Don't drink from hotel room glasses

A hidden camera shows how the drinking glasses in your hotel room are cleaned. Cheers ;)

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Picture of dave919145 achievements

+2 1. dave9191 commented 17 years ago

Thats just wrong....
Picture of Aliquantulus40 achievements

+2 2. Aliquantulus commented 17 years ago

I'm never going to stay at a hotel again.. Period! :O
Picture of dvh35 achievements

-2 3. dvh commented 17 years ago

What's the big deal. Humans like any other living forms need some dirt to stimulate their immune system. So go, get an anti-bacterial soap or whatever and get some allergy as a result.
Picture of missybo6 achievements

+2 4. missybo commented 17 years ago

well dvh is'nt it better to be safe than sorry. and tats y we r catchin more colds and flu s our immune systems r not able for them anymore.
Picture of Friendlysoul42 achievements

+1 5. Friendlysoul commented 17 years ago

also dvh, didnt you hear, its not only a cold you will catch!
what about salmonella and other stuff!
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+1 6. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago

Dude...when i was a child I didn't care if i drooped my candy on the floor...I didn't wear a helmet on a bike ... i washed my hands before eating but not all the time... and I'm healthy as an ox ...

If your girlfriend drinks out of the glass ...will you wash the hell out of it before drinking yourself? .... I don't think homeless people go there :D so what's the big deal? why dose everything need to be so god damn clean for you?? LOL

PS : the toilet thing war horrible ....that was bad...
Picture of Napper32 achievements

+2 7. Napper commented 17 years ago

Well U mite give U r cola to U r friend but about stranger, U never know what kinda of disease they have :S and shiet, I've drunk from hotell glass
Picture of cosminb37 achievements

+1 8. cosminb commented 17 years ago

That's just unbelievable... Now I can't even trust restaurants that their plates are clean... :|
Picture of jmc1231802 achievements

0 9. jmc123180 commented 17 years ago

I just got back from Miami recently & had stayed in the Raddison & The Sheraton Hotel & there glasses were also dirty and had crust around the lid... needless to say I never drank from them anyway! I'm not blind... I can see if the glass is dirty and I dont trust that they would be cleaned properly! I bring either can or bottles with me when I stay anywhere & the only cups I would use would have to be disposable! I dont even trust dishwashers over a good old fasioned hand washing! :D Then again I am a little bit of a germ freak, ecspecially after showering! :D
That toilet scene was definately disturbing to witness & some believe ignorence is bliss but in this situation I think knowing the truth is better than over looking it! It really pissed me off >:)
Picture of bangman1 achievements

0 10. bangman commented 17 years ago

The issue here isn't about whether you ate candy you dropped when you were a kid or if you would 'scrub' a glass after you girl friend drank from it - it about the fact that when you book into a hotel you are being charged for room/sheets/glasses etc to be cleaned properly. The issue is that you are being conned. The suits in the hotels know damn well this is going on and they can't believe how easy it is NOT to clean your drinking glasses. Ever wonder why hotel managers always have that smarmy smile? Now you know - we are all chumps being taken for a very unhealthy ride and - until now - only the entire hotel staff knew it! Bottom line -it's contractual malfeasance - sue the bone idle manager for stomach poisoning: that'll certainly remind him(her)of their responsibilities AND instantly wipe the smile from their faces!
Picture of lkgmags20002 achievements

0 11. lkgmags2000 commented 17 years ago

For what you pay they should be able to bring clean glasses up from the kitchen !!!
Picture of justthinkn21 achievements

0 12. justthinkn2 commented 17 years ago

:( Has anyone ever thought about the linen as well. I have visited various hotels on business and is pleased to know that disposable cups are being used. This is terrible,,,,
Picture of t0720511 achievements

0 13. t072051 commented 17 years ago

Well look who is cleaning the rooms. Most probably it is an illegal alien, in other countries they do not have the same cleaniness standards and from what I have seen of the new aliens in this country they done pay attention to what they are told especially the mexican aliens because I work with them. We drink bottled water on our trips and rarely use the glasses which I am glad of now.
Picture of shopkdshopperatl1 achievements

+1 14. shopkdshopperatl commented 17 years ago

The Wingate Marietta and the Sarita Beach resort St. Petersburg FL are two more that I have encountered this at. Stick to drinking from the bottle it's safer.
Picture of TroyDawg1 achievements

0 15. TroyDawg commented 17 years ago

My family and I went through Atlanta and stopped at an American Family Hotel, When we went into the room it smelled like vomit, the sheets were wrinkled, there was vomit on the floor, and they refused to refund our money. We Will never stay or stop in Atlanta again.
Picture of Tim20461 achievements

0 16. Tim2046 commented 17 years ago

And all this time we thought we were getting sick from breathing the air inside the jet cabin.

