Record breaking coconut chopper

This Danish man tries to judo-chop 100 coconuts... unfortunately it doesn't exactly go as planned >:)

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Picture of Rinsy11 achievements
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-6 1. Rinsy commented 16 years ago

noob.. i would do better :)
Picture of Araniko33 achievements

+19 2. Araniko commented 16 years ago

"Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again" >:)
Picture of Redplague11 achievements

+29 3. Redplague commented 16 years ago

I don't understand what they are saying, but the look on his face was definitely definitive with "that really fu*#^%g hurt and I'm trying to act tough and pretend it doesn't" meanwhile his hands broken in five places: Coconuts - 1, Karate Guy - 0.
Picture of Focus17 achievements

+10 4. Focus commented 16 years ago

That guy was a fool.

How he even got on a TV show is amazing.

So there is hope for all of us..!

Picture of ezeliel31 achievements

+12 5. ezeliel commented 16 years ago

HAHAHAHHAHA OMG What a n00b!!! #1 Please post your vid trying to keep laughing... >:)
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

0 6. moskwiz commented 16 years ago

Mm.. the coconuts should be mounted somehow.. so they wouldn't bounce off when he misses.. Also this way most of the energy of his hand goes to move the coconut as it is freely rolling about on the girder, and not to its shell..

SO yeah.. rly unproffessional that.. i wonder if that was his first ever attempt to judo-chop a coconut :P
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+7 7. Daire commented 16 years ago

haha ya put ur coconuts on a metal girder so if u miss the steel will stop ur hand! :D
Got me laffing though and thats all that counts...
1 pina colada for this guy even tryin!
Picture of Zoooidberg22 achievements

+24 8. Zoooidberg commented 16 years ago

I´m Danish, so I get it :)

From 15 sek.:
She: One, two, tree, go!
She: Thomas (something), don’t you think you should take care of your hands?
She: I thing we stop this for now Thomas, it has been 15 seconds.

And then she says something about the rainy weather.

39 sek:
She: Is it very bad with your hand?
He: It is not that good.
She: Lets save the experiment to another day, otherwise you will totally smash your hand.
Picture of gringo40 achievements

+4 9. gringo commented 16 years ago

hahaha this guy is an idiot. and by the way judo has nothing to do with choping or breaking anything, boring to explain, go to wikipedia :) great laughs :)
Picture of zf140 achievements

+8 10. zf1 commented 16 years ago

Einsteins definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result :D
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

+5 11. MsZoomy commented 16 years ago

I can see that ALOT of thought and planning went into this stunt!! What a nimnoid
Picture of SlepTema15 achievements

+3 12. SlepTema commented 16 years ago

You can see the pain on his face.. That would have hurt so much. I am cringing just looking at it.
Picture of forman450es14 achievements

+5 13. forman450es commented 16 years ago

#8 LMAO thanks for the translation :D

all i can say about this vid is..... what a D.U.M.B.A.S.S. !!
I don't think he could split even 1 on a flat surface never mind a 4" piece of steel channel .

The face the guy made when the cameras stopped-------> :'(
Picture of Cargoon23 achievements

+6 14. Cargoon commented 16 years ago

That is a record, 9 breaks in 10 seconds. IN HIS HAND.
Picture of Fergus_Thedog36 achievements

+4 15. Fergus_Thedog commented 16 years ago

Didn't we learn to use tools on these things while we were still monkeys?
Picture of BigBang31 achievements

0 16. BigBang commented 16 years ago

@15: back to the roots!
Picture of Erostle511 achievements

+2 17. Erostle5 commented 16 years ago

Uh, I feel bad for the guy who had to build a rig for the coconuts. Totally not worth it...
Picture of NMY20 achievements

0 18. NMY commented 16 years ago

the master of coconuts :D
Picture of Chrisofskjern36 achievements

+6 19. Chrisofskjern commented 16 years ago

okaaaay i posted this on this site looong ago but it didnt go through and did not get posted on the site. but now... this appears from another user........

host: “So you’re still up for it?
loser: “Yep! yeah…”
host: “Well i have an assistant with a watch, so if you are ready we are just gonna move back over here and ermm… are you ready thomas??
loser: “yeah!”
host: “and i say. 3. 2. 1. GO!”

host: “ermm uhh Thomas dont you think you should be careful before you destroy (yes destroy!) you hands
loser: …shit
host: “I think we should just stop now, 15 seconds has passed.. in this rain. this isnt going to work..”
loser: I. I umm… I just took the bar. (the row in which the coconuts are)
host: “is uhh… is it bad with your hand?”
loser: “It’s probably not too good”
host: “Well uh, shouldnt we save this experiment for later? otherwise you will totally destroy your hand!!

God damnit… you have to KNOW you have skill...
Picture of richardhalo20 achievements

0 20. richardhalo commented 16 years ago

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D LOOOOOSEEEERR!!!!!
Picture of alexnader38 achievements

+1 21. alexnader commented 16 years ago

i actually can't believe the number of times he tried again and again to hit them but just kept on smashing his hand against that huge metal rail. 0:18
His hand will need a lot of time off before it can go back to chopping sh!t up.
Picture of Johnlogan8 achievements

+1 22. Johnlogan commented 16 years ago

now his friends will that about him for sure. what a loooooser
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements

0 23. SpikedSilver commented 16 years ago

thats poor.

1. coconuts should be affixed first
2. what kind of basis are these two wooden boards there???
3. maybe he should hit the coconut in the middle, not the sides (which would be possible if the cocos were affixed) and worst of all he should not miss the coconut and hit the boards!!!!!!!!!!
Picture of Focus17 achievements

0 24. Focus commented 16 years ago

@ #23
Just as an aside...

I have never seen the word 'affixed' used twice in a statement as short as yours.

Kudos to you :D
Picture of ktg_536 achievements

0 25. ktg_5 commented 16 years ago

i can tell you guys, this was planned:P but it is still funny as hell!
Picture of Chrisofskjern36 achievements

0 26. Chrisofskjern commented 16 years ago

#25 - Ofcourse it was planned! Did you think he just happened to be out there breaking coconuts and suddenly a tv crew appeared to take the time?

It wasn't planned that he would fail so miserably though! Or maybe he wanted to show the world that a Danish just cannot break a coconut with his pastry hands
Picture of eNdEmiOn0646333 achievements

0 27. eNdEmiOn06463 commented 16 years ago

This probably wouldn't even have worked with a hammer. The bar on witch the nuts r placed is much to bendy and slippery. Maybe a bit of glue would have helped to to keep them in place.
Picture of revilowo22 achievements

+2 28. revilowo commented 16 years ago

I think one of the reasons why he couldn't smash a singel coconut, is becaucse it was raining.
Picture of Doolang27 achievements

+2 29. Doolang commented 16 years ago

"and worst of all he should not miss the coconut and hit the boards!!!!!!!!!!"

Those ain't boards! That's a steel girder!!

I love this video!!
Picture of d-_-b27 achievements

0 30. d-_-b commented 15 years ago

By far one of the best clips i have seen latelly, i laughed so hard at it, specially when he hits the girder instead of the coconuts (several times) and moans at it. Great fun! :D
Picture of d-_-b27 achievements

0 31. d-_-b commented 15 years ago

oops i accidentally did refresh of the page and commented again.
plz remove this comment and the above one.
thank you
Picture of tallguy147218 achievements

+1 32. tallguy1472 commented 14 years ago

i should post that on the fail blogs....