stop smoking

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Picture of YetiGrowl38 achievements

+99 1. YetiGrowl commented 14 years ago

..and this is why i have never started!
Picture of yajirou38 achievements

+41 2. yajirou commented 14 years ago

Real truth right there. Not only will the smokers die but damn your family or friends are as doomes as well thanks to the second hand smoking... Thank you for killing us! Bitches!
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+42 3. Sizzlik (admin) commented 14 years ago

#(removed comment) well i still do..and not just tobacco :P (i know..not a comment to make =P )
Picture of banzemanga46 achievements

+61 4. banzemanga commented 14 years ago

Cool video. Now, let's smoke the recycled tar. XD
Picture of ihateregistering26 achievements

+47 5. ihateregistering commented 14 years ago

If second hand smoke is that bad then so are exhaust fumes or other air polutions wich contain small particulates. (especially diesel's.)

I'm an ex-smoker and i don't mind if people smoke in my house.

I think governments all over the world (exceptions there of course) are being hypocrite for creating awareness of the dangers of smoking but are forgetting the pollution from cars/factory's.
I sure do want to live healthy but i really don't care about cigarette smoke when the're 600+ cars driving by my window everyday.
Maybe i'd care if car's weren't allowed in the city's anymore, or at least the inner city.

btw; Hi!, i'm a Dutch newbie! :)
Picture of Cynabal41 achievements

+39 6. Cynabal commented 14 years ago

I love smoking.. in fact, i love all my vices, and i can't imagine life without them.. Smoking related health issues and fatalities are common knowledge for generations now, but you can still find smokes at any street corner, and smokers in between them;) The only thing that will ultimately kill smoking, is a better, superior vice ;)
Picture of zombra8919 achievements

+44 7. zombra89 commented 14 years ago

I believe that people should know how deadly tobacco is, but still we can't tell people what to do with their bodies, if you want to smoke, you have the right to do it.
Picture of Bream7333 achievements

+35 8. Bream73 commented 14 years ago

That is freakin disgusting
Picture of 42019 achievements

+44 9. 420 commented 14 years ago

big whoop, everyone knows smoking is harmful. telling smokers that its bad for their health isn't going to help them quit. they need to understand the psychology behind the addiction and how your mind plays tricks on you so you think you're actually getting some sort of benefit from it.

i highly recommend any smokers out there who want to quit to read "The Easy Way To Quit Smoking" by Alan Carr (or something like that). its not like this video that thinks that scaring smokers with health issues will make you quit, it just clearly explains that smoking is like wearing shoes a couple sizes too small so you enjoy the feeling of taking them off
Picture of MakeTnotWar38 achievements

+52 10. MakeTnotWar commented 14 years ago

I smoked for 19 years. Then I left my parents home.
Picture of rufinus35 achievements

+29 11. rufinus commented 14 years ago

... now take the bottle and drink it >:)
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+64 12. sux2bu commented 14 years ago

I like to drink good beer and Bourbon whiskey. But then I read about the evils of I gave up reading.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+47 13. Sizzlik (admin) commented 14 years ago

i hate you #12 ..cuz of you i spilled my bourbon all over my desk >:)
Picture of h8isgr828 achievements

+31 14. h8isgr8 commented 14 years ago

#7 Sure, people have the right to poison their bodies in whatever way they choose. That doesn't make it fair to everyone else who has to pay for their health issues later in life.
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

+33 15. badboy007 commented 14 years ago

#7 for some reason people like to smoke to relive them selves e.g after a fight with the wife...
Picture of got_milk30 achievements

+23 16. got_milk commented 14 years ago

Good news everyone!
Smoking is cool.
Picture of sirval35 achievements

+30 17. sirval commented 14 years ago

good thing that I change my water every 6 hours :p
Picture of D-Pen34 achievements

+29 18. D-Pen commented 14 years ago

Actually the effect of smoking to lung cancer, as everyone believes, is not that grave. It is the hypertension it cause. Nicotine and other chemicals in the cigarette makes blood vessels constrict or spasm. Blood vessels are very important in your body and when compromised, all other organs in the body could fail, especially the heart. Chronic high blood pressure is the main central effect of long term cigarette smoking which includes a long list of diseases such as Heart Failure, Kidney Failure, Stroke, Aneurysms, Diabetes, etc. Cigarettes should NOT ONLY be linked to lung cancer, but other much more deadlier diseases as well.

