Let's wait for the train to cross

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Picture of Tareim46 achievements

+40 1. Tareim (admin) commented 15 years ago

that is a proper mammoth train, I wonder how many people have been late for work or whatever due to waiting for that train to go by lol
Picture of mosnotr20 achievements

+20 2. mosnotr commented 15 years ago

imagine something on its way, what a momentum >:)
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+31 3. Sizzlik (admin) commented 15 years ago

I wonder how many horsepower that pulling machine must have...or how long it takes till the train is up to that speed :D

And whats about that downrating? Simple comments get massive downrates :O
Picture of zxoxz42 achievements

+4 4. zxoxz commented 15 years ago

It's real, it has Engines in the middle every so often !
Picture of shayangx43 achievements

+13 5. shayangx commented 15 years ago

Lmao I can already imagine this in one of those action films where the bad guy goes to the other side right right after a train passes :p...cops wouldnt stand a chance!
Picture of ChrisChris18 achievements

+15 6. ChrisChris commented 15 years ago

long train is long :(|)
Picture of irishgek50 achievements
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-7 7. irishgek commented 15 years ago

#(removed comment) ill say this for every one STFU
(8mins world record longest train)
Picture of nynyo18 achievements
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-7 8. nynyo commented 15 years ago

omg....imagine that train full of weed :D :D :D :O :O :O ;)
Picture of irishgek50 achievements
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-10 9. irishgek commented 15 years ago

#8 Eh no , train full of weed would be drivin by the cops to a german style concentration camp entrance to be burned :P but you wouldent wana be smoking any while driving that train imagen if you fergot to brake at the end of the line :P
Picture of Herbert7 achievements
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-11 10. Herbert commented 15 years ago

#7 The youtube video is Fake. The video is clearly joined in 15 different places, giving the impression of a very long train. Watch for the pigeon again.

Lame rating = HIGH.
Picture of kainim37 achievements
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-8 11. kainim commented 15 years ago

#7, no need to be aggresive mah boi!
it looks pretty unbelievable to be honest, your train I believe, but this one is harder to believe, because this is a train riding through urban areas, i'm not sure that is allowed, safety reasons and such, I'm not saying it's fake, but it's just weird
Picture of Herbert7 achievements
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-15 12. Herbert commented 15 years ago

A train that long would require a 250 mile run up just to get up to speed, and then a 250 mile stretch to brake in time. And the energy required to accelerate the entire weight of all of the carriages would be greater than the energy equivalent to six atomic bombs! Plus, due to the (alleged) great length of the train, the first car would be arriving at the destination station, before the last car had even left the departing station, thus breaking Newton's Fourth Law of Thermodynamics!

So, as you'll agree. Fake!
Picture of shayangx43 achievements

+1 13. shayangx commented 15 years ago

Theres a railway right next to the place where I frequently play football and I've seen very very very long trains, which take like 50 seconds just to get by, so I think its definately possible to have a train as long as this one. Ofcrouse it takes a long time for it to get moving, but not 250 miles.

You throw with numbers #12, without any proof.
Picture of Herbert7 achievements
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-5 14. Herbert commented 15 years ago

#12 While you're playing football, it's easy to lose track of time, so what you think might be 50 seconds, is really only actually 13 seconds. The 250 mile run up is entirely accurate. I could supply you with mathematical proof if you wish, but not here. Look it up if you like. It's to do with the uniform acceleration of a body of known weight. The fundamental formula is v=u+at where u = initial velocity, v = final velocity, a = acceleration, t = time and s = displacement. You then have to combine this with e=mc^2 where e is energy, m = mass, and c = speed of light. Extra factors such as track gradient, wind speed, rolling resistance of the stock, wind resistance and gyroscopic transition effects all serve to complicate the situation.
Picture of kainim37 achievements

-3 15. kainim commented 15 years ago

it's a bit weird comparing energy from atomic bombs with trains but that aside, a train that long, where do you put the carriages on the train, the train has to be moving already in order to attach the carriages (there is no station long enough)
also if there is a station long enough, the engine (even with 2-3 locomotives in the row, like here) is not powerful enough to get it moving, it's possible they do it in remote locations, but certainly not in areas where people live, because if something happens and the train gets of the track, the results could be disasterous

