Guy walks into traffic...

... and learns that he really shouldnt have.

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55 comments posted so far. Login to add a comment.

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Picture of dannodon36 achievements

+74 1. dannodon commented 14 years ago

What a turd
Picture of wellczech44 achievements

+82 2. wellczech commented 14 years ago

Darwin award candidate?
Picture of Maffis42 achievements

+122 3. Maffis commented 14 years ago

Natural selection.
Picture of IceIsIce30 achievements

+68 4. IceIsIce commented 14 years ago

I'd definitely want a free ice-cream!!
Picture of lockandload57 achievements

+97 5. lockandload commented 14 years ago

man with that dance he just had to be stopped, nice work truck :P
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

+82 6. badboy007 commented 14 years ago

he danced in to it
hope the truck was ok
Picture of 01nvr50 achievements

+34 7. 01nvr commented 14 years ago

Rush to help him then...
Of all things to get hit by, an ice cream truck haha
Picture of rascha35 achievements

+6 8. rascha commented 14 years ago

why will anyone wont to do that
Picture of cuppajava14 achievements

+40 9. cuppajava commented 14 years ago

I feel sorry for the poor truck driver. He's going to feel terrible or worse about that accident. The idiot dancing must have already had brain damage. Equal mass accidents don't end well.
Picture of knight40 achievements

+20 10. knight commented 14 years ago

he tried stopping the truck like a superman @00:37
Picture of Gringo_el_Diablo45 achievements

+38 11. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago

OMG!!!! He was doing a dance called the "Crip Walk" aka CRIPPLED WALK!!!
The irony is to good to be true! >:)
Picture of Srchak52 achievements

+30 12. Srchak commented 14 years ago

#(removed comment) Naah, he's just a dancist
Picture of johnnyash28 achievements

+7 13. johnnyash commented 14 years ago

I gotta learn to dance like that!
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+30 14. Sizzlik (admin) commented 14 years ago

#(removed comment)...dont cry..some vids came on here even when they are published 3 years ago on youtube...if youre bored...stick to Failblog..maybe thats a better place for you..
Picture of grimmreaper35 achievements

+6 15. grimmreaper commented 14 years ago

that's what he gets for playing in traffic!!
Picture of c0mmanderKeen36 achievements

+3 16. c0mmanderKeen commented 14 years ago

#2 No. Winner.
Picture of Tareim46 achievements

-2 17. Tareim (admin) commented 14 years ago

#16 to have won the award he would of need to have died from the accident and its highly unlikely that he did(and if anyone posting asking "did he died" or similar, your comments will be deleted and your name noted down for if you do it again then you get banned)
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

+8 18. Highmeadow commented 14 years ago

He looked like he's been hit by an ice cream truck a few times already!!! >:)
Picture of rufinus35 achievements

+6 19. rufinus commented 14 years ago

define irony :-)
Picture of Booyakasha24 achievements

+7 20. Booyakasha commented 14 years ago

suppose thats what you get when you think the rule of 'don't try to dance your way through moving cars' don't apply to you :)
Picture of riverside8921 achievements

+8 21. riverside89 commented 14 years ago

Poor guy, born without a brain. I like the way the friend says a very unexcited, "Oh, sh*t" and then just calmly starts walking over there. From his shadow it looked like he might have been checking his camera, maybe to see if he had some memory left for more video.
Picture of owner41 achievements

+18 22. owner commented 14 years ago

what a happy ending... :D
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+8 23. huldu commented 14 years ago

Looked to be in the hood and we dont stop when you see black people dancing in the streets.
Picture of etc94714 achievements

+5 24. etc947 commented 14 years ago

haha ive seen this before on youtube..title was the 'ice-cream truck' or something :D
Picture of gendarme44 achievements

+3 25. gendarme commented 14 years ago

Now the truck driver will be sued as he ran over a human... :(
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+8 26. LightAng3l commented 14 years ago

#(removed comment) ... some of us never visit failblog... I never ONCE accessed that site. I don't even know how it looks like and I don't care!