The interesting thing about this whole fiasco is that in every hotel I've ever stayed at all the maid carts have "clean" glasses in racks.
Picture of Oxymoron1 achievements

0 17. Oxymoron commented 17 years ago

Yes, that is wrong, but as far as catching disease from those dirty glasses, you are problably no more likely to do so than by putting your hand on a public stairway handrail, the handle or knob of a door to a public building, and then put your finger in your nose or mouth. Germs are all around us. There is no escaping them. While there is no excuse for the hotels not to send their glasses to a dishwasher to get them properly cleaned, neither is this an excuse to be paranoid about using them, or refusing to stay in a hotel. If you are really paranoid, bring a little vial of dishwashing soap with you and turn on the hot water and wash the glasses yourself. However, don't touch the door handle when you enter the room if you are afraid of catching something.
Picture of pktabron1 achievements

+1 18. pktabron commented 17 years ago

well, think about the sheets and the covers. do you really think they change the blankets and covers every day for each different guest stay? I hope they change the sheets.
I remember back in the day that they changed the sheets even if you didn't check out. Now there is a sign in most hotels to throw the towels in the tub if you want them washed or changed. So maybe the towels also are not changed per guest stay. think about it, it's all about economy!!!!
Picture of Sealily3 achievements

0 19. Sealily commented 17 years ago

I was a chambermaid at expensive summer resorts when I was a teenager--- as were a number of my friends. You don't know the half of it, my dears. I found all sorts of nasty things left behind-- battery-operated stuff, used condoms, ropes from someone being tied up in a closet. I remember watching a South American girl showing her buddies how to speed up the cleaning-- spray cleaner everywhere, using the toilet brush to swab the toilet and seat, the bathtub and shower walls and handles, the sink and its handles. Then taking the used towels to polish off all the water. And polishing the glasses and putting new paper wrappers on them. The same towels were used to polish the floor. A strip of paper that declares Sanitized For Your Protection.
The coverlets and mattress covers are not changed often. Maybe once a month if you're lucky.
The walls are rarely wiped down. I know we gals never had time to do that. God knows what has been splashed on there. The curtains were cleaned once a year. The plastic shower curtains were supposed to be changed once a month. But we never did that. No time.
This was a fancy expensive resort. Even now, celebrities stay there.
The maids have to clean a lot of rooms in a day- how clean can they make a room in under 30 minutes?
So bring a chlorine solution with you. Clean the phone, handles, TV remote. First thing, turn down the coverlet/bedspread so you don't lie on it. Don't touch the blanket, ever. Make sure the sheets have been changed. Don't walk barefoot on the carpet or tiles. Only use disposable cups. ;)
Picture of Raffy1431 achievements

0 20. Raffy143 commented 17 years ago

That is just wrong. I just hope the hot tubs are clean!
Picture of diva7212 achievements

0 21. diva721 commented 17 years ago

We as consumers should urge the governing bodies who regulate hotel management to pass strict regulations to protect consumers who trust that the hygiene practices in hotels, motels, and Inns are being followed. This is vital to all consumers who have health issues. Makes you wonder do they really change the sheets after every guest leaves. Every consumer who uses these lodging providers are intitled to protection from unsanitary practices.
Picture of Koinu1 achievements

0 22. Koinu commented 17 years ago

Wow, In order to clean this up, perhaps all of us who stays at the hotel should place a camera to document the cleaning. Yes, it should be open and a note should be left for the maid to see that you are documenting the cleaning. Or you can just put a note that says you have a hidden camera documenting the cleaning.
Ha... I bet your room will be cleaned pretty well. But, I would still not drink from the cup without washing the cup with very hot water. This goes true with you glasses at home. When I go anywhere, I constantly wash my hands. A good habit to get into. I also wash everything before I use them. Even when I go to a restaurant, I wash the forks and spoons in the water and cleaning them prior. I am not sure it helps but it make the chances of dirty hands handling the forks and spoons form the dirty money that the people are handling.
Picture of hauck1 achievements

