Stupid Criminals

And also the happiest ever :D

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Picture of WildMonkey32 achievements
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-6 1. WildMonkey commented 15 years ago

Well at least the one in the passenger side could go in to the adult film industry...damn!
Picture of Smokey44 achievements

+13 2. Smokey commented 15 years ago

"put ch'you'r hands up, bitch.....put your hands up" 2:40 That is one crazzy bitch. Halla
Picture of silly_sy43 achievements

+9 3. silly_sy commented 15 years ago

jesus! she dont half talk fast 03:31
the drivers so f**kin stupid!!
Picture of influenza33 achievements

+5 4. influenza commented 15 years ago

:D :'( :D

she looks excited
:D :D :D

:D :D :'( :D
ok... shut up...
>:) >:)
Picture of FakeYou31 achievements

+9 5. FakeYou commented 15 years ago

Why do they even allow baiting? It's such a stupid thing, I mean it's like then WANT people to be criminals. These women surely wouldn't have done a similar thing if it wasn't shoved in to their faces.

In my country it's illegal for law enforcement to do such a thing, because it puts innocent people in situations in which they might do stupid things while, in a normal situation, they would never do such a thing.

Worst thing about it, is that they make a whole tv-show around it.
Picture of snoops6 achievements
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-13 6. snoops commented 15 years ago

#5 I agree.

Stealing is obviously against the law, but baiting with unlocked doors and keys in the ignition is unfair. The bait car should be locked and.or keyless. Anyone who leaves a car like that is asking for it to be stolen irl.
Picture of h8isgr828 achievements

-4 7. h8isgr8 commented 15 years ago

#5 & #6, you are both complete fvcking morons.

"Shoved in their faces"... "unfair"..... you have got to be kidding me.

They deserve whatever charges they ended up with.
Picture of shayangx43 achievements

+9 8. shayangx commented 15 years ago

If it seems to good to be probably is..
Picture of FakeYou31 achievements

-4 9. FakeYou commented 15 years ago

#7 Imagine this:

You're walking on the street and you find a 100 dollar bill. You pick it up and decide to keep it, for what ever reason. You continue your walking and next thing you know there's a policeman arresting you for theft for that 100 dollar bill.

Do you think you deserve to be charged for the theft of that 100 dollar bill?
Picture of joeman74 achievements

+9 10. joeman commented 15 years ago

#5... whwaaa?
Innocent? 00:39
This aint their first rodeo...
Picture of tastytim39 achievements
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-12 11. tastytim commented 15 years ago

The use of baiting by the police force is completely wrong.
They would have never stolen a locked car.
Its the same with the show about the pedophiles, if a bait didn't give them a place to meet most of them would have never done anything
Picture of tastytim39 achievements
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-13 12. tastytim commented 15 years ago

The use of baiting by the police force is completely wrong.
They would have never stolen a locked car.
Its the same with the show about the pedophiles, if a bait didn't give them a place to meet most of them would have never done anything
Picture of englishgent5 achievements
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-11 13. englishgent commented 15 years ago

any normal person would not take a car regardless if it was unlocked as for #9's comment if you find $100 on the floor and got arrested you deserve what you get cos at the end of the day, that is stealing
Picture of shayangx43 achievements

+9 14. shayangx commented 15 years ago


You cant actually compare that with pedophiles..
The car isnt asking to be stolen. While the "children" in the pedophile-case were "willing".
Either way its wrong..Just because its easier to steal something it doesnt mean it should be stolen or it is ok to take.
Picture of Th3Lurker33 achievements
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-5 15. Th3Lurker commented 15 years ago

I hope this is fake cause this is the US and they could have packed heat and a shoot-out was possible.
Picture of dave919145 achievements

+8 16. dave9191 commented 15 years ago

#9 If you find a $100 dollar bill you should return to the owner, but if that isn't possible then it's your lucky day. Say you see someone drop it, pick it up and give it to them. But if its just there on the street, then it will get blown away and someone else will have it - so it might as well be yours.

