What would you do?

What would you do if you somebody tried to steal something in front of you?

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Picture of lockandload57 achievements

+32 1. lockandload commented 14 years ago

lol the guy at the end helped him rob it :D
Picture of chuchesaku33 achievements

+17 2. chuchesaku commented 14 years ago

justice really is color-blind...unfortunately... :|
Picture of medicino30 achievements

+10 3. medicino commented 14 years ago

Man and they say racial profiling is a thing of the past...yeah right.
Picture of deniedhost28 achievements

+4 4. deniedhost commented 14 years ago

we don´t wanna say it but is true but we associate more rapidly troubles to a black person... is impress in our minds ... i m not racist
Picture of YetiGrowl38 achievements

+30 5. YetiGrowl commented 14 years ago

that black kid is a hilarious actor
Picture of Abreujr42 achievements

+4 6. Abreujr commented 14 years ago

Just because he's black you can yell and call the police? nice assumption! :S
Picture of hdwg40 achievements

+36 7. hdwg commented 14 years ago

I thought it was interesting to hear the black lady say, "Young white men don't usually carry burglar tools"
Picture of Overdoziz30 achievements

-3 8. Overdoziz commented 14 years ago

The description doesn't make any sense. :S
Picture of banzemanga46 achievements

+27 9. banzemanga commented 14 years ago

There is a hole in the test. They used a African-American kid whose body size is small while the White kid had a huge body size. People judge body size with danger easily which tells people to back off from danger or not.
Picture of Digimatic17 achievements

+6 10. Digimatic commented 14 years ago

What i saw here is that ALL raise there voice and try to stop when a BLACK guy trying to steel the bike AND when a white guy do that ppl just pass him and ask him what he is doin nothing more :S :S SO freeking strange
Picture of ICdevil32 achievements

+5 11. ICdevil commented 14 years ago

this is so unfair for the black kid....racism is all around us.
Picture of Chrisofskjern36 achievements

+8 12. Chrisofskjern commented 14 years ago

Every single bike i have ever had has been stolen. I haven't bought one for years and i'm not going to. But its nice to see how people react to obvious theft.... Now i know why my bikes get stolen all the time!
Picture of CrackrJak40 achievements

+2 13. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago

No one wants to talk about these things, But as a percentage of each races population Blacks commit more crimes. Over 30% of crimes are committed by blacks and blacks are less than 15% of the total population. Whites commit 60% of the crimes but are 65% of the population. So whites commit more crimes overall, But blacks are more than twice as likely to commit crimes than whites. To put this is a better perspective, If both populations were even at 30% each, whites would be committing less than 30% of the crimes and blacks would be committing over 60% of the crimes.

The black woman was correct in this video and she's not racist, We are all just very aware of the statistics in our country. Having said that, I'd have called the police on the white guy but I wouldn't have confronted either of them.
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

0 14. badboy007 commented 14 years ago

agree #8 the person who wrote the description needs to use google next time.
But i liked the video.
Picture of celestus8722 achievements

+7 15. celestus87 commented 14 years ago

I understand all the African American assumptions and biases going on in the USA but when the narrator said "we replaced our white actor for a black one that is dressed in a similar manner" all I could think is BULLSHIT. The second actor is wearing a red shirt, the natural sympathetic-alert color for humans. This experiment might tried to identify biases but it has a crippled design.
Picture of medicino30 achievements

+5 16. medicino commented 14 years ago

Well CrackrJak is right, reality can be more complicated that it seams, but statistics don't lie, they are just misinterpreted, minorities have a higher crime incidence in any country, that probably means that there must be certain common causes to those high numbers.
Picture of Spinter36 achievements

-2 17. Spinter commented 14 years ago

#8 and #14 crap I must have been half asleep when I wrote this description. (did I even write a description or leave it blank?) Ah well

#15 I agree with what you are saying but the thing is the reactions were so extreme that I still think we would have gotten at least similar results had the clothing been the same for both actors.
Picture of Tareim46 achievements

+4 18. Tareim (admin) commented 14 years ago

#17 yeah you left the description that was there, but i've just edited it to make sense
Picture of VonAnka24 achievements

-2 19. VonAnka commented 14 years ago

This "experiment" is fail cause if we flip it, lets say first it was a big black guy trying to steal it the result would be the same like the first white guy, and we then put a little white kid more people like in the video would react. The real "race" experiment should be either a white/black guy in the same body build to get a more precise result. So this vid fail in my opinion, they wanted this result that why the black guy is a kid !!
Picture of Baboon39 achievements

-1 20. Baboon commented 14 years ago

#9 I noticed that as well, you're partially right, but the fact is there ... unfortunatly the experiment conclusion is true

Racists are desease
Picture of captain_obvious38 achievements

+3 21. captain_obvious commented 14 years ago

they should do it in japan or china. if someone steals something. everyone (and i mean everyone) will run up the street and kick the thiefs arse. i think there even were some video's on snotR as example. those are the treu hero's!!!
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+3 22. irishgek commented 14 years ago

