Deer for breakfast anyone?

For a change, here is a harmless animal video :)

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Picture of blckpythn30 achievements
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-16 1. blckpythn commented 15 years ago

not controversial enough... :|
Picture of zerorain26 achievements
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-16 2. zerorain commented 15 years ago

they shouldnt feed them...they'll become overrun soon enough. like rats
Picture of Nemi14 achievements

+22 3. Nemi commented 15 years ago

That's quite en'deer'ing really! Yah ok i here the groans... :D
Picture of murdoc37 achievements

+4 4. murdoc commented 15 years ago cute :* :*
Picture of tastytim39 achievements

+12 5. tastytim commented 15 years ago

Its a big happy family!
Picture of kainim37 achievements
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-5 6. kainim commented 15 years ago

hehe 1 buckshot and you have diner for a month
Picture of kstonie3 achievements
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-6 7. kstonie commented 15 years ago

where is my gun??? >:)
Picture of dave919145 achievements

+9 8. dave9191 commented 15 years ago

Wow, that is truly amazing. The closest I've been able to get to these animals to photograph them is around about half a mile. They are scared of anything and everything and run at the slightest sound.
Picture of wyvern197824 achievements

+11 9. wyvern1978 commented 15 years ago

#8... go to Nara in Japan... they will chase you for the food!!
Picture of beel37 achievements
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-10 10. beel commented 15 years ago

i was waiting for one to explode or something.. i liked ninja skillz more
Picture of vickie19575 achievements

+7 11. vickie1957 commented 15 years ago

This was awesome. I run a day care and the kids love to watch it! What are they being fed?
Picture of Painscale19 achievements

+3 12. Painscale commented 15 years ago

#11...They're eating Venison! lol
Picture of 9573129 achievements

+8 13. 95731 commented 15 years ago

omg!! its santa and his wife with the raindeers :D but weres rudolf o,o
Picture of pokesmot30 achievements

+3 14. pokesmot commented 15 years ago

#13 What do you think they are eating? :D
Picture of RebeccaWelch4 achievements

+6 15. RebeccaWelch commented 15 years ago

Refreshing. Where I used to live we had deer, elk, raccoons, possum, bear, skunk and even mountain lions. I miss the wildlife.
Picture of debasree222 achievements
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-7 16. debasree22 commented 15 years ago

very nice......
Sell unnecessary items such as clothes, music player, dishwasher, or DVD? Sell them now through, the selling format of
Picture of librabooks40 achievements

-3 17. librabooks commented 15 years ago

Getting them good and fat for hunting season? It IS Texas, y'know, where it's legal to drive their pickup truck with a beer in 1 hand and a shotgun in the other! Yee Haw!
Picture of peelo202015 achievements

-1 18. peelo2020 commented 15 years ago

Lulz... granpa and granma are prolly having deer stake on their own plates :D

They are prolly feeding those deers so they can EAT THEM!! MUAHAHAHAAA!!!
Picture of Norskejente7 achievements

+7 19. Norskejente commented 15 years ago

Awwww! We used to have deer in our backyard but the hunters really came in and took them all out. Haven't seen one in 5 yrs and we used to have a dozen or more. :'( When one is lucky enough to have an experiance like this, it's definitly a gift from God. So happy for you folks!
Picture of elmaestro7 achievements

+4 20. elmaestro commented 15 years ago

I visited the website watermarked on the vid and I found this info on the vid page:

"The white tail deer come to breakfast with us in Llano County, Texas.

We are feeding them on a mixture of corn and "Record Rack Professional Deer Feed".

It has proprietary nutrient formulation and includes protein, lysine, fat and vitamins."

I also haven't ever been able to get very close to these animals. But judging from their site, it seems they have developed a relationship with this particular group of deer over a long period of time so that would explain their relative ease with these humans.
Picture of chinchila3 achievements

-3 21. chinchila commented 15 years ago

can i have an omelet and mango juice? :(|)
Picture of daisylynn2 achievements

+5 22. daisylynn commented 15 years ago

That's very cute! but the problem is, these animals are wild. They need to get their own food. If you keep feeding them, they will teach there kids how to beg instead of get food on their own. then they will starve when your not there to feed them.
Picture of froggy673 achievements

0 23. froggy67 commented 15 years ago

i think its cool how they came up there.
Picture of Benishu27 achievements

0 24. Benishu commented 15 years ago

It's really stupid to do that
Picture of JustPeachy2 achievements

+3 25. JustPeachy commented 15 years ago

What a really fast way to get a prion disease! Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal. Or a brucella infection. You can get TB or lyme disease from deer. Did you see the woman petting the deer and then picking up her toast? Isn't it DEER?
Picture of mtnmama011 achievements

+2 26. mtnmama01 commented 15 years ago

I love this video - I have a small herd that comes around my property. We've named the most friendly deer, Ginger. I call her like a cat and she comes running and brings friends. :) We have had a horrible drought in Texas and we are feeding and watering these poor animals so they won't starve. Yes, we may 'food gather' one this fall if there is room in my freezer.
Picture of PaulSr4 achievements

-2 27. PaulSr commented 15 years ago

Where was this video Taken?
Picture of Barb21 achievements

+3 28. Barb2 commented 15 years ago

And those are not even paper plates; hope they have a diswasher :O
Picture of alwaysamomma2 achievements

-3 29. alwaysamomma commented 15 years ago

:) this is such a great film!!! in SA there is a LAW!!! that you cannot feed the deer in the neighborhoods. the deal is to starve them - can you imagine?!?! why can't they just round them up and release them into the wild?!? Well, I think this is great!! Thanks for your film!
Picture of SherryAnn1 achievements

+2 30. SherryAnn commented 15 years ago

Love this video. I'd love to be able to do this. :)
Picture of sachemwolf2 achievements

+3 31. sachemwolf commented 15 years ago

:D i enjoyed this so very much. thanks for the post.
Picture of Tsebitai2 achievements

+2 32. Tsebitai commented 15 years ago

Please research Lyme disease and then decide if you want any deer near your home! Ticks that carry lyme are miniscule and most people don't even know that they have been bitten! :O
Picture of HRHarper6501 achievements