But if you find a car on the street, you don't drive away in it. Most people will walk right by. Others might call the police and let them know. And only the criminals will go for it and steal it. And this is a nice way to teach the criminals a lesson. If they can't tell sting cars and regular cars apart, they might just decide that stealing cars isn't worth it and stop. And that reduces overall crime in the area.
Picture of makbeth36 achievements
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-11 17. makbeth commented 15 years ago

This is entrapment. These women cant be prosecuted. Bottom line, you cant prove criminal intent. The intent lies with the officers, all video evidence is inadmisable in court, they really have no case. The police had determined their crime before they knew they were going to commit it. This is just another one of those "made for tv" crime shows.
Picture of mikethezipper21 achievements

+8 18. mikethezipper commented 15 years ago

I'm sorry, but it is retarded to compare cash with a car. A car which has been registered BELONGS to somebody, that is why it is registered in their name. Cash is liquid, it does not belong to you, it is just in your possession. If you drop a $100, it isn't yours anymore.
Picture of funkyging22 achievements

+15 19. funkyging commented 15 years ago

Im shocked by the amount of peope lthat say, oh its not there fault, they were baited.

Stealing is stealing no matter the case. A large part of it is about your concience and what is morally wrong. IF you see a car with the keys, you check for ID, if theres none you phone the police and wait for them to arrive.

Hell if i found couple of hundred pounds i would still turn it into the police. that shit isnt mine, for all you know it could be for a mum whos saved up for months to get her kid a nice toy

You all know its wrong taking things that arent yours and you should be ashamed if you think otherwise
Picture of Gringo_el_Diablo45 achievements
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-9 20. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago

This has nothing to do with wither they are criminals or not!
It's about the State getting $$$$$
Everyone on this show 'AIN'T' doesn't even know what a "CHOP SHOP" is! >:)
Picture of canihascheezburg15 achievements

+4 21. canihascheezburg commented 15 years ago

Holy crap she can lie. That is way better then me lol. Also #1 that is disgusting.
Picture of soggybee35 achievements

+3 22. soggybee commented 15 years ago

Vicky Pollard impression @03:32
Picture of Jahoo31 achievements

+6 23. Jahoo commented 15 years ago

#12 The predator shows are a good thing, if they don't find these pervs, some kid might, which is what these shows try to prevent.

There is no such thing as baiting, just poor judgement and lack of willpower.
Picture of LisaColorado13 achievements

+9 24. LisaColorado commented 15 years ago

5. In my country you don't get into a car that isn't yours.
Picture of eNdEmiOn0646333 achievements
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-11 25. eNdEmiOn06463 commented 15 years ago

All of you saying baiting is OK, piss off. First of all police should serve not test people if they will do the right ting or not. Then there is this thing called poverty many people have to deal with. If you have a hard time keeping a roof above ur head and getting food perspectives change (steal from the rich give to the poor, anyone?).
Picture of smodd23 achievements

+5 26. smodd commented 15 years ago

#9 Your crazy man you cant compare Law in my country you have to return money to the police if after 3 days the ppl dont go to the police department saying and claiming the exact amount of cash day and time where was lost then you can have it ...its yours...

In other thoughs if you steal here 250 dollars or more is jail if is less you go to sign a book every week to check your status for about 4 or less years...

So stealing something like a car is jail for sure ...

And to tastytim saying is pushing thing out ...your a pedophile candidate 4 sure...
Picture of Kurisusan30 achievements

+9 27. Kurisusan commented 15 years ago

Everybody saying that these people dont deserve this, probably would take the car too.

Criminals deserve to be punished. You wouldnt be saying the exact same stupid thing if your car were stolen by those two crazy *ladies*
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

-4 28. irishgek commented 15 years ago

Ok let me say this in shot think about it all the people saying its unfair ...

If your not a low life criminal or just plain dumb you have too very simple options be a basterd and walk away turn a blind eye or Call the police and tell them the story and wait with the car untill they come if you want to be that good about it ,

And another thing man those women are totally unfit i mean theres panting because your scared but by the looks of them there out of breath just from running in to a car fast or sommething
Picture of h8isgr828 achievements

+9 29. h8isgr8 commented 15 years ago

#9, My apologize......

I forgot that 100 dollars bills can be registered to their owners, and that people can accidentally drop their vehicles.
Picture of redcartheif5 achievements
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-9 30. redcartheif commented 15 years ago

Isn't entrapment illegal?
Picture of JaeMarie37 achievements

+9 31. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago

#30 "Entrapment - In criminal law, entrapment is when a law enforcement agent induces a person to commit an offense which the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit." Note that the cops would have to be intentionally causing a law abiding citizen to do something they would NOT likely otherwise do.