# United States Union Pacific Run from 8th to 10th January 2009, comprising of 295 container wagons and hauled by nine diesel-electric locomotive spread through the train with a total length of 18,000 feet ( 3.4 miles, 5.4 km ), from a terminal in Texas to Los Angeles. Around 600 double-stacked containers were carried at speeds up to 70mph/112km/hr. [12]

found this on wiki, so yeah it is possible but, compare the ammount of locomotives with the carriages, it seems improbable, but not impossible
Picture of kaleemsaudia14 achievements
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-5 16. kaleemsaudia commented 15 years ago

this is a not good if some patient want a go hospital in a emergency if he/she will die due to the passing of train then who will responsible of that dad? CUT THE TRAIN IN A TWO OR THREE PART :D :D :D :D
Picture of nooitaf40 achievements

-7 17. nooitaf (admin) commented 15 years ago

whats up with da ratings ?

and i gave the video a thumb up because of good faking ^^
Picture of TheProfessor9 achievements
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-7 18. TheProfessor commented 15 years ago

I can assure you that the comparison with atomic bombs is entirely valid. An atomic bomb produces a known quantity of energy. And a train of given mass will require a known level of energy to accelerate it to a specific velocity and to maintain it at that velocity. Also, consider this: if that train crashes into a stationary object, for example, a nuclear power station, then the resulting explosion would be very similar to the detonation of an atomic bomb.

Not many people know this, but during World War II, the USA originally considered crashing just such a train into Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their plans were only thwarted when it was pointed out that there was no existing railway line linking the two countries.
Picture of Vizzer34 achievements

-3 19. Vizzer commented 15 years ago

I used to live in New York and I used to see trains that passed for 2:00 plus but not double decked like that.
Picture of TheProfessor9 achievements
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-7 20. TheProfessor commented 15 years ago

#19 New York pollution often causes people to hallucinate. So what you thought was 2:00 minutes was in fact less than 10 seconds. But they were all double decked.
Picture of gazisere34 achievements

+3 21. gazisere commented 15 years ago

you have no idea about trains Herby, all of your so called facts are bullshit, I've seen tons of trains this long or longer, leave your desk, get outside and see the world, your beginning to sound like lillylollylilly.
Picture of Kastevil25 achievements

+17 22. Kastevil commented 15 years ago

@(removed comment) you must be the guy who comments youtube videos with "FAKE"

no way it is a looped video.

@ :47 there are 2 MAERSK containers

@1:23 there is a white container

@1:39 - 1:58 there is a group of red containers

@2:53 - 2:08 group of blue containers


ps* no pigeon either.
Picture of EagleEyes33 achievements

-3 23. EagleEyes commented 15 years ago

I was SO glad to c the end coming! :)
Picture of TheProfessor9 achievements
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-6 24. TheProfessor commented 15 years ago

I have carefully studied the above video and applied a cross-functional diametric frame scan analysis to it in order to determine any possibility of fraud. The results are very illuminating.
Picture of Maz22 achievements

+1 25. Maz commented 15 years ago

LOL @ comment rating :D :D
Picture of Voutelamberopipi36 achievements

+1 26. Voutelamberopipi commented 15 years ago

#25 it's the same prick with multiple users. the same who was trolling (and copying usernames) around snotr some days ago..
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+1 27. irishgek commented 15 years ago

Bunch a Feckin Noobs....worse than this thread


Just enjoy the bloody clip and stop bitch about it
Picture of Voutelamberopipi36 achievements

-4 28. Voutelamberopipi commented 15 years ago

#27 why don't you do the same? :)
Picture of Gadi7012 achievements

+5 29. Gadi70 commented 15 years ago

300 carts. It's real.
Picture of nooitaf40 achievements

+8 30. nooitaf (admin) commented 15 years ago

Picture of TarasFromLviv40 achievements

-3 31. TarasFromLviv commented 15 years ago

Are you serious...?
Picture of badboy00748 achievements
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-6 32. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

yeh its fake and LOL AT all the down rated comments
Picture of reece59018 achievements