-2 33. HRHarper650 commented 15 years ago

Question: What are the deer eating? I too could feed a herd out back! :)
Picture of 3citabria532 achievements

+2 34. 3citabria53 commented 15 years ago

0:0 I'm sure these people enjoy watching and feeding the deer. In Michigan it is not legal to feed the deer. When they congregate to eat, they pass TB, and, more recently, chronic wasting disease. The deer in this video are considerably smaller than what we are used to seeing here. The people who commented on lyme disease are right. Deer ticks do carry lyme disease. Not only can you get it from the ticks the deer carry, but mice can carry deer ticks too.
Picture of lindalioux1 achievements

+1 35. lindalioux commented 15 years ago

interesting how all the deer go towards the women's side of the table and the plates next to the husband are not touched. :S
Picture of mumbles2992 achievements
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-5 36. mumbles299 commented 15 years ago

In this world of hate, war and crime, it is a pleasure to see
this video. They are one special couple. Texas kind of
scares me, although I only spent a short time there...but when
I see something like this, I realize, once again, how stupid
it is of me to generalize anything or anyone.
Picture of Katielyn2 achievements

-2 37. Katielyn commented 15 years ago

This video is just adorable. For those of you who can only be negative, go back to bed! Animals are just extensions of us "humans" and bring us so much joy and happiness. They make our lives fuller and more meaningful. Some of you could learn something from this. :)
Picture of lyn33861 achievements

+4 38. lyn3386 commented 15 years ago

This is a neat thing to watch, however, it is also very sad to me. I counted 17 deer give or take. That is 17 deer that are going to associate humans with food, and 17 deer who are going to associate human deer hunters as a food source. The point is, it is a wonderful thing to observe wild life in the wild, however when you begin to interfere, as these people have, the outcome is never good. Judging from the other posts, it is not even necessary for me to mention the threat the deer pose to the people. Please ENJOY wild life, but do so from a distance.
Picture of bettybrown3 achievements

+1 39. bettybrown commented 15 years ago

:what a beautiful video its amazing you must of love them being there Betty Brown sT ANDREWS NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA :* *
Picture of realredneck101 achievements

+2 40. realredneck10 commented 15 years ago

Beautiful site! I had a Cousin in Michigan that had deer coming right up to his back porch. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Picture of sunlee4 achievements

-2 41. sunlee commented 15 years ago

From an environmental and a deer population standpoint, this is the worst thing that anyone could do. I've had a lot of experience in my past hometown with extreme deer problems. We brought in a lot of experts to help educate us and come up with the best population control methodologies.
It turns out that deer will increase their population exponentially (start having twins and triplets) if the food source is good. All of the great shrubs and plants that we bring into formally rural areas increases their population. The increased numbers then start to wreak havoc on the complete understory of any wooded areas. This has a major impact on wildlife as it destroys the habitat and food source for all of the smaller animals and many birds. It also destroys all of the new growth trees that are needed to eventually replace the old growth trees that age out, get damaged or destroyed, cut down, etc. If the deer are left alone to multiply we will more rapidly deforest our countryside. The only sure fire way of controlling the population is hunting. Contraceptives, etc. do not work. We had to bring in hunters and arrange for private property owners to allow hunting on their property (there were a lot of large parcels of land). Our hunters all ate their kill so it wasn't only for sport (just like I still eat other forms of meat so I can't complain). One year our neighbor and his friends took down 40 deer in one season from the wooded area across the street from our house. Deer stay within about one mile of their territory so one square mile can't possible handle i.e. feed well over 40 deer!
The only problem with most hunters is that they want the trophy stags. They are not the ones having all of the babies. The only way to do real population control is to make sure that the majority of deer hunted are the does.
Picture of moshpit113 achievements

-1 42. moshpit11 commented 15 years ago

They need to KILL them not FEED them cause when you KILL them THEY feed YOU
Picture of DrinkyGuy2 achievements

-2 43. DrinkyGuy commented 15 years ago

I saw this story on MSNBC a while back. This sick couple was feeding the deer venison stew.
Picture of bigcatadvocat2 achievements

+2 44. bigcatadvocat commented 15 years ago

:( I think I counted about 14 deer that are now far too comfortable around human beings, who are becoming dependent on human beings for food, who will probably end up being easy targets for a hunter's gun. Why? Because humans thought it was neat to try to "domesticate" something wild, make a movie out of it, and post it like it's cute. Does this couple plan on feeding them and caring for them for life? I doubt it. Sorry, I won't be passing this one along!!
Picture of erikkelli1 achievements

+2 45. erikkelli commented 15 years ago

Those people are really stupid!Seeing that type of thing really pisses me off.Deer are far too social as it is,and that couple must have no idea how much damage deer can do to a vehicle as well as the people who are in the vehicle when deer cross path with cars.
Picture of jbsmom1 achievements

+2 46. jbsmom commented 15 years ago

Yes, this is a cute video. It is apparent that the older couple truly believe they are doing a lovely thing feeding the deer. The issue is, the deer are wild animals and should not be feed by humans. The deer need to actually be afraid of humans. Some of the comments are sick ...not funny and those people should be ashamed of themselves. What I found truly distrubing--a banner ad above the video and another as a side-bar banner for "Hunting equipment--Guns,etc. Oh.. and to "erikkelli" Deer/wildlife have a right to live in this is humans who have to protect this world and ourselves--so that means drive safely, pay attention to where you are, your road conditions and watch out for wildlife. Then you or anyone will not get into an accident. And, by the way, when a car hits a deer, the deer always winds up dead.
Picture of greaburns1 achievements

+2 47. greaburns commented 15 years ago

There are some comments here that could suck the joy out of just about anything. If you live in Michigan the deer ARE bigger. Deer in cold climates are large; deer in hot climates are small. And have you seen those cars. People are killed by those things every day. If I were you I'd keep those things at arms length. Some deer are going to get exposed to humans. Get over it. I suppose it is possible that the deer actually enjoy interaction with humans. True, these deer may get too used to humans and it might cause a deer to get be harvested with ease but deer are not endangered. Not now anyway. In some states, deer were virtually eliminated but not because of couples feeding them breakfast. It was due to unfettered harvesting. Enjoy the deer. Don't spoil the fun for those who enjoy watching.
Picture of honeydee1 achievements

