Smart-ass spelling bee winner

Extremely annoying kid!

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Picture of Sluggishadj37 achievements
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-8 1. Sluggishadj commented 15 years ago


E-G-G-S ? ::(|)
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

+4 2. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

He reminds me of the geeky kid from Role models and Super bad.
and #1 why did you bother to comment.
Picture of d-_-b27 achievements

+48 3. d-_-b commented 15 years ago

Im sorry but he's not annoying, he's just retarded as hell, so retarded it annoys. >:)
Picture of Aliquantulus40 achievements

+31 4. Aliquantulus commented 15 years ago

Picture of eddie204242 achievements

+29 5. eddie2042 commented 15 years ago

0:25 Homeschooled? oh that explains his social skills...
Picture of engrishman20 achievements

+6 6. engrishman commented 15 years ago

He's so smart S M R T... S M R T
Picture of Overdoziz30 achievements

+24 7. Overdoziz commented 15 years ago

Socially challenged I must say.
Picture of Taineract35 achievements

-2 8. Taineract commented 15 years ago

Seems kind of like a bit of an idiot-savant. Way to exploit him CNN. Its probably WHY he was homeschooled. Not the other way around.
Picture of PaterSin42 achievements

-1 9. PaterSin commented 15 years ago

and thats worth of been on the News? wtf
and home schooled don't think we even have something here in Germany or even Europe what would be the point in doing that?
Picture of kikosv21 achievements

+4 10. kikosv commented 15 years ago

LOL, at 3:17 you can hear the camera man saying "right..." after the kid said he heard the word wrong...
Picture of AlenKobas18 achievements
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-6 11. AlenKobas commented 15 years ago

im not even gonna comment this....
Picture of MadVicker25 achievements

+2 12. MadVicker commented 15 years ago

King of the words. Funny, I see him more as a man of few words.
Picture of OnetimeX36 achievements

-2 13. OnetimeX commented 15 years ago

I think it's spelt G-E-E-K >:) >:) >:)

Sorry SNOTR but i found it hard to stay awake during this clip, i still love you though :P
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

-2 14. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) I AGREE WITH YOU 100%
Picture of elghinnfaer33 achievements

+1 15. elghinnfaer commented 15 years ago

Rain Man as a child ? - What a cheap way for the station to try and squeeze in a plug / commercial for Subway, glad that was a fail..
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+4 16. irishgek commented 15 years ago

Smart and no social skills , home schooled WHY >??? hes bloody autistic in my book and being smart dont get you any were in life unless you apply it to somthing and being able to work in a team is a plus which i dont see this kid being able to do anoying as hell he is
Picture of DarkiKun41 achievements

-2 17. DarkiKun commented 15 years ago

god, what a weirdo, home schooled = Fail! no social skills what so ever, made me rather sick, get a life you freak =P
Picture of DARKENEMY24 achievements

-1 18. DARKENEMY commented 15 years ago

freaking retard he can't even speak properly
most of he's responses are "he, ye, a, huh" freaking home rised moron
Picture of radi0activ_puppy17 achievements

+2 19. radi0activ_puppy commented 15 years ago

I'm so glad that Microsoft Word has spell check so people like this are no longer needed on the rare occasion when I couldn't find a dictionary.
Picture of Podroom26 achievements

-3 20. Podroom commented 15 years ago

he still snacks oh his mothers milk i bet cha :)
Picture of Louie19 achievements

-3 21. Louie commented 15 years ago

Picture of h4x0r20 achievements

-2 22. h4x0r commented 15 years ago

Gah I'm chokin' on my own rrage here.
Picture of LisaColorado13 achievements

+1 23. LisaColorado commented 15 years ago

The dude's got Asperger's. Like autism. He probably has no idea how he comes across.
Picture of windblader5 achievements

-1 24. windblader commented 15 years ago

I Can spell like every word but im on national television oh well no pressures (then phails....... Hurry think of an excuse!)
Picture of Fergus_Thedog36 achievements

0 25. Fergus_Thedog commented 15 years ago

I totally agree with those who say aspergers or autism. It is very difficult for those who are highly intelligent but cannot communicate with people well.
Picture of JaeMarie37 achievements

-2 26. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago

Whatever's going on, that was painful.