-3 33. reece590 commented 15 years ago

:O Thats one long train! :O
Picture of FanzisIII7 achievements
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-5 34. FanzisIII commented 15 years ago

how many meters are this????
Picture of Taineract35 achievements

+2 35. Taineract commented 15 years ago

I can assure you, it is not fake. Trains of this length are fairly common close to where I live. 5 minutes is not that long of a wait for a train around here (although they are usually shorter - just going slower).
Picture of ankara61 achievements

-4 36. ankara commented 15 years ago

18000 feet = 5486 meters :O
Picture of lrcerqueira16 achievements

-3 37. lrcerqueira commented 15 years ago

Did all of you guys actualy saw the video to the end. OMFG
Get a life. :D
Picture of JJCBigfoot32 achievements

+1 38. JJCBigfoot commented 15 years ago

Must have been in state where the can make a straight and flat run. I believe there where 10 locomotives moving that train. They are staged in smaller trains and then linked for the big run. I don't know the speed, but in Ohio, because of the crossings and small towns their speed is not as fast nor as long. Some years ago when traveling west on vacation, we saw a long train running parallel to the highway. I had the kids count the cars. 420 cars long and it was traveling at 55 mph. We were traveling around 60 mph.
Picture of CrackrJak40 achievements

0 39. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago

That's the first time I've ever seen engines in the middle of a long train.

#16 I believe the law states that trains can't block an at grade crossing for more than 5 minutes, For the very reason you stated. This train barely made it under 5 minutes.

The way the engines were staggered this made me believe they were arranged to go over a mountain pass and they planned on splitting the train into 2 or 3 pieces in a rail yard afterward.
Picture of plurft46 achievements

-3 40. plurft commented 15 years ago

The internet have sunk to another new level... I dunno how old some of you guys are, but I am certain that you are not old enough to learned Einstein's Theory of Special relativity to the point of understanding it (And it is useless in this example). Newtons three laws of Physics and the laws of circular motion is what a scientist within mechanics would use to prove the question about this clip... Since the train is not traveling at a velocity close to c it is pointless even mentioning E=mc^2

Herbert, to to img.4chan.org/b if all you just wanna fuck around
Picture of radolinko21 achievements

+2 41. radolinko commented 15 years ago

No Fake! Look at the sky. It's changing real !!! ;)
Picture of marv133716 achievements

0 42. marv1337 commented 15 years ago

who finds outhow many wagons it has is the chicken dinner winner :P
Picture of willbill4 achievements

+1 43. willbill commented 15 years ago

lol this train is real because the colour patterns of the containers are always different so the video cant be repeated over and over because the colours of the containers arnt ever the same. and what is it with some people on here the most simpleest comment and some of them make the most sense out of all of them they get the worst rating lol.
Picture of alienperfection7 achievements

-2 44. alienperfection commented 15 years ago

holy s**t
Picture of mike_nazz30 achievements

0 45. mike_nazz commented 15 years ago

theres actually mexicans in those crates
Picture of PownMeister27 achievements

-2 46. PownMeister commented 15 years ago

haha.. i pitty the fool that actualy counted the train wagons. but for the ones that is interested, the first pullwagon(locomotive) pulled 99 wagons then there was a new locomotive after that there were 96 wagons then there was a locomotive and then there were 94 wagons before the locomotive at the end. in total 289 wagons and 4 locomotives xD
Picture of dragonon38 achievements

+1 47. dragonon commented 15 years ago

#1 lol 4 minutes and 29 second_s ...late only!
Picture of ragou27 achievements

+3 48. ragou commented 15 years ago

#40 It's not "Theory of Special relativity".
It's "Special Theory of relativity".
And it's not "Newtons three laws of Physics"
It's "Newton's laws of motion"
Picture of bud26 achievements

+3 49. bud commented 15 years ago

It's the Energizer train...it keeps going...and going...and going...

Trains like that come through where I live but they only run the long ones in the wee hours of the morning.