So consider that before posting ;)
Picture of Paul1238 achievements

+1 27. Paul12 commented 14 years ago

he's the man!
Picture of Calvinius52 achievements

+3 28. Calvinius commented 14 years ago

Congratulations!!! You´re crippled for life!
Picture of zamuraii29 achievements

+7 29. zamuraii commented 14 years ago

Now he can crip walk!
Picture of marty44a13 achievements

+5 30. marty44a commented 14 years ago

What a DORK ! And he got hit by a Ice Cream car ! O:)
Picture of c2quad30 achievements

+4 31. c2quad commented 14 years ago

Got the taste ?,Cant read the stop board on the right ,Well you deserved that ;)
Picture of valerion21 achievements

+4 32. valerion commented 14 years ago

Now thats what i call a drive-by!
Picture of gazisere34 achievements

+3 33. gazisere commented 14 years ago

I bet he died the colour of his pants brown as sh%t when he saw that ice cream van about to mow him down. It must have happened on an 'ice-cream Sunday", and at the end off camera he landed in a 'Banana split', sorry couldn't help myself #16 lol
Picture of ninocka37 achievements

+4 34. ninocka commented 14 years ago

i love it how the dude with the camera just slowly strolls to his buddy. dipshits.
Picture of sstrali21 achievements

+3 35. sstrali commented 14 years ago

hehehe.. nice one.
Picture of TarasFromLviv40 achievements

+4 36. TarasFromLviv commented 14 years ago

I'm pretty sure not anymore, he's not!
Picture of Maffis42 achievements

+3 37. Maffis commented 14 years ago

I've never seen so many high rated comments on the same clip before.
Picture of burnerboy30 achievements

+5 38. burnerboy commented 14 years ago

it's a pity there wasn't a pot hole in the road,it would have filled it in... :D
Picture of Usdevildoggmc42 achievements

+2 39. Usdevildoggmc commented 14 years ago

omfg i have to edit this and you will soon know why O:)

I doubt he broke anything though the way he got hit.. worst injuries to him are if his face made contact with the Ice cream truck. thats what u get for being a dumbass.
Picture of cher-0027 achievements
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-6 40. cher-00 commented 14 years ago

Only in the USA could be happened like this.
Picture of Gringo_el_Diablo45 achievements

+5 41. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago

#40 could be happened like this all the time in other countries lol
Picture of Meowman23 achievements

+5 42. Meowman commented 14 years ago

A* for dancing
F for brain power.
Picture of cripplecog16 achievements

+3 43. cripplecog commented 14 years ago

You can see the other cars getting over to avoid him, I see people to this kind of crap all the time. Walking in the middle of the street in slower moving traffic. They do it to prove you won't hit them, sort of an intimidation thing. I hope that guy never walks again.
Picture of amjadj29 achievements

0 44. amjadj commented 13 years ago

Darwins' Evolution theor in practice.
Picture of ZaMpTi47 achievements

+3 45. ZaMpTi commented 13 years ago

#3 so ture!
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements

0 46. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

HahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahaha :D
Picture of cretia27 achievements

+1 47. cretia commented 13 years ago

I just don't know how such a bad thing could happen officer i just simply did not see him :)
Picture of Ghostriderr1111116 achievements

+3 48. Ghostriderr11111 commented 13 years ago

What a butt Hole!!!! :x :x :x
Picture of sgtstone536 achievements

0 49. sgtstone5 commented 13 years ago

that dude was on crack,weed and red bull. Or he was just stupid
Picture of paolo34 achievements

+1 50. paolo commented 13 years ago

hit the road jack!!! >:)
Picture of Premtm36 achievements

+1 51. Premtm commented 13 years ago

Greatest lunatic >:)
Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

+1 52. loadrunner commented 13 years ago

I would hit the brakes instead of the horn
Picture of lyleoz24 achievements

+1 53. lyleoz commented 12 years ago

This dumbass actually sued the ice cream truck that hit him and WON.
Picture of buckleg0858 achievements

0 54. buckleg08 commented 6 years ago

In the immortal words of Red Foreman....Dumbass...:x
Picture of Scotsman5045 achievements

0 55. Scotsman50 commented 6 years ago

#54 Dumb and Dumber rolled into one 8-)8-)