Picture of Voutelamberopipi36 achievements

-2 27. Voutelamberopipi commented 15 years ago

0:59... rly? on television?
Picture of master_shake36 achievements

-2 28. master_shake commented 15 years ago

I see the future..... 20 even 30 years ... still living with mommy... master of WOW.... wait that is all there is!! :D :D
Picture of lacquim27 achievements

+1 29. lacquim commented 15 years ago

He's been trained to ask the questions that he needs to get the right spelling. Is it truly annoying to ask for clarification or explanation when someone asks you to do something on the spot? If so, pardon all of us who've ever uttered "what?" in a conversation.

Home schooling does not necessarily equate to a lack of social skills, I know plenty of home taught kids who are a lot better at social interaction than most of you from the posts I read frequently.

Give the kid a break. I'm surprised at you who tout him as an idiot or retard, He's still growing into himself, let him.
Picture of CrackrJak40 achievements

+3 30. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago

I'm no medical expert, But this kid is showing signs of Aspberger's Syndrome. Many with this condition are highly intelligent, socially awkward, clumsy, and "Geeky". He's not trying to be a "Smart ass" he's just not picking up on the metaphors and vocal clues.
Picture of huldu34 achievements

-2 31. huldu commented 15 years ago

#28 I r dumb. I still master WoW because its all about gear and not "skills" or being "smart" for that matter.

#30 Yeah, something wasnt right in the head on that kid. Hence they stand out in competitions like that and win. There is always a price you have to pay.
Picture of lillylollylilly14 achievements
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-5 32. lillylollylilly commented 15 years ago

#30/. Yes CrackrJak , you are correct.
You are no medical expert.
So why don't you shut the fuck up until you know what you're talking about?
Picture of dendekort12 achievements

0 33. dendekort commented 15 years ago

irritating kid lol :p
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements
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-5 34. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago

That's America's champion right there .... no comment. :'(
Picture of archis51 achievements

+2 35. archis commented 15 years ago

I like him.
Picture of menestrello10 achievements

+2 36. menestrello commented 15 years ago

What's the matter of spelling words?!
Picture of kainim37 achievements

-1 37. kainim commented 15 years ago

i think he might be autistic
then again, he spelled it wrong, he said scombErdae

and i don't quite get the spellingcontests either, what's the point :s
Picture of Bwhaaa18 achievements

-2 38. Bwhaaa commented 15 years ago

thhhhuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8-)
Picture of archis51 achievements

-1 39. archis commented 15 years ago

''and i don't quite get the spellingcontests either, what's the point'' It is a oddity of engilsh language. My mother language is polyphonic (we speak as we write) and we would fight forever if we had such contest.
Picture of challenger45149 achievements

+1 40. challenger451 commented 15 years ago

Somebody already said it, but he has Aspberger's Syndrome. He is quite serious and is not being a smart ass.
Picture of karl_os23 achievements

-1 41. karl_os commented 15 years ago

His delays are most likely caused by his multiple "spelling checks" :-P "Did you say my name wrong?"...
Picture of skudtz13 achievements

0 42. skudtz commented 15 years ago

plural of Fish? The Announcer is a puppet..


Picture of Soetje10 achievements

-1 43. Soetje commented 15 years ago

home schooled sshould be banned..... :S
Picture of kutless42924 achievements

0 44. kutless429 commented 15 years ago

I think you people are giving the video thumbs down because you don't like the kid. Lol if so, that's not the way it works. You give it thumbs down if you didn't like the actual video. lol
Picture of tough-floozies13 achievements

+1 45. tough-floozies commented 15 years ago

Dont put your daughter on the stage. Dont home school your son.
Picture of GrUmBLe7 achievements

0 46. GrUmBLe commented 14 years ago

If I were that woman I would drive over there and punch his sack... nough said.