+2 48. honeydee commented 15 years ago

This vid was really cute until i read some of the comments.
Picture of breena1 achievements

+2 49. breena commented 15 years ago

:* love this!! did anyone else notice how the deer sort of congregate on the side of the table where the woman is sitting? Girl Power!!!!!!
Picture of BUCKSHOT1 achievements

+2 50. BUCKSHOT commented 15 years ago

Picture of jdoe21411 achievements

+2 51. jdoe2141 commented 15 years ago

Am I the ONLY one who sees the obvious website advertisement prominently displayed on the back of the truck??? You can debate deer all you want, but I don't think the truck was parked there accidentally. Too bad he didn't park a bit closer so you could clearly read the website.
Picture of LibertyLover1 achievements

+2 52. LibertyLover commented 15 years ago

Deer that are not afraid of hunters makes them easy targets
during hunting season. They become dependent on humans for
food and that can be a problem. Not a good practice!
Picture of FWInspector1 achievements

+2 53. FWInspector commented 15 years ago

I think the main reason for the video was to promote their website. Notice how convenient it was to have the back of the pickup in the video.
Picture of ndwild4 achievements

+2 54. ndwild commented 15 years ago

Good job #41 you said it all. As a hunter and outdoorsman I can understand why people percieve deer (wildlife) as cute and precious I respect these opinions.However, The opinoins and choices lack knowledge and facts. #41 you gave us some facts. I think we need to keep are minds open use common sence and reason. We will not only solve deer (or environmental) problems, we could apply it to some of our own problems. Remember keep an open mind. Mother nature is far worse than what any human could do to a deer.
Talk to a hunter,they will tell you why they love what they do belive me its not at all about the killing I think most of us do not like the killing part anyway. Have a safe one.
Picture of MHart1 achievements

+2 55. MHart commented 15 years ago

I find the ads on the website even more interesting than the pickup. HUNTERS WANTED and Come to the campsite and hunt deer
Picture of idahogranny19481 achievements

+2 56. idahogranny1948 commented 15 years ago

I think this video is so cool and I could watch it over and over again. What very lucky people they are and they must be very loving caring people also. It's nice to see something so sweet and nice in our upside down world right now. We live in Grangeville, Idaho and we see Elk and Deer a lot and I never get tired of seeing pictures like this.
Picture of nafthal3 achievements

+2 57. nafthal commented 15 years ago

This video is not only selfish but dangerous. Deer are wild animals and to protect them, people should not interfere, especially by feeding them. Reckless endangerment is a charge I'd levy They are feeding them for 'fun', not because they care about them.
Picture of chillinone3 achievements

-1 58. chillinone commented 15 years ago

This is yet another STUPID PEOPLE video. Leave the damn deer alone would you. Why do people have to mess with mother nature. Why can't you STUPID PEOPLE admire the deer from afar. Take the food you made for the deer and go feed some starving people at a shelter. My GOD you people make me sick.
Picture of BlueMark1 achievements

+2 59. BlueMark commented 15 years ago

Tsebitai wrote: "Please research Lyme disease and then decide if you want any deer near your home! Ticks that carry lyme are miniscule and most people don't even know that they have been bitten!"

According to The American Lyme Disease Foundation, there is No Risk of Lyme Disease in Llano County, Texas, and very little risk anywhere in the state.
Picture of snotrchris1 achievements

+2 60. snotrchris commented 15 years ago

for some reason I have this uncontrollable urge to go sailing in texas? Anyone else? :P
Picture of patmem1 achievements

-1 61. patmem commented 15 years ago

I love this, except isn't it unsafe for the deer to be that comfortable around people? Most folks out there in the woods looking for deer aren't out there to feed them!
Picture of sylviainnj1 achievements

+2 62. sylviainnj commented 15 years ago

:) this is a very cute video, and for all that are so upset the deer will no longer fear humans this is incorrect...we feed deer in our yard and they come around pretty close but should a visitor come in or near the yard they are very cautious and will often take off. They are relaxed in that area only and with those folks.
Picture of suada2 achievements

-1 63. suada commented 15 years ago

what are these people doing? They are getting them used to humans, and trusting them. The next human they see very well may be a hunter. What a shame!
Picture of Terpen2 achievements

-1 64. Terpen commented 15 years ago

Amusing that the hunters would complain about someone feeding deer getting them so they are dependent on humans, while they spend all year preparing deer plots,,,putting up automatic feeders, salt licks and other treats,, just so they can sit in a heated camouflaged box and blast them. Their argument that they are controlling over population is shallow and wrong headed. It is not the wildlife that is over populated, it is people that are over populated. What hunters did for the buffalo, timber wolf, cougar and every other missing wildlife population they would do to deer if they were not restricted.
And if you are worried about Lyme disease, TB , brucellosis, bird flu or have any other fears about nature, indeed, stay in your air conditioned homes and watch it on TV or Snotr.
Yes, this is Tejas and the deer are small. And no it is not legal to drive with a beer in your hand or as a passenger. Open container will get you a hefty fine.
Picture of Seabee692 achievements

+2 65. Seabee69 commented 15 years ago

#64 I like how people complain about hunters complaining. Number one: You're letting deer get friendly with humans, I've read a few stories where families feed deer and get them friendly with humans, they've attacked small children before. Number two: Hunters do keep the population in check . If we did not hunt the animals, they would overpopulate and that would cause disease and scarce food. Number three: Hunters did not cause animals to go extinct, to lessen the wildlife, or whatever you have in your minds. Poachers did. People thatk ill animals ILLEGALLY. Not us lawful hunters. Please, instead of throwing out false accusations, do a little research so you do not look like a fool. Yes, hunters set up salt licks, things of that nature, it's in the wilderness for one, not at a house, where people are more likely to be. When hunters place food out, they don't sit there and have the deer come to their lap and give them food, no, they hide and wait. Where the deer can't see them. Hunters do not damage the wildlife, poachers do.
Picture of tofreakinfunny3 achievements

+2 66. tofreakinfunny commented 15 years ago

Stunning, beautiful. The way life was intended to BE. That being said I do agree with #52
Picture of Beegelias1 achievements

+2 67. Beegelias commented 15 years ago

finally people feeding deer for a reason other than killing them.I also agree with #52, personally I think Baiting Should be against the law.
Picture of Tabstar2 achievements

+2 68. Tabstar commented 15 years ago

This SEEMS to be a really cute video. Deer are very 'leery' of humans, but just as with many wild creatures, they can become accustomed and will seek places where humans leave food. While this may seem like a great idea and these people are nice to the animals, the action of feeding the deer will cause them to lose their natural instincts and this will invite trouble.

