An engineer's guide to cat yodeling

A technical tutorial for cat yodeling :)
See also An engineer's guide to cats.

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Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+5 1. irishgek commented 15 years ago

Oh the end is great , well done guys for this one
Picture of danbopes36 achievements
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-14 2. danbopes commented 15 years ago

Any1 know how I can get in contact with one of the webmasters/admins?

I want to help out, and possibly make the comments ajax and stuff, if they would be willing.
Picture of hihahihaho21 achievements

-4 3. hihahihaho commented 15 years ago

poor cats :'( :P
Picture of Big-Paul9 achievements

+3 4. Big-Paul commented 15 years ago

I know this sounds terribly cliched, but it was "Purrrrrrfect" LOL :D :) ;)
Picture of ardiani13 achievements
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-12 5. ardiani commented 15 years ago

Picture of asemanden29 achievements

+2 6. asemanden commented 15 years ago

lol anyone who has a cat can appreciate the humour in this...i love it!
Picture of nparadiso12 achievements

+12 7. nparadiso commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) Don't be offended, but you're a fag. :)
Picture of NathaneM40 achievements

+1 8. NathaneM commented 15 years ago

Now I know... gotta go buy a cat. >:)
Picture of wyvern197824 achievements

+8 9. wyvern1978 commented 15 years ago

for a deeper yoddle try using a lion or tiger... =]
Picture of Louie19 achievements

+3 10. Louie commented 15 years ago

Great vid, my cat was right here and gave me a "Don't even think about it look". #(removed comment) I've never had a dose of the clap so I wouldn't know how funny that was. :D
Picture of wtwutao198817 achievements

0 11. wtwutao1988 commented 15 years ago

Oh God, just crazy :D
Picture of blackisotope13 achievements
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-12 12. blackisotope commented 15 years ago

#7 I'm not offended, and you're a witless idiot. :D
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

+4 13. MsZoomy commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) when I say I hate cats, I don't mean it in the literal sense, but more of "I'm a dog person" sort of way.
I love all animals and don't wish intnetional harm on any of them, even cats.
It's pretty sad and pathetic that you would run down a helpless, innocent animal in your truck. Does that make you feel like more of a man?

To sad really.

Next time you're in Oz, ask the wizard for a new heart, right after you request a new dick, since obviously yours is so small that you feel the need to express your manliness in other outwardly means, hence the 4X4 truck I assume
Picture of blackisotope13 achievements
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-18 14. blackisotope commented 15 years ago

#13 When I say I hate cats, I mean it in the literal sense. Rather in the same way that I hate cockroaches, double-glazing salesmen, Jehova's Witnesses and Moderators.

I find it pretty sad and pathetic that morons such as yourself get such a kick out of policing sites. It probably makes you feel important and provides that glimmer of respect which no doubt evades you in real life.

Next time you go out shopping for your mommy, ask the grocer for some milk to rub on your little weeny. It won't make it grow any bigger, but it'll give your cat something to lick off, and provide your sister (the only girl ever to see you naked) with a bit of a giggle.
Picture of Louie19 achievements

-1 15. Louie commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) Guess you didn't see the MS part of #14's message huh?! And I'm sorry, I didn't know that the clap would make people so angry, must be tough. Hope you feel better. >:)
Picture of Cifer27 achievements

+3 16. Cifer commented 15 years ago

ah damn - why do i have to be allergic to cats :'(
Picture of richardhalo20 achievements

+2 17. richardhalo commented 15 years ago

Excelent video!!!
Picture of Izverg27 achievements

-3 18. Izverg commented 15 years ago

i hate cats :(
Picture of joka23244 achievements

+1 19. joka232 commented 15 years ago

That was great :)
Picture of Joeyy12 achievements

+1 20. Joeyy commented 15 years ago

OMG that was funny as hell
Picture of MsZoomy34 achievements

+3 21. MsZoomy commented 15 years ago

#15 thanks for the backup!! 2 Monkey Heads for you
:(|) :(|)

Even as a moderator, I'm still, believe it or not, entitled to my opinion, WOW, imagine that!!
I don't "police" sites, and if I was searcing for kicks I'd just ban certain people who irritate me or delete their comments and it would be like you never exsisted.

p.s I wonder how you know about that milk/cat trick and if that has anything do with you having the clap?
Picture of mmaureenm2 achievements

+3 22. mmaureenm commented 15 years ago

Well, too bad for those who miss out on the fun cats and pets in general can be. We're on our fifth cat in about twenty years, and we wouldn't live without them. Too bad for you, #(removed comment). It takes a lot of brain space harboring all that anger and hostility. Doesn't leave any room for love. Does explain "stupid" though :(|) . Not enough brain space. I pity your mom and girlfriend, and especially your kids. You'll just make more dummies like yourself.

