Arab Smooth Criminal


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Picture of atquestco31 achievements

+68 1. atquestco commented 15 years ago

after watching this video...Michel jackson died....
Picture of clark5828 achievements

+30 2. clark58 commented 15 years ago

It must be hard doing arobics in those outfits. >:)
Picture of Abdullah140922 achievements
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-18 3. Abdullah1409 commented 15 years ago

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
Picture of dhabi25 achievements

+10 4. dhabi commented 15 years ago

perfect sync.. pmpl :D
Picture of shayangx43 achievements

+31 5. shayangx commented 15 years ago

You've been struck by..! You've been hit by...! A smooth terrorist!

Just kidding :p.
Picture of dhabi25 achievements
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-14 6. dhabi commented 15 years ago

@5 and i walke .. walkeeyy ee ..
Picture of Loremipsum13 achievements

+8 7. Loremipsum commented 15 years ago

WHO said that MJ is dead? >:) >:) >:) >:) (It is him there on the left with the stick)!

Fucking love the shit out of this video!
Picture of famajah25 achievements

+4 8. famajah commented 15 years ago

Damn, that's hilarious! :D
#(removed comment) and #(removed comment), F*** off, racists! >:)
Picture of rohypnol18 achievements
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-6 9. rohypnol commented 15 years ago

#8 there's no need to swear.
Picture of Jahoo31 achievements

+21 10. Jahoo commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) At least they have more money than you can comprehend.
Picture of TarasFromLviv40 achievements
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-10 11. TarasFromLviv commented 15 years ago

Hey, it's better than a video of arabs cutting somebody's head off...Isn't it?
Picture of Randyio50 achievements

+1 12. Randyio commented 15 years ago

What kind of dance is this? I'm sure Michael Jackson didn't choreograph this :P
They could've put any song underneath it.
Picture of JoelVA36 achievements
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-13 13. JoelVA commented 15 years ago

Those are some ugly chicks!
Picture of micolop6 achievements

-4 14. micolop commented 15 years ago

interesting but i need more drama!!
Picture of menestrello10 achievements
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-8 15. menestrello commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) :D that was funny, no racism intended!
Picture of hedlik26 achievements

+9 16. hedlik commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) I bet u are an unemployed jockey... :| :P
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+6 17. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago

@#9 Why the fuck not?!?! >:)
Picture of Tauqir8087 achievements

-4 18. Tauqir808 commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) Why the fuck do people do that? i mean either he is a descendant of BUSH family or he is a moron....
Picture of LisaColorado13 achievements

+15 19. LisaColorado commented 15 years ago

Those Arabs can move it. ;)
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

+5 20. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

at first i didnt think the song suited it
TILL 0:40.
oh and #(removed comment) and #(removed comment) you are both retards the arabs have nothing to do with the Taliban you clowns.
You guys are must think your really hard.
Picture of supes7 achievements

+9 21. supes commented 15 years ago

not all muslims are terrorists,these fellas are just enjoying themselves,,,but really and truly they need dancing lessons
Picture of kronbons13 achievements

+3 22. kronbons commented 15 years ago

If only I could upvote more. Seriously lol at this at like 2am in my hotel room. neighbours prbly think I'm doing drugs. errr wait... maybe they right..
Picture of pizdalizac24 achievements

+9 23. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago

#22 terrorrists in general arnt muslim, the quran states that if a muslim kills someone innoscent, or even commits suicide, such as suicide bombing, they are not considered muslim, people dont understand that because theyre too ignorant to pick up a book, and find out the truth about what islam really is
Picture of quadie39 achievements
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-6 24. quadie commented 15 years ago

#18 Whats the difference
Picture of kllor22 achievements

+5 25. kllor commented 15 years ago

agree with #23
Picture of kllor22 achievements
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-8 26. kllor commented 15 years ago

agree with #23
Picture of garshooba26 achievements
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-8 27. garshooba commented 15 years ago

agree with #24 O:)
Picture of garshooba26 achievements
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-9 28. garshooba commented 15 years ago

agree with #24 O:)
Picture of pizdalizac24 achievements

+6 29. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) read the quran, and figure it out yourself the truth rather than listening to what the media has to say
Picture of Khalid6764 achievements

+5 30. Khalid676 commented 15 years ago

@USANumber1- those r NOT words from the Holy Quran.
Dont just read watever some ****sites say. go luk up d reference no.s in the Quran n check 4 urself.You'll find dat there's nthng anywhere even near to wat shit you've written.
Islam promotes peace..V r told even not to take revenge.
If sum people of a particular religion kill some men, wud u blame their religion or those specific retarded people??
Picture of etplayer35 achievements