What is the next people who come along to camp aren't so nice? What if the deer are hungry enough to make a nuisance of themselves. The next people down the road may make a complaint which just might result in some or ALL of the deer being euthanized.

When you're out in nature. Enjoy it and ALL it has to offer, but don't interfer with it. These animals know how to forage for their food and feeding them will only cause them sorrow down the line. So it is with ALL WILD ANIMALS. People who feed bears think it's so wonderful. It isn't. Many end up having to be euthanized because they have become a danger to humans.

We have laws in place in many states regarding feeding wild animals. Alligators will come to expect food and can then mistake a person (maybe your child) or a pet in or near the water as a meal.


REMEMBER: If you have children....didn't you always teach them not to take food (candy) from strangers? There is a reason.

Just enjoy nature and leave it as you find it. As a naturalist, I've seen too many innocent animals put to death because humans insist on trying to 'tame' them or feed them because they think it's such a neat, fun, exciting thing to do. It isn't. You're creating a problem!
Picture of Karleen4 achievements

+3 69. Karleen commented 15 years ago

This is the most cutest video ever. They are so cute and sweet and the couple look like the kindest people in the world. I love these people:)
Picture of Lampav2 achievements

+2 70. Lampav commented 15 years ago

That is awesome!!! Where abouts in Texas?
Picture of jelicon20002 achievements

+2 71. jelicon2000 commented 15 years ago

These people are killing them with kindness. This is something I feel very strongly about.

Deer (and all other wildlife) don't need to be fed by humans, they know how to get their own food and the food that they forage for is correct for them and their diet. When they eat human food, it can upset their whole diet.

When wild animals get fed by humans, they lose their fear of humans and not everyone is going to be as friendly as those people. They get to like being fed and then when winter rolls around and no one comes out to feed them, they starve to death.

Feeding them causes them to go to where humans are and they get killed or worse, by cars, etc. Or when deer season comes around, they'll be nicely fattened up and easy targets. Very often when wild animals become nuisances (and they will after being fed by humans), they have to be killed to "protect" humans.

In every wilderness area there are tons of signs posted "please don't feed the animals". There are very good reasons for those signs and they apply to everyone.

I know people think it's cute, but an animal starving to death or being hit by a car is not.
Picture of sheryeberye2 achievements

+2 72. sheryeberye commented 15 years ago

11 days til deer season!!! Can't wait!!!
Picture of dgrenier1 achievements

+2 73. dgrenier commented 15 years ago

Hey daisylynn from comment #22: You are correct we should not be givingb these deer handouts. They should be working for their own food. If the well was to dry up, they would starve. How dare these people spoil them and make them dependant and lazy. Whats next? Cash for new hooves? Illigal immigration into greener pastures? Free healthcare at the nearest vet?
Picture of flukedog20022 achievements

+2 74. flukedog2002 commented 15 years ago

My great-great-grand father brought a male whitetail fawn home after killing the mother doe during a hunt in Franklin, NC in the 1890's. The fawn was raised as a pet on their mountain top farm. At age three, the now mature buck went into 'rut', and apparently perceived my ancestor as a threat. The buck pinned him against an apple tree and gored him to death with his antlers. Wild animals are just that... wild. Look, but don't touch!
Picture of grannypeggy93 achievements

+2 75. grannypeggy9 commented 15 years ago

i love this video, the best i've seen in quite a while, thanks so much
Picture of mdr51720003 achievements

+2 76. mdr5172000 commented 15 years ago

This is so cool. I would love to be able to do this. We don't have any deer that tame around here.
Picture of Brandy01264 achievements

+2 77. Brandy0126 commented 15 years ago

While I would like to think that having deer to breakfast would be fun and sweet and safe, I agree with comment #68 and think that it's safer for everybody including the animals not to place food in such close proximity to humans - it desensitizes the animals to danger from humans and causes humans to think they are "tame". Wild animals are not tame - they are WILD and they need to stay wild for their own protection - and ours.

As Tabstar pointed out in comment #68, many people feed bears too, and most of us have seen articles about how dangerous THAT can be....bears sometimes have to be put down because they associate food with humans and if you don't feed them, they get mad and hurt you...and alligators (especially those that have been hand-fed) have been known to eat dogs and humans (all sizes).

Humans can be food to carnivores. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking you're safe because you're human, because you could be dinner on that creature's menu. And the size of the human means nothing - I have a video of an alligator who was caught and cut open and a part of a man was found inside, from the top of the thigh down, including the foot, and studies dedeuced that the man was approximately 6/2" tall when eaten. So don't think you're safe around critters.

Deer are generally perceived to be gentle and calm in temperament, but have you ever seen deer in mating season? Not so! They can be quite fierce, so stay out of trouble and stay away from deer in the wild, unless you're hunting them, of course.

Love ya, mean it!
Picture of ceedub771 achievements

+1 78. ceedub77 commented 15 years ago

I agree with so many of the postings about feeding wild animals, plus, petting the deer and then eating the toast without washing her hands. Living in KS and having parents along with family members who are farmer/ranchers, I have firsthand knowledge of the destruction deer cause to crops along with trees! There are too many people who think wild animals are cute and want to feed them so that they will come closer to their home.