(I've got to admit it, I had to replay the beginning a couple times. That whistle just gives me the rush. *breaks out old train set* )
Picture of max200035 achievements

+2 50. max2000 commented 15 years ago

some container ship must had been arrested on the u.s. west coast during january last year, and company ordered move of the containers upnorth, assumtion somewhere in between los angeles and up above. that means railway proven much economically than having the actual ship entering the first port, where first ship put under arrest. could mean a look'alike export to vancouver, canada. best bonded stock train ever seen, btw. max
Picture of TheProfessor9 achievements

-1 51. TheProfessor commented 15 years ago

I can now reveal the truth about this train. It is a long train, but not as long as you might think. The track is actually a circular track which curves behind the camera and joins back up on the right sand side of the viewpoint. The effect of an extremely long train is achieved therefore by simply joining the first carriage to the last.
Picture of Rambo25 achievements

-2 52. Rambo commented 15 years ago

Anyone Count?
Picture of dushan56 achievements

+1 53. dushan commented 15 years ago

@TheProfessor is that the irony or some good weed? :D
Picture of Paul196825 achievements

-2 54. Paul1968 commented 15 years ago

suppose its orgasmic for a train spotter
Picture of JerryD14 achievements

+3 55. JerryD commented 15 years ago

Impressed! ... but not with those claiming this as a fake - Believe they have mold in their sawdust that fills the skull... Smokey Herb & 'TheSpoofessor' ...
Picture of ramtekguns4 achievements

+3 56. ramtekguns commented 15 years ago

#1 there is 298 cars and 9 engines and to the guy who
had his kids count them send them back to school..
Picture of elghinnfaer33 achievements

-2 57. elghinnfaer commented 15 years ago

What happened to all the Chuck Norris comments ? They may not have been related to the video but some of them made me laugh and I thought that was at least part of what this web page was about. Could someone tell me if they were censored and deleted please ?
Picture of elghinnfaer33 achievements

-1 58. elghinnfaer commented 15 years ago

Please ignore my comment in 61, it seems I went to read comments and was not in the right video clip. if a admin could remove this and #58 I would apreciate it, thank you B)
Picture of kutless42924 achievements

+3 59. kutless429 commented 15 years ago

This may seem long in real-time, but in actuality four minutes can easily be passed with one song.
Picture of cironsilver14 achievements

-1 60. cironsilver commented 15 years ago

what is with all the FAKE ASS wikipedia intellectuals on this site that just happen to be road scholars on every given subject in the world. no one can enjoy the videos. get rid of the ability to comment and just have a plus or minus system to go along with the username. idiots like herby need to do the world a favor and shut their mouths, thinking that your going to impress someone on here with shit you read on wikipedia is a joke, get a life loser.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+4 61. sux2bu commented 15 years ago

#60 You mean Herbert/TheProfessor....same guy it seems. internet TROLL
Picture of chinesekid0511 achievements

+2 62. chinesekid05 commented 15 years ago

trains, one of the most underrated means of transport.
Picture of ThProfessor10 achievements
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-5 63. ThProfessor commented 15 years ago

Sux2bu is the same guy as cironsilver it seems. Witless idiot operating under different names. I urge all other genuine SNOTR contributors like myself, to ignore this dickwipe. He'll go away eventually and play with his pet dog's dick again.
Picture of Xeromyr24 achievements

0 64. Xeromyr commented 15 years ago

2 train engines every 99 cars.

305 total?
Picture of ThProfessor10 achievements
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-7 65. ThProfessor commented 15 years ago

Having followed most of the posts lately and having read most of the comments, I have come to the conclusion that Oldfart does not have any other aliases. He is just an old fart.
Picture of JerryD14 achievements

+3 66. JerryD commented 15 years ago

Yupp! Oldfart is Very correct about 'Spoofessor' ... but isn't it strange? Why is it that it's 'ThSoopfessor' that makes all the stinking?
Picture of DJKovu21 achievements

0 67. DJKovu commented 14 years ago

that not a train is a moving blocade walls of metal only meant to be bugging Trafick =P
Picture of hafa33 achievements

-2 68. hafa commented 12 years ago

all I can think of the whole time, is WD-40
Picture of Premtm36 achievements

0 69. Premtm commented 12 years ago

WOW! 6 engines to pull this lengthy goods train which must be to my rough estimation 5km long........ :)