+4 31. etplayer commented 15 years ago

Im glad someone else picked up the torch. I believe there may be a lot of muslims who practice their religion in a moderate peaceful manner, but there is also a sizable hunk who use it to validate using violent methods against those who disagree with them. Then again, thats pretty much a hallmark of all religions. Just look at all the hardcore Christian nuts we have here in the US. Anytime you give someone the word of 'God', a powerful weapon and a rule to enforce, you're pretty much asking for trouble sooner or later.
Picture of badboy00748 achievements
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-6 32. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

Picture of pizdalizac24 achievements

-3 33. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) u definetely either made that shit up, or u took it from an unreferenced site, and i bet ur american, so u wud say something like that, its best u dont say anything

#(removed comment) that girl got beat not just because she was carrying a cellphone, of which is banned in her school, but she insulted her teacher too, so it its a policy and she broke it, and she made it worse on herself to yell back insults to her teacher, so she deserves a punishment becuase she disobeyed a law, not a law of islam, but a law of the country, its like in america, where kids arnt allowed to bring guns to school, so if a kid brings a gun, ur saying he or she shud go unpunished?

#31 those who take the quran in a violent way, are disobeying the real rules of the quran, and are therefore, not muslim, islam isnt violence, its peace, u guys seriously need to read the quran, the media here obviously goes against islam and makes it look bad, how about instead of listening to a bunch of idiots on tv, who have no education watsoever, why dont u learn something yourself, honestly
Picture of sokasha24 achievements

-4 34. sokasha commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment)
#(removed comment)
i'm a british guy living in saudi arabia
non of that shit happens here....
Picture of pizdalizac24 achievements

-2 35. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) let me explain this to u in the easiest way, lets pretend ther is an islamic boat, and whoever is in that boat is muslim, but lets say one person in that boat decides or is plannin on bombing something, like the innocent ppl in that boat, since he is about to commit a crime against the islamic law and humanity in general, he is thrown off of that boat and is no longer a muslim, he is thrown off the boat by god, because he disobeyed a rule of god, get it? Im not sayin that these people who terrorize the innoscent arnt muslim, ofcourse they prolly were muslim when they committed a crime, but once a crime so great like killin an innoscent is done, then that person, whether he or she was a muslim or not, is NO LONGER a muslim. And ur sayin that its islamic law to behead or take a hand away, its NOT islamic law, trust me, read a quran man, and wat about the muslims living in america and canada? wud u consider them violent? canada is such an easy country, hardly any crime, so wats the point of indreasing their security rite, if its an islamic law to bomb those who arnt muslim, then why hasnt any muslim in canada done so? ill tell u why, because its bullshit, ur makin shit up, as for 9/11 attacks, that was a set up, and everyone knows or shud kno it, so just seriously stop being an ignorant idiot, and go read something, cuz i can see u have no juice in ur brain
Picture of pizdalizac24 achievements

-4 36. pizdalizac commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) so why hasnt canada been attacked yet? dont u see that theyre attackin only their enemies, those who caused damage to them b4
Picture of Khalid6764 achievements

-4 37. Khalid676 commented 15 years ago

dont u guys get it?? those mad people blowing everyone up are NOT following Islam n just if their names r muslim ones, that doesnt make dem muslims.
Those people call wat they r doing 'Jihad' but they dont know wat that means. They dont even know how to pray, hw can u call them muslims??
@USA no.1: instead on wasting tym listening to d so called muttawas, go open up a translation of the Quran(n not fake ones from the net) n read it. I challenge u dat u wont find nethng of that sort.
Picture of joeman74 achievements

+1 38. joeman commented 14 years ago

Picture of TrollyAtsam46 achievements

+1 39. TrollyAtsam commented 13 years ago

Original video would be funny too. :D al la la la la tji tj itji tji!
Picture of jackDjohnson35 achievements

0 40. jackDjohnson commented 10 years ago

Michael Jackson was a legacy.. and all the above comments are retarded.. the real terrorists are the evil government of America.. i live here and know that no one caused the 911 but the american government.. Wake up people.. its not about terrorism.. the american government needed a reason to abolish the constitution and the bill of rights so they blew up shit and blamed the towl heads.. its that simple.. God Bless Michael Jackson for his talent and world wide love !! <3