My husband had a former co-worker who built a new home in a developing area, noticed raccoons and started feeding them so that his granddaughter could see them up close. He told him about the destruction 'coons will create to enter a building where they know food is stored. They use their claws to rip off siding and anything else to get inside.
Picture of kfoster1 achievements

+1 79. kfoster commented 15 years ago

enjoyed the video and do agree about not feeding wild animals.
It was fun to watch tho. Also being from Kansas normally view deer from afar and have my camera for kodak moments :)
give it an 8 (eight)!
Picture of tapay1 achievements

+1 80. tapay commented 15 years ago

:) We graze the deer and elk on our ranch but I have never seen anything so cute or tame for a wild animal
Picture of rking1 achievements

+1 81. rking commented 15 years ago

That's what I would love to be able to do when my husband and I retire.
Have us a place where animals can come to breakfast with you.
What a wonderful video!
Picture of 4x4girl1 achievements

+1 82. 4x4girl commented 15 years ago

I thought it was cute but aren't deer covered in ticks? Perhaps they only are where I live! I wouldn't want them on my property leaving ticks around. Feeding of wildlife is ofcourse bad too.
Picture of Guanyin2 achievements

+1 83. Guanyin commented 15 years ago


Feeding wildlife does them more harm than good. For one thing they start trusting humans and not all humans are nice. For more reasons see this article from the Humane Society of the U.S.-

Please be aware! :'(
Picture of mom2wlim1 achievements

+1 84. mom2wlim commented 15 years ago you people not realize that these deer are probably raised in a pen? My father has raised whitetail deer for close to 25yrs. We have over 75+. The first ones that we raised came from the game commission when the mothers were killed by cars or farmers found the babies w/no mothers in sight. Depending on how they are raised they can be a pet just like a dog. If they are bottle fed from birth, which is sometimes necessary then usually they will be just as tame as a dog! The more time you put into them the more tame they would become! Most of the deer we have now were raised w/in our pen by their own mothers so they are not as tame as the ones we had got early on!! Some run away at the sight of us and others will run right to us! The one deer we call Jealous b/c she is so jealous of anyone else that comes around my dad! As for the lime is a problem in the area we live in...however where my parents raise these deer at we have never seen a deer tick! That is just a bad name for the tick. We have never over all these years found ticks on our deer and my dad is the pen w/them everyday!
Picture of tswill21 achievements

+1 85. tswill2 commented 15 years ago

In Texas, they raise deer for profit on some ranchs. They feed them daily, and harvest $ from hunters to use their blinds and reap their venison. This is a business. The deer are just like a flock of goats or sheep that will be turned into hides and mutton at some point. These are not Bambi type wild cartoon deer, they are a crop. I've fed chickens and eaten their eggs and drumsticks and it's the same situation. Do vegans ever think about the way a tomato plant might feel about having its fruit turned into sandwich fillings? I doubt it... :D
Picture of marylandgranny2 achievements

+1 86. marylandgranny commented 15 years ago

To answer 11 & 14....if they are anything like the deer in our yard, it's bird seed. Every day we fill the feeder and in the morning it's empty. We decided to stay up late one evening to catch the moochers on was a family of deer. We've never attempted what these kind folks are doing. It is really nice but again, it's not a good thing for the deer who have obviously become dependent on the hand-outs here and think humans mean food...when hunting season comes, it's all over for them. Also, these folks are elderly....what will the deer do once they're gone? I'd hate to think they'd have trouble adjusting to fending for themselves.

There is a park my husband and I like to stroll through where this goes on with squirrels, birds & ducks. All the elderly come with their bags of peanuts and sit on benches and quickly are surrounded by the hungry critters. Ever see Home Alone in NY with the bird lady? That's about the size of it. LOL
Picture of AnnMarie2 achievements

0 87. AnnMarie commented 15 years ago

Okay, I am going to be the spoiler here.

I was DISGUSTED with that video. Those animals are supposed to be WILD. Feeding them in such a manner endangers their health and safety, as well as the health and safety of the humans.

I love to watch deer in the wild. Seeing deer feed in the field with my aunt's horses was a highlight of my vacation at the farm. But this? Reminds me of the deer feeding we went to back in college... 500 deer in less than a ten square mile area. Too many deer, too much damage, disease running rampant, and the animals losing their natural fear of humans.

Sorry, but that video goes on my shit list.
Picture of zoey1231 achievements

-2 88. zoey123 commented 15 years ago

Shoot em!
Picture of Belinda1 achievements

+1 89. Belinda commented 15 years ago

I thought the video was awesome.I'm from Minn. and I have no problem with people feeding the deer here.There are winters here that are so cold and snow very deepand it's hard for the deer to find food. So with the lack of food they starve and get weak and can't take good care of there young ones. And plus they don't have the energy to run from the ones that are hunting them and I don't mean humans I mean the packs of wolfs!!!! There was one winter here where there was a lot of snow on the ground and ditch's full of icy water. It was 20 to 30 below most of the winter and I seen deer standing up dead with there legs frozen in the ice in the ditch's. If they could of found more food they most likely would of had the strengh to keep moving. But with the lack of food they couldn't keep going they gave up. So I don't see any thing wrong with this video. They are people with big hearts and care not just for people but for the wild life around them also.
Picture of nhrafan2 achievements

+1 90. nhrafan commented 15 years ago

Does have the most tender meat. Roll the backstrap in milk and flour. Put some seasoning on the meat and pan fry. MMMMMM good. I filled my doe tag this year.
Picture of unbelievable1 achievements

+3 91. unbelievable commented 15 years ago

Just like people to take a sweet video, argue about it, and politicize it. Can't people just take it for what it is - humans and wildlife interacting? And then some of the comments by hunters on here made me consider how lucky humans are to be at the top of the food chain and how ironic it would be if the situations were reversed. What if we were second from top on the food chain? Would we be so callous and high and mighty when whatever was above us on the food chain started talking about its ok to start killing 40 of those pesky damn humans because there's too many of them, they get in our way and ruin our plants as they forage for food?
Picture of dollady492 achievements