0 23. hauck commented 17 years ago

if the cups are dirty can you imagine what the sheets are like?ewwwwwwwww~
Picture of real1 achievements

0 24. real commented 17 years ago

... of course maids look spic-ish
Picture of lowell20051 achievements

0 25. lowell2005 commented 17 years ago

I wonder how many clean glasses will fit in my suitcase.
Picture of Toppy2 achievements

0 26. Toppy commented 17 years ago

I stay in Hotels and Motels all the time and always wondered about this. I quit using regular glasses and coffee cups only paper. Coffee Pots I guess are cleaned the same way so I will never make another pot of coffee or tea in the rooms anymore.
How gross and these hotels are not the lower class motels or hotels. It makes you wonder about the beds and how clean they are especially the bed spread and sheets and pillows. This makes me not want to travel but I am forced because of my job.
Picture of xenamarley71 achievements

0 27. xenamarley7 commented 17 years ago

:( BLAUCGH!!! That is SO NOT O.K.!
Picture of geezer8611 achievements

0 28. geezer861 commented 17 years ago

:( Be advised that most limousine services clean their glassware the same way as is done in the hotels..while guests (clients) are partying etc.the limo drivers take the dirty and used glassware for drinks and clean them with a window cleaner usually Windex, wipe them with a towel, and replace them in the passenger compartment to be reused later in the evening..I know as I was a limo driver in the past...this practice is used by many...
Picture of cheric1 achievements

0 29. cheric commented 17 years ago

I went to Atlanta and I stayed at the Rennaisance Waverly in Cobb county in July/August 2006. But I make it a practice to take my OWN drinking container or mug and never use the glasses. I also take my own towels because I have seen a stain or two on towels in hotels. And FYI, they don't change the blankets or comforters between guest, so the sheets are questionable too. For those of you who think that dirt won't hurt, did you hear the health professional say that you can contract a staph infection or herpes? I don't think that you can catch that from dirt or drinking after your girlfriend (unless she's infected). There is no such thing as being "too clean" because that is probably coming from the mind of a complete slob or a filthy person. So if dirt doesn't hurt, then just as the guy said, you may as well use the same plates at a restaurant that the people used who sat at the table before you. Just get a napkin and wipe it off and there you go.
Picture of bethc1 achievements

0 30. bethc commented 17 years ago

I used to work at a 4+ star resort in British Columbia, Canada and I can assure you that they clean the drinking glasses the exact same way as in the video. When I first started at the resort in the housekeeping department I was trained to clean the glasses that way. However, I can say for myself that I got new glasses off our supply cart. Now the glasses off the supply cart are supposed to be clean and right from the dishwasher. However, when looking for a clean glass I also came across a lot of dirty ones. So who was to say that they were all clean. I mentioned this to the manager and she told me that the glasses are supposed to be changed, not washed in the rooms, and that the ones off the supply cart are supposed to be clean. I showed her my cart and then we went to look at the other carts. All dirty. I actually spent one night running ALL the glasses from the carts in the dish washing machine. They were still dirty when I pulled them out and cold. Needless to say that I told the manager about it and they had maintenance fix the machine. Now, I no longer work there, but I can imagine that the room attendants are still cleaning the glasses like the women in the video. It's sad that people are too lazy to get a clean glass off the supply cart. That's where the clean towels, sheets and other supplies are kept too. All one would have to do is go to the cart to get a clean glass. It makes no sense to me.
Picture of rhvalen1 achievements

0 31. rhvalen commented 17 years ago

If the drinking glasses are cleaned this way, did you ever wonder about the stains on the carpet and what caused the stains? The sheets,blankets,spreads,pillows,etc.and if they're sanitized? How about eating out, is someone in the kitchen spitting on your food or worse? Trust me, this has been going on for years. If you are still alive consider yourself lucky you haven't gotten a disease. How many of you have gotten sick or stomach flu after eating out? How many employees wash their hands when they come back from the bathrooms! Are you getting the big picture? Now, you know why Howy Mandell is a germ freak. This can make you insane if you think about this long enough....
Picture of cheripie1 achievements