If an undercover cop TOLD those girls to take the car and they did, THEN arrested them for it, THAT is entrapment.

If an undercover cop posing as a prostitute APPROACHES someone walking down the street and PRESSURES them into purchasing her services, THAT is entrapment.

If an undercover cop looks up registered sex offenders and sends an underage looking person to their home and has that underage looking person PROPOSITION the sex offender, THAT is entrapment.

To leave a car on the street with the keys in it is not CAUSING a normal, law abiding citizen to do ANYTHING they wouldn't already be willing to do. A dear friend of mine lost his car last year because of that exact scenario. He was in a hurry to catch a bus, parked his car, and missed the fact he'd left his keys inside. Does that mean he's guilty of coercing someone into stealing his car?

Final thing. To those that think your financial situation decides your morality, you're sadly mistaken. I've lived below the poverty level for many years and have yet to steal a car, rob a bank, or mug someone. What little I may have in possessions, I've worked my tail off and saved money for. Lack of money doesn't forgive lack of morals.
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+9 32. huldu commented 15 years ago

Well the cops should have let them drive the car to its "destination". I bet they would have found some fun stuff there.
Picture of joeman74 achievements

+3 33. joeman commented 15 years ago

Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do to or for you, then grab the initiative and do it to or for them.
Picture of fixento232 achievements
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-9 34. fixento2 commented 15 years ago

Everybody has a price, even the pious and cops, so climb down from the morals pillar. The LA sheriff is class profiling by encouraging people to steal the SUV in an area where incomes are low. This law inforcement agnency is doing nothing to prevent or solve crime by encouraging someone to steal. In fact they are generating crime, which is stupid. They are out for the adrenaline rush and obviously lack common sense. The voters need to select a new sheriff and quit wasting resources. Perhaps a new name for this TV show should be "The Dumb and Dumber" aired for people with no lives.
Picture of andreas081638 achievements
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-7 35. andreas0816 commented 15 years ago

I don't like the Bait idea either.
Not because these women have been "cheated" into stealing a car.
I just think the police has enough crimes to solve without generating new ones...
Picture of joeman74 achievements

+4 36. joeman commented 15 years ago

Mike Chitwood, Chief of Police for the City of Daytona Beach, FL.
"John Q Public doesn't climb into bait cars.

"We are talking about people who have been arrested time and time again. Everybody we've arrested with a bait car has had an extensive criminal record. In the history of the bait car program we have never arrested a cherry [someone without a prior arrest].

"If it's you or me, we see a car with the keys in the ignition; we think 'Who was that idiot who left his car running?' but we don't take it. Career criminals? These guys who are just waiting around for an opportunity to commit a crime, that's who this technology targets.

"I find it amazing that we are even having this entrapment discussion. There is no doubt in my mind that if the bait cars weren't there, these guys would be out stealing cars. We caught a guy who had 92 arrests. If he's been caught that many times, how many crimes is he getting away with?

"People say we are creating temptation, but I don't know if I believe that. If you know your city and know the crime patterns in your city why would you not do this? Why would you not attack that issue? This is a situation of policing smarter, not harder. Thirty percent of the cars stolen in Daytona Beach are stolen because the keys to the vehicle are readily accessible to thieves. [Victims] leave their keys on the dash, in the trunk; it sounds crazy, but people get their cars stolen because they leave them running.

"We arrested a career criminal after we caught him on tape in a bait car. He was yelling that he was 'Set up like a M**********r!' We didn't set you up, you set yourself up. You could have just walked right by the car. And you didn't. And now that guy with 42 prior arrests, 20 of them for stolen cars, is sitting in jail."
Picture of badboy00748 achievements
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-6 37. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

Yeah #1 she has some big melons and they things are real dammit.
and these bitches can lie like shit lol
oh and #36 did you type all that shit up
Picture of fixento232 achievements
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-9 38. fixento2 commented 15 years ago

In response to #36 comments, remove the keys and see how many thefts will happen. Better yet, leave it in a neighborhood with Mercedes, Lexus, Audis, etc in the drives and I'll bet it's never moved. Is this because all the rich people are honest or is it related to the temptation of wanting something you don't have, if only for a short time. I"ll say it again with all the violent crimes why would any intelligent person think baiting is a method of combating crime? Prisons are full enough without fools throwing fools into the system.