+1 92. dollady49 commented 15 years ago

All you deer hunters make me sick... you call yourself hunters. The real hunters where the Indians; they hunted Game Fairly; todays hunters cheat. You fix your little apple piles; hang your feeders; and then you sit on your sorry butts; and wait for the poor deer to come in; so you can shoot them. I wish they had guns when they came in to your Traps; so they could shoot you all. Deer are not that overly Populated; the human race is; due to this they are driving what few deer we have out of their Habitats. When they are all destroyed; what is going to be your Cheating Sport then?
I loved this video; it is idiots like you hunters that I could care less for. God made wildlife for us to enjoy; but sometimes the food supply for these animals is slim; so God makes a way for them to be taken care of; BY Us Humans!! The Bible says that man will destroy himself; that, he is doing. Once he kills out what little wildlife we have; what are you going to hunt then?
Those poor deers hit your cars on purpose; right!! Hitting a dear is ignorance on people's part; not the deers. People should be more aware by now of deer; they have no leaves on the tree's in the winter; so they wander out to the sides of the road to graze. How many of you did not know this; and to always be aware at night of this?? When you see a Deer at night; Dim your lights; Slow down; give him time to adjust his sight back, after you have blinded him with those Bright Lights. If you do this you are less likely to hit one of those Beautiful Animals. That is what I do; and I haven't hit; or been hit by one yet; an I have been driving for 40 years.
Picture of donna462 achievements

+1 93. donna46 commented 15 years ago

this is so amazing . and cute :)
Picture of deerhuntress1 achievements

0 94. deerhuntress commented 15 years ago

While I do NOT agree with feeding any wild animal as the couple is doing in this video, this comment is not about that but rather towards those that have made incorrect comments about hunters.

It's sad to see how ignorant people can be about hunting. It's easy to say that "all" deer hunters, except the Indians, bait the deer, sit in heated hunting boxes, talk about how terrible it is for the hunters to kill the deer, etc, etc, etc...

Here's the truth, there are hunters that are not ethical and do all of that stuff but those are a minority in comparison to the true hunters. If you know any of these types of hunters you would know that you have to actual track the deer, determine where they bed and feed, learn when and where they move and then find a place to hunt where the deer won't see them. You either have to hide yourself in the brush in blinds or climb high up in a tree (20 or so feet) and then sit in sometimes EXTREMELY cold weather for hours waiting and hoping that a deer will come out of the woods.

Years ago my husband leased a large amount of timber land for hunting. There were an overabundance of deer and a good portion of them were malnourished. We made food plots (source of natural food that was scarce due to the overpopulation), set out salt licks (source of minerals that assists them during the summer because the salt helps them retain water) and put out deer feeders full of natural deer food such as corn (ever notice how deer love corn fields?). This said, the food plots give them food for the winter and where we hunt it's illegal to hunt baited deer. Since we began this management some 15 years ago the health of the deer have improved tremendously. We also carefully harvest the deer and by doing so we keep the population under control. How many of you against deer hunting can say that you have done anything close to that to assure the healthy existence of any deer population?

Now, before I get off of my soapbox I have one more thing to ask the anti-hunters. Do you eat chicken, pork, cow or fish??? How can you condemn hunters for naturally harvesting a food source when you go to the store and buy meat that has been fed and injected with steroids, for the most part have no free roaming, and then lined up in a slaughter house waiting for their turn to be chopped up? How different is that from an unethical hunter hunting baited deer? I think people relate cows, pigs, chicken and fish as a source of food but only think of deer as sweet, precious animals (which they are but they are also a great source of food that is very low in fat and is listed on the "OK to eat" list for people that have had a heart attack whereas a cow is very off limits).

Sorry this is so long but people need to be educated on what hunting is really about.
Picture of I_veSeenEnufDeer3 achievements

+1 95. I_veSeenEnufDeer commented 15 years ago

The fact of the matter is, that YES, deer are a danger to humans, especially if you are driving your car. I almost had a deer hit my car several years ago, he went right OVER the TOP of my car!
That darn mean spirited employee at the nursery claimed it was cuz I was driving too fast! He said that's why people always hit deer. That's totally false! I was going 30 mph on a road that was well traveled by many of the horse owners in our area.

You wanna hit a deer when you are hauling your horses in a truck??

I can only imagine what a disaster that would be? I know for a fact that deer can total a car, cuz one of my friend's had hers totaled when we were teens. Lucky she was alive really!

No.. the hunters serve a good purpose when they thin out the herds of deer! Plus you are forgetting all the diseases animals can carry!

If we are FORCED to give our dogs rabies vaccines every year, then I see no right to be able to feed deer in populated areas!
I'm starting to hate the deer now! Cuz I realize these darn bucks could well end my life, without warning!
This is so unfair!
Picture of I_veSeenEnufDeer3 achievements

+1 96. I_veSeenEnufDeer commented 15 years ago

Alot of people have good valid points here.. "
Wow.. poster, my jaw dropped open when I read this! I have neighbors RIGHT next door who are INSISTENT on feeding the deer on a daily basis now. The stupid neighbor wants to get a collection of antlers so he's feeding them religiously.
I had my car bashed into last year by the deer when it was sitting right in front of our front porch. They almost hit the gas tank too! Whew..
Now, today, I get up and there's a HUGE BUCK with at least a 8 point rack standing in my front yard! I screamed at him to get off our property!
I keep wondering why our dogs are barking like crazy in the last few weeks! Now I think I know why! I suddenly heard our pets' bark change in tone, like they'd seen something sinister outside. Sure enough, look outside and there's a 8 point buck standing in my neighbor's yard!
Now they got a fence in their yard, but we do not! I'm scared to even step out on the front door!
How am I going to get to my vehicle? Hope & pray the buck doesn't come after me? There's NOTHING to stop him! I cannot even be allowed to shoot these animals as we are in the city limits.
Hey, if you come to Asheville, NC, make sure you don't drive around! Even in the city limits, as that's where they do not allow guns.. but they got some stupid state law supposedly saying that people are allowed to feed the deer.
Funny, but when we contacted the local animal control, they told us, that if it was a nuisance, then it could well be deemed illegal. This ain't no nuisance, this is a hazard to people's safety & lives if what you are saying is true,

"My great-great-grand father brought a male whitetail fawn home after killing the mother doe during a hunt in Franklin, NC in the 1890's. The fawn was raised as a pet on their mountain top farm. At age three, the now mature buck went into 'rut', and apparently perceived my ancestor as a threat. The buck pinned him against an apple tree and gored him to death with his antlers. Wild animals are just that... wild. Look, but don't touch!"