But damn there is too much oxygen in my nicotine system, cant help it.
Picture of ehcanadian35 achievements

+30 19. ehcanadian commented 14 years ago

If I had seen this years ago it would have made me quit sooner. Great vid.
Picture of dashmagnus28 achievements

+33 20. dashmagnus commented 14 years ago

My treadmill has a digital display showing the user's heartrate and blood pressure but I removed it to make room for the ashtray. After seeing this video I've decided to switch to low tar.
Picture of Vaithan29 achievements

+25 21. Vaithan commented 14 years ago

Well if you can't kick the habbit or enjoy smoking so don't want to stop, just get rid of the tar and crap found in ciggies! Get yourself an electronic cigarette. Google it if your not sure. Youtube it to see it in action. Kick the cancer causing shit and still enjoy a smoke.
Picture of ValdeLevis27 achievements

+29 22. ValdeLevis commented 14 years ago

Scare tactic demonstrations stop smokers just like PMRC labels stop rap music sales. Far too many of these "Health and Safety" issues are thinly veiled power grabs.
Picture of patrick6719 achievements

+34 23. patrick67 commented 14 years ago

20 cigarettes per day represent 1.5dl of tar per year ... the equivalent of a cup of tea!
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+26 24. huldu commented 14 years ago

Kids, real gangsters smoke. You know you want to be one.
Picture of DarkiKun41 achievements

+31 25. DarkiKun commented 14 years ago

thankfully i never started ^^
Picture of Skeesicks38 achievements

+29 26. Skeesicks commented 14 years ago

People will always do things which are harmfull for them.

Eating, drinking, smoking, drug-abuse and so on.

All is known to be harmfull but people dont't stop doing it.
They are all lazy bastards who won't kick a habit just to live longer (Including me).

People won't stop smoking just because of this kindof videos...If you want to stop smoking, you have to really want it to be sucessfull.If you just try it, you will fail.

If the brain is ready to stop smoking, then your body is as well!
Picture of equilibrium2x25 achievements

+24 27. equilibrium2x commented 14 years ago

cool. are we gonna bash alcohol as hard as we did cigarettes now? just asking whether we're gonna be consistent or not in showing our superior etiquette...
Picture of zerorain26 achievements

+32 28. zerorain commented 14 years ago

lol he said it was bitter. wonder how he found that out.
Picture of lockandload57 achievements

+25 29. lockandload commented 14 years ago

ive watched many similar videos like this but the message never gets across..thats how addictive cigs are, my advice- DONT START!
Picture of LQoQK44 achievements
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-14 30. LQoQK commented 14 years ago

poor machine
Picture of draxenn31 achievements
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-15 31. draxenn commented 14 years ago

Man, that was a boring video.
Hands up anyone who didn't already know all that!
...Yeah, that's what I thought. :)
Picture of Gorf35 achievements

+20 32. Gorf commented 14 years ago

"Extremely fatal"???

Something is either fatal or it's not. There isn't a sliding scale from "Barely dead" to "Extremely dead"
Picture of denko18 achievements

+23 33. denko commented 14 years ago

Congratulation for video author and uploader.
Picture of c3llz24 achievements

+21 34. c3llz commented 14 years ago

3:48 it looks like its dinner time :p

#10. you mean you left the basement got a hair cut and a job >:)
i moved out when i was 19 and still smoked for another 10 years and not this bs but the good old green =420 :D
Picture of Zebedee27 achievements

-1 35. Zebedee commented 14 years ago

I was told that this is where to come if you want a high comment rating.
Picture of wongraven37 achievements

+2 36. wongraven commented 13 years ago

>:) Sooo... what happens if you put weed in it !!