Oh, about the video... That was the funniest cat video I've seen yet. Laughed till I cried! Keep it up, guys, Love to see more!
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+4 23. irishgek commented 15 years ago

Omg What a sad little man #(removed comment) he goes to all that trouble of using such big words and using his pea brain to not only insult people who dont like killing animals [i think i speak for most people here on this one] he then picks on the poor mod , who is guilty of nothing. In short please go back to what ever hole you crept out of.
Picture of Jahoo31 achievements

+4 24. Jahoo commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) and #14 Should be removed, not because anyone is offended by a retardeds actions on the internet. But rather because it will make him very very angry.
Picture of goo37 achievements

-3 25. goo commented 15 years ago

the worst video
Picture of cannnobaL21 achievements

-3 26. cannnobaL commented 15 years ago

how creepy can you get, lame vid
Picture of zf140 achievements

+1 27. zf1 commented 15 years ago

blackisotope, you have some serious issues. play nice or your asking to get banned. thats warning one.
Picture of Alessa27 achievements

0 28. Alessa commented 15 years ago

i like cats ^^ (but this vid' was a little bit boring, too long in my opinion ;) )
Picture of Slap_chop_ninja36 achievements

+3 29. Slap_chop_ninja commented 15 years ago

#24 then when he gets to the peak of his anger and annoyance, we should pick him up and shake him. Try an make him yodel and film him. :(|)
Picture of JerryD14 achievements

+1 30. JerryD commented 15 years ago

#21 '...that milk/cat trick..' oh! So that what it is about, he got rejected by the cats!
But to be serious. All about killing animals (...flattened three...)is an indication of very low respect of living beings. Next step is to be pissed off on a kid by some reason and run him over due to a certain habit ... :(
Picture of thomsi1417 achievements

0 31. thomsi14 commented 15 years ago

lol i just found out what to do next week.. ill search you go the where ever you live and run you over with a monster truck.. im kinda like you and not like you at all, you see. i run cat haters over and i have a target of atleast 8 every week .. too bad its getting so hard not many left where i live.. see you next week blackisotope ;)
Picture of Teqskater32 achievements

+1 32. Teqskater commented 15 years ago

Funny, relaxed video. I love it. And i love cats :D . And im thankfull there are admins and moderators. Without them some sites would be a complete mess and there would be to much idiots around like the "child" that posted comment #(removed comment) and #14 who obviously has a problem.
Picture of surfagirl4 achievements

+2 33. surfagirl commented 15 years ago

Highly amusing and yet so very instructional. More. We must have more. :D
Picture of ottdragongirl1 achievements

0 34. ottdragongirl commented 15 years ago

I think the actions shown on this video border on animal abuse and are not at all funny.

I wonder what the ASPCA would think of it.
Picture of Sensen10 achievements

0 35. Sensen commented 15 years ago

This is really well done, and I love the humour. You can also tell that they really love their cats. As far as bordering on abusive, I say not even close. The worse thing those cats are suffering from in the video is annoyance. Speaking as someone who would be the first in line to pound on anyone that hurt a cat or dog.
Picture of blackisotope13 achievements

0 36. blackisotope commented 15 years ago

"blackisotope, you have some serious issues. play nice or your asking to get banned. thats warning one."

Yawn. Gosh, you really got me worried there tit1.

What do you do in 'real life' eh? Traffic Warden? Volunteer Policeman? Territorial Army? Boy Scout Leader? LOL!

Get back to me when you have something humorous to say which doesn't come out of The Moderator's Big Dummies Guide to Smart Replies. :D
Picture of CowGirlsDontCry3 achievements

0 37. CowGirlsDontCry commented 15 years ago

i am still paying for that by my cat! lol :D
Picture of VeroLynne2 achievements

0 38. VeroLynne commented 15 years ago

So glad to see you guys back again -- but my cat was very annoyed. Priceless stuff -- you're headed for the big time. "Love you, love you. kiss kiss kiss!!" [yodel]
Picture of photophatty677 achievements

0 39. photophatty67 commented 15 years ago

You guys are too clever! I had a good laugh over this!

Wish I had a cat to mildly annoy... ;)
Picture of Katz3 achievements

0 40. Katz commented 15 years ago

You are an asshole and this video is aweful. Give the cats to someone who will treat them well. Sad, you have to do this, to get your face on the internet. Get a job!