WHAT am I supposed to do now? The state won't take ANY action whatsoever against these people, so we have to live in fear til when?? when do deer stop coming around? Especially if you got someone nearby feeding them? Don't do any good to talk to them. They are hell-bent on turning their backyard into some kind of deer diner!
Later for this! People who do this are idiots! You wanna see deer, move out to the country.. don't do this kind of stuff next to peoples' homes!
Like you say... deer ARE wild creatures. You never know what they are going to do. I even called the local nursery to see about deer repellent, and the darn employee told me it was COOL they were feeding the deer, as he did too!
My gosh.. I guess I won't be buying any more plants at their nursery, as what is the point? They are only going to get eaten up by the deer! I told him that feeding the deer was foolish and he started running his mouth off to me!! Wow.. tell me how much sense that makes really?
You work for a nursery, you have clients who have problems with deer in the city limits, and you're heralding the praises of some nitwit who INSISTS on feeding deer next to someone's house, when there's 8 point bucks coming around.
He was a BIG animal too, at least 3-4 feet at the shoulder! i doubt I could fight this animal off!
What am I supposed to do?
Picture of danlar2 achievements

+1 97. danlar commented 15 years ago

It is so nice to finally see people enjoying deer for their beauty and kindness instead of their taste....
Picture of the_observer1 achievements

+1 98. the_observer commented 15 years ago

while this is a nice video, and definitely has the "awwww factor", it is also wise to remember that this is most likely a "deer farm" on which deer are raised for a number of reasons, three of which are: to harvest their urine for the making of a bait for deer hunters; to provide a supply of animals to hunting preserves; and of course for the venison matter how "tame" a deer may become, it is highly unusual for that many deer to congregate in one place in the wild, which lends further credence to this video taking place on a commercial deer farm.
Picture of savetheanimals2 achievements

+2 99. savetheanimals commented 15 years ago

Picture of L-Roxwell7 achievements

+3 100. L-Roxwell commented 15 years ago

coexistence is a beautiful thing...and the answer
Picture of marmershelties1 achievements

+3 101. marmershelties commented 15 years ago

This was totally awesome. If I could get them to come to my picnic table, I would sure feed them. :D
Picture of I_veSeenEnufDeer3 achievements

-1 102. I_veSeenEnufDeer commented 15 years ago

Oh, my god! What is prion disease?

you can get TB from deer???? really, we have got deer poops all over the yard now from the neighbor feeding them!

What do I do? the landlord won't do squat, the police won't help me, the wildlife commission INSISTS it's OK to feed these deer!

can I contact the CDC and let them know of this development? We have a public park right near our street too! Good god.. could the little kids possibly get TB or Lyme disease if the deer are running around the park? I know they head down that way at times...... especially at night...
Picture of mhmhmh2 achievements

+3 103. mhmhmh commented 15 years ago

Truly amazing. They are such beautiful and sweet animals. Thanks for sharing the video!!!
Picture of adi031 achievements

+1 104. adi03 commented 14 years ago

Very cute- but also, looks like good old free advertising for a company (bed of the truck)... :(|)
Picture of floridaanimalove2 achievements

+1 105. floridaanimalove commented 14 years ago

I love this video, I only hope the people are being kind and not running a canned hunt camp!
Picture of Rigel36 achievements

+1 106. Rigel commented 14 years ago

holy shit the comments for this video blew my mind

i absolutely love how the first comment is "not controversial enough"
Picture of valinsk2 achievements

+1 107. valinsk commented 12 years ago

:) This was one of the best videos Ive seen. so cooly laid out, so casual in his helpings being doled out. The deer were skeptical but realized these are the good, kind humans...not the Bambi killers. Props to a great, cool couple. The deer picked up on the nice friendly vibes and God was happy to see his creatures co-exist as they should.
Picture of jfran491 achievements

+1 108. jfran49 commented 12 years ago

Can't believe how tame the deer were. Unbelievable. Must not be the first time those people had fed them. They were just like pets to them.
Picture of Automatic2 achievements

+1 109. Automatic commented 12 years ago

Yea sure they are doing the deer a disservice and all, but some of you people need to give these folks a break. Let them enjoy their elder years together as they please, I hunt and fish as well and i have a great respect for wildlife. I wouldn't do this type of thing myself but im not going to get a sandy crotch just because some folks are feeding deer! And disease carrying ticks don't just come from deer, you can pick them up just about anywhere and from any animal. I've dressed plenty of deer and i've never become sick from doing so. some of you guys need to pull that stick out from your butt.
Picture of Houseofgourds1 achievements

-1 110. Houseofgourds commented 12 years ago

I really do think thises actions are wrong. Yep, I love deer and think the video is "cute" but it truly harms the young deer!

IF these people think the deer are starving, it would be easy enough to scatter WIDELY corn, etc out in the wood for them to eat. Here the deer are beinng imprinted by the humans as safe and source of food.

We deal with wasting disease here in Wisconsin from people throwing out heaps of food for deer who all eat from the same pile and spread a virus that can kill them.

These deetr are now old enough to forage on their own and NEED to learn to find food. Sorry this video makes me sad.