Isn't locking our homes and cars used to keep people out and from temptation of theft? Like I said before "Everybody has a price, even the pious and cops, so climb down from the morals pillar." if you think you don't have a price, your a fool.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+7 39. Sizzlik (admin) commented 15 years ago

Why are you all complaining? When you forgot your keys for a second you would be happy if there would be any cams in your car...and please listen to what they talk about in car...they simply stole the car...if it would be like they say..the cam would have proove that they just want to help.
I would love to see the reaction of them when the cop says "We heared what you said in the car"...if they had "good" intensions..they would have talked about in the car
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements
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-8 40. SpikedSilver commented 15 years ago

Seriously WHAT THE FUCK!! Police should PREVENT crimes and not PREPARE them and be proud of busting stupids.
Picture of gregf17 achievements

+7 41. gregf commented 15 years ago

#5 and #6 you gotta be kidding me. You trying to say anyone who walks by a car with keys in it is just going to steal it because it was left in the open? Obviously this wasn't there first time stealing cards.
Picture of joeman74 achievements

-2 42. joeman commented 15 years ago

#37, truTv site, dickhead...
Picture of JaeMarie37 achievements

+7 43. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago

To those suggesting that the cops are picking on people in lower economic neighborhoods, consider this.

How do cops choose the places they use to set up stings? They pick neighborhoods where those particular crimes happen. This was likely a neighborhood where there had been several cars stolen. They do the same thing with drug and prostitution stings.

Would it make sense to set up a car theft sting in a neighborhood that hadn't reported any car thefts? This isn't about income levels - it's about where crimes are committed. I live in a crappy neighborhood and have had contact with the cops in the past regarding crimes that occur on my street and what to do to deter them (everything from domestic situations to drug and gang activity.) We were told straight up - the more calls to 911 we place from this neighborhood, the more patrols we'd get. If time and time again we reported a single particular type of crime occurring on my street, I'd think the next step to getting the criminals attention that we were tired of putting up with it would be to lay out some bait and GET THEM AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!.
Picture of hadi5 achievements

+5 44. hadi commented 15 years ago

my dad used to say... if you're wearing someone's else cloths, you're naked! ;) Dad was always right!
Picture of LB18743 achievements

+6 45. LB187 commented 15 years ago

#5 #6 #9 #11 #12 #17 #25 #30 and #34
Where I come from, there is an old saying. "Locks and car keys are to keep honest people out!"

If you don't understand this simple principle, there is no hope for you, and any further arguement is pointless.

The Ho's stole the SUV! Deal with it. All the complaining in the world will not change that fact...

And #12... everytime someone tries to make that same losing arguement about the pedophiles, make me concerned that they are pedophiles too. Only a pedophile could try to defend, justify, or excuse their actions in any way, shape, or form!

Get off that soapbox, Quit going places you don't belong, Quit taking things that don't belong to you, and quit chasing little boys and girls...
Picture of xenatis4 achievements
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-7 46. xenatis commented 15 years ago

Stupid criminals
Cops having stupid ideas
Stupid TV shows

Welcome in United States of America...
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

-3 47. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

1 is right i just had to comment again
she has some big ass real melons man. :P :P
Picture of cironsilver14 achievements

+4 48. cironsilver commented 15 years ago

#5 your an idiot these two dumb crackheads are not innocent and this isnt intrapment fuckwad do some reading, someone needs to catch these bitches and put them back in the zoo!


Picture of c0mmanderKeen36 achievements

-2 49. c0mmanderKeen commented 15 years ago

lol this is staged...
Picture of makbeth36 achievements

-2 50. makbeth commented 14 years ago

#(removed comment) actually you are quite wrong about that. Once it has been edited its useless in court. Unedited video evidence can be used to show that certain events happened contrary to a defendants statement, but cant be used for proof of intent(Scott vs Harris 2007). Im a law student. Next time you call bs, do a bit of research first.
Picture of LB18743 achievements

+2 51. LB187 commented 14 years ago

#50 What have you been smoking, and where can I get some. It has got to be some really good shit for your thinking to be that screwed up!

Don't you think that someone from the show would have and would provide UNEDITED A.K.A "RAW" video of the crime?