Fact is its not the black people that are the problem its the bloody media and tv that turn people racist its what there showen day in day out and another thing shows like this also love to bullshit too some times they film for hours and show only a few choice parts so they put THERE point across.
Picture of celestus8722 achievements

0 23. celestus87 commented 14 years ago

I don't think anyone really questions the external validity of this experiment. The results can easily be replicated in most contexts. However, if we put on the goggles of methodology it's obvious that the researchers (and/or the narrator) are serving a self-fulfilling prophecy. Many little details are directed towards the preferable outcome. Psychology is a relatively new science but the sad part is that most of its research representatives do not have the ethical code build into their thick reptilian skulls. Sad but true... ;)
Picture of c0mmanderKeen36 achievements

0 24. c0mmanderKeen commented 14 years ago

I once broke off my key in my cycle lock and had to bring an iron saw to get it open. It was on a very very busy street in hamburg, ger.

One guy gestured to me from his car to get away from the lock, but I held up the remains of the key and made a helpless gesture and he was pleased. minutes later, a huge muscular dude actually offered me help and got the lock open on 1-2 minutes without ever bothering to check the facts ;)
Picture of DarkiKun41 achievements

+4 25. DarkiKun commented 14 years ago

in the end we are all racist, we just don't know it :S
Picture of Nifen34 achievements

0 26. Nifen commented 14 years ago

I did not expect that. Though i live in an area where there is very very few black people.. But anyone with a hat back to front and a gangster chain looks like a theif to me. white or black, or Asian. Perhaps im scared of everyone.
Picture of riverside8921 achievements

+1 27. riverside89 commented 14 years ago

Another interesting video.

That was an interesting stereotype held by the three black ladies. I wonder why they thought that way. They didn't look young enough to be naive. Could it have anything to do with their personal experiences throughout life. I remember that Jesse Jackson made a similar, very controversial observation a few years ago when he said:

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... "

Whether the thief was white or black, the people putting the most effort into giving him grief were elderly. And the guy who helped the black kid at the end was elderly - he simply accepted the lost key explanation without question. Maybe what this video shows is that if you're obviously doing wrong, older people are more likely to give you grief, and younger people are more likely to look the other way. And if you need a hand, older people are more likely to give it.
Picture of ui23634 achievements

0 28. ui236 commented 14 years ago

But what if you're key really gets stuck in your lock? I had to brake it open one's in a trainstation. You get a lot of questions ,but no one called the police.
Picture of Mix32 achievements

+3 29. Mix commented 14 years ago

Haha it's easy, just pretend you're making a tv-show and you can steal any bike you want ;)
Picture of kutsuke24 achievements

+3 30. kutsuke commented 14 years ago

#13 and anyone else who can't think for themselves

It is absolutely 100% bull crap that black people commit more crimes than non-black people, but you totally believe the bull crap because in your mind it justifies your racism.
Picture of Gorf35 achievements

0 31. Gorf commented 14 years ago

I'd have said to both of the thieves:

"Why don't you just lift the bike over the sign?"
Picture of zhouluyi29 achievements

0 32. zhouluyi commented 14 years ago

The Neistat Brothers did exactly that back in 2006 (or 2005), one of the passersby even offered help on how to steal it.
Picture of trancetunes48 achievements

0 33. trancetunes (moderator) commented 14 years ago

#2 I think you mean it ISN'T color blind, although it should be! :|

#13, what you fail to mention is WHAT qualifies as a crime, and not to mention that this video is pointing out RACIAL profiling which ends up leading up unfair arrests especially for minorities.

I think you need to watch this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3812249801848706206#

A white male is 4.5x more likely to have drugs in the car, but a black/brown man is 4x more likely to get his car searched for drugs. That was a study found by the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT of the United States Govt. itself. Those statistics that you are pulling are total BS in the end.
Picture of Mourialaid23 achievements

+3 34. Mourialaid commented 14 years ago

200% agree with #30
When I hear donkeys saying things like black people commit more crimes, I always tell them:

Did you ever saw in the news a pedophil that was not a white man?

The test in this video failed. The test with the white guy should have been done in a city of black people. I hate when media do false tests to support false facts.
Picture of MoiseCosmin7 achievements

0 35. MoiseCosmin commented 14 years ago

Oke , now I'm beeing racist.

I got a personal classification of the colour people

White people are like : Criminals
Black people are like : Thiefs
Asian people are like : more inofencive ( in my opinion xD )
Picture of bishpuppy23 achievements

0 36. bishpuppy commented 14 years ago

@#2 ... i think you mean 'justice really is color-binded'
Picture of eNdEmiOn0646333 achievements

+1 37. eNdEmiOn06463 commented 14 years ago

Not another one of these ridiculous "social experiments". Again no scientific value at all. Just plain old simple and cheap entertainment.

You really don't need to capture this on tape. Anyone with half a brain will now the outcome.
Picture of redbullhorn32 achievements

0 38. redbullhorn commented 14 years ago

@1...no he's not helping him stealing the bike, the commentator said if he explain losing his key, people might response kindly, the video said we all see opening to reassure our selves that we are no bias......