Oh, by the way, I'm not a deer hugger. We eat venison all year but we do love to watch the deer in their natural surroundings.
Picture of hayonthego1 achievements

0 111. hayonthego commented 12 years ago

I know this seems cool but some of the comments against this are true. It is not for the good of a wild animal to feed them. They need to fend for themselves. It is against the law to feed wild animals in Colorado. Also, go to any national park, and they have signs everywhere telling you not to feed the wildlife. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but this video is not cool.
Picture of Oledihard4 achievements

0 112. Oledihard commented 12 years ago

:* This is what life is all about. Nature opens up the true self, expands the heart and mind, and always makes you feel good inside. We need more kindness in the world. Our children see only war, fighting and hate. How cn we expect them to grow-up as kind and good people if all they see around them is dark and ugly, evil and unkind?
:D Memories we look back on and never forget, are always associated with a lovable good hearted act. We don't remember the heat that day, or what we worn, what we remember is the wonderful feelings that grew inside us. Nature, animals, the wind, the rain, this makes that smile stick on our faces. This is what's real. A playful puppy, kitten, deer, or bird can bring the sadest soul to laughter. Our Creator gave us the wildlife, our job is to care for it and do our best to bring that love and laughter to others.
;) This video, although silent, says and shows us so much more. And I don't know about you all, but it's made my heart happy. Thank you all for that beautiful gift of real love and joy.
Picture of nananancy1 achievements

+1 113. nananancy commented 12 years ago

Can not get videos to play. What's the trick? ????
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 114. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago

#113 In order to watch our videos, you have to install Adobe Flash player. Also make sure that you have JavaScript enabled, which is enabled by default in most web browsers. Finally, Cookies should be enabled, which is also a default setting.
Picture of merrywriter1 achievements

-1 115. merrywriter commented 12 years ago

Why put the food on plates? Just put it on the edges of the table then swab down with straight bleach afterwards (and don't let humans eat off of it). And yes, there are lots of diseases these two people could get, but with the drought it is kind of them to help the deer. However one must also remain vigilant because any wild animal can suddenly turn wild.
Picture of brendasstar1 achievements

0 116. brendasstar commented 12 years ago

Not very wise. Not only is this unhealthy; it is bad for the deer. They need to be fearful of humans because of hunters.
Picture of Chuckles1 achievements

0 117. Chuckles commented 12 years ago

Not my original idea, but I like it:

"Isn’t it ironic that the food stamp program is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to please not feed the animals, because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.”
Picture of WileyReynard1 achievements

0 118. WileyReynard commented 12 years ago

Waht is the difference between this video and midwest deer?
Ans: Midwest deer have to eat the crops raw, without cooking.
It is only unethical if you teach the deer to cook.
How come no one is worried about hunters getting TB or Lyme diesease?
Picture of Kimarl2 achievements

0 119. Kimarl commented 12 years ago

Oh My !, We live in Tx and we have the SAME herd !! Our stand in our backyard and stare in the windows til,we come out with their treats! CORN, CORN.. They are very sweet and actually come when we call them. Up to 9..thank you so for making this video.. It is delightful!
Oh, by the way, our same deer also eat our roses and graze in our land way out back.. They also "disappear" during hunting season and return when it ends. Deer are a lot smarter than many people give them credit for. We know they are the same ones each year because of marking & behaviors. Big Mama has twins every year and introduces them to us.. We think all her buddies are her fawns. The boys come around rutting time only, yet they also are friendly to us. They know we are "safe" for them. They also leave when the wild boars and coyotes come around. They also change their schedules to protect themselves..they are amazing creatures..
Picture of missmom572 achievements

0 120. missmom57 commented 12 years ago

10:0 :D I love this, I think its great deer and humans can interact like this, this is how it should be!! they are a beautiful animal...God bless this couple!! 10 for me
Picture of cmela31 achievements

0 121. cmela3 commented 12 years ago

Folks, this is cute.. However our deer are covered in ticks. We do feed them
with a feeder and set up a motion activated camera to see them up close.. and what we see up close are a lot of ticks... and the potential for lyme disease which is not curable. The lady petting them and eating is insane.
Picture of Twoworldsdj2 achievements

0 122. Twoworldsdj commented 12 years ago

Lots of fun!! I am one of those "insane or crazy" people that deal with animals. The only ones I have contracted disease from are the humans.
Picture of austrianmommy1 achievements

+1 123. austrianmommy commented 12 years ago

Picture of Cherwood1 achievements

+1 124. Cherwood commented 12 years ago

You know, it's possible those are domestic deer. I know here in Oklahoma there are a lot of deer farms, and yes they DO feed their deer. Maybe not at the table, but they do feed them.
Picture of Killerado29 achievements

+1 125. Killerado commented 12 years ago

If you shoot one... you think the rest will come back? What's more meaningful... having some good meals or wildlife around you? Pretty obvious to me! Wildlife :) Nice Vid
Picture of taylor22 achievements

+1 126. taylor2 commented 12 years ago

so nice to see humans sharing food with wildlife!! we need more of this and texas wow! god's creatures can teach us so much-- how can we reach these folks? god bless them!
Picture of Mckade1 achievements

+1 127. Mckade commented 12 years ago

i think it is a nice video, yes they should consider what they are doing is right or wrong, but that choice is theirs. Also obviously they aren't the fist that the deer have come up to and possibly it is a nature reserve.Wild deer are not usually that sociable and would not usually walk up to a stranger so they must have already been associated with people.And considering even if it is a deer does not mean it has deer ticks on it, you could get the tick regardless weather or not petting a deer especially if living by a wooded area, you could get the tick from touching a tree or picking up something from the ground.Also unlike predators deer don't need to salvage food or hunt it because they mostly dine on grass and other wild plants.
Picture of RockYouOn2 achievements

+1 128. RockYouOn commented 12 years ago

Can't believe all the negative comments but then again, it's the internet which draws all kinds just like you meet in every day life rather it be road rage or thugs that home invade or robbery of any kind, Not to mention the ones that actually will adopt a puppy only to chain it to a tree without water and no medical attention or love..... This couple is true meaning of what it means to love animals and appreciate what is given.
Shame on the negative and hateful comments.
Picture of Patriot-Games1 achievements

0 129. Patriot-Games commented 12 years ago

These people are actually helping to kill these deer.

In removing their fear of people, the deer will be easy targets for hunters and will wander near people where they will be killed by traffic and land owners.

This meal is also one less meal that they will have to learn to forage on their own. Repeated feedings could actually result in the deer eventually starving.