know it isnt, if it were we would all be already up for this god.

Problem with JP is that he is telling the truth and it is right. But what he isnt saying makes him wrong in general assessments of things.
I have spend watching, listening him and comments under, for a while now.
Not so much of his lectures but public forums, when he get questioned.

So it took me a while but i found his weakness in this interview.

As he explains it here to me society came to be due to evolution, that is in our dna for 1/3 of a billion years and social animal and community are part of animal world, we are the same but with abstract thought.
He conveniently forgets that we can write and do taxes and tell people they owe us while animals cant really understand this. So...his basic knowledge about this difference makes him un-intellectual to me and it doesnt really matter how good he is at his mind tricks. or what part of DR he got from anywhere
At the end of this interview. He says he has done a smart thing but not courageous thing so he is not a hero :)
Smart thing in capitalism is to sell out!

Are you smart or intellectual, monkeys are smart!

PS: For a man of god saying that reality is hell gives a conflicting statement also.
I like these people much more they tell me so much more than JP and it was 1st time i saw them dont even know how they end up in you tube.
and after that something new to me mind blown
Im far from knowing anything but i know that JP is wrong.

To go onto a tangent about religion judaism 1.0, crist 2.0 with lot of forking, islam 3.0, science 4.0
If i recall correct old testament is about good and evil, is the duality jing and jang different or just depper understanding of this?
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+2 14. ughlah commented 6 years ago

#13 it is incredibly hard to follow your thoughts. Please read your own text and i hope you might understand what i mean.

The last bit makes no sense at all to me. Is it your view that there is a line from judaism to science or his? Either way, either him or you needs to learn a lot more about religion.

Basically religion is something a society needs to explain things, to have a moral compass, to give meaning. Be it the multitheism with a god of the sea, the sky, the wind,... or a monotheism with the god of the sun who created everything or later versions of yet another wrathful creator, an loving fathergod. In all their variances all those theistic models do their job. Science doesn’t and science cannot do that job. Even though you can believe in the current models, that could be falsified and i do so too, science cannot answer the basic theological questions. What was in the beginning and what is in the end. Maybe, probably even, nothing, but does such an answer satisfy anyone?

Science is not the next step, not the ultimate religion. In the best case they coexist, giving those people who need it guidance in their life. Sure, when you want to explain something it is probably better to ask a million modern scientists rather than a random guy from a couple thousand years ago who wrote down the stories of jesus or mohamed. But at times you will need more than that. You will need ethics, moral guidelines and a meaning to go on living. Science won’t give you that.
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

+2 15. oleHashow commented 6 years ago

#14 last bit new thoughts now could i rationalize existence of religion and how it progress.
I was toying with thought what is/was the difference between them to take hold why was it better.
Pure evolutionary thought.
I guess with Jesus was self sacrifice, with islam i wanted to say maths and with science reason.

Postscript is PS
The P.S. is the most charming part of a letter. It’s the wink you give as you walk away.
Yeah im sorry train of thought is trump like :)
I never passed any written test. My language is maths only language, that is true. everything else is/can be distorted. I failed economics like a joke, i couldnt figure out why my math was true but my answerers were wrong :) Lol im on tangent again. but could be true who knows it kinda fits.

I kinda think of PS if you dont understand 1st part, PS part will go totally over you.

Golden rule? what else do you need about morality?
As for science 4.0, i have a friend who questions everything, but god. Science is religion for him.

Back to my earlier post.
I guess what want to say animals dont know debt, debt is what makes us work-slavery.
And he doesnt take this into account when he FF to jesus and community.

Human animal is social until it find money then it is a community ergo communism.
Picture of cameramaster55 achievements

-1 16. cameramaster commented 6 years ago

Pardon the pun...but when you lot get to talking about religion all I can say is 'Thank GOD I'm an atheist'!
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+2 18. Austin commented 6 years ago

#14. ughlah with all due respect you couldn’t be more wrong re religion.

>Basically religion is something a society needs to explain things

Yes, to Bronze Age peoples who had no idea what a cell was, who had zero understanding of evolution, biology, meteorology, physics etc etc

> to have a moral compass,

Absolutely not true. This has been thoroughly debunked by primatologists, evolutionary biologists, etc etc. I suggest you read Christopher Hichens or Richard Dawkins or Daniel Dennett or even Sam Harris on this lack of validity of this claim. It is one religions like to make, without us as guidance moral chaos ensues, but it is provably false.

< to give meaning. Be it the multitheism with a god of the sea, the sky, the wind,... or a monotheism with the god of the sun who created everything or later versions of yet another wrathful creator, an loving fathergod. In all their variances all those theistic models do their job.

No. No they don’t. They ask you to believe, often in lieu of evidence, whereas science and the scientific method is evidence based and rigorous and predictive in nature.

> Science doesn’t and science cannot do that job.

Actually it does and does it quite well which is why the number of self-described believers in the 1st world countries has consistently dropped since the 20th century.

>But at times you will need more than that. You will need ethics, moral guidelines and a meaning to go on living. Science won’t give you that.

Actually it does quite convincingly. Specifically via biological, evolutionary, natural selective, survival and reproductive forces.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+1 19. thundersnow commented 6 years ago

Very interesting conversation both in the video and here on snotr. Those are the kind of conversations I like.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+1 20. Judge-Jake commented 4 years ago

Uuum very yawn..interesting..;)
Picture of buckleg0858 achievements

0 21. buckleg08 commented 2 years ago

the offended generation...:P
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 22. Judge-Jake commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry I lost all interest when I saw they were just wearing socks. 8-)