0 32. cheripie commented 17 years ago

Picture of cheripie1 achievements

0 33. cheripie commented 17 years ago

:( well this is sick but ive been at a housekeeper for many years and worked at lots of motel and hotels ..ive never done this so why was all the housekeepers doing that ??maybe its the maids ,,,we always got cleaned glasses from a dishwasher and load them on a clean towel to our carts why is this happening this is sick..why is the maagers allowing this or telling them to do thid just like dirty sheets some maids dont change sheets either..bnut not me this is gross
Picture of RoadWarrior1 achievements

0 34. RoadWarrior commented 17 years ago

I am on the road 95% of the year and basically live in hotels - this is not the half of it! One time I walked back to my room because I forgot something and the housekeeper was there cleaning the bath room.

She had cleaner in the toilet and was swishing the coffee pot around in the water - to clean it!

The rubber glove issue is common - they use harsh chemicals to clean. They are instructed to wear them to protect themselves from injuries - but never told to take them off when not using them!

Don't even look in the air conditioners - they are suppost to be on a three month cleaning cycle - most never get the cleaning until they break down. Mold, dust, insects, and just about anything else you can imagine!

Carry antibiotic wipes, wipe everything down, spray the floors with at least Lysol, never ever lie on the comforter, and carry your own glasses!
Picture of debb1 achievements

0 35. debb commented 17 years ago

I worked in Motels, Hospitals and that is disgusting. When you wear gloves make sure you take them off. I like dissposable gloves better than the one that the housekeeper had on. I change my gloves after cleaning the bathroom before I go on. After cleaning the sink because of the moisture on your hands and the cleaners, I change my gloves. Put on a new one. After cleaning each room I change my gloves. I never wear the same glove for another room. After cleaning up blood I change gloves, rewipe the area that had blood on it. Change gloves and go on. Guess, I just take pride in my work. I believe that housekeeper should have been repommanded, written up, or let go.
Picture of Marshall1 achievements

0 36. Marshall commented 17 years ago

Take tequila with you and rinse everything thoroughly.
Picture of sharon1 achievements

0 37. sharon commented 17 years ago

Wow! I have used the room glasses in the past but NEVER again! I have bought coffee cups for extended stays; now I will be sure to have disposable cups and glasses only (if I don't drink from my own can or bottle - which I do clean before drinking from). I constantly wash my hands for cleanliness but ALWAYS assumed that the glasses and cups in the rooms were cleaned - this was an eye opener! I do check the sheets and don't sit on the bedspreads nor walk barefoot on the carpets. I always use a clean towel on the bathroom floors; now I guess I wasn't being out of line. I've traveled a lot and haven't gotten sick yet - guess I've been lucky - happy travels! :D
Picture of drobbins1 achievements

0 38. drobbins commented 17 years ago

Yuck, This is sickening. Now I know why I have a 5th wheel and live in my own home. We don't often stay in Hotels and now I'm really glad. It might cost more to own a travel trailer now days, but it seems a lot more healthy. Next time we go to a hotel I'll take my own glasses.
Picture of Rebel292 achievements

0 39. Rebel29 commented 17 years ago

I'm going to be the first to tell you that I went on a trip to Tenn. feeling fine stayed at a hotel for 3 nights and it was about the 2nd night I was in bed and I started to feel sick. I used their glass to rinse my mouth out from bushing my teeth and i used their glass to take my meds and i to for now on will bring my own disposable glass for such things for now on. you can have 5 health depts down their backs once they leave it goes back to normal routine. the helath depts cant babysit them hotels 24/7 7 days a week, 12 months a year.
Picture of shoeladynurse1 achievements

0 40. shoeladynurse commented 17 years ago

I have noted dirty glasses and worse than that the ice bucket was obviously very dirty in one of our recent hotel stays. I don't use without plastic lining. I welcome plastic sealed disposable glasses especially after seeing this video.
The Toliet thing is soooooooooooo disgusting. They only protect themselves. Also smelling the wash cloth and wiping out glasses. Yes we use to do a lot of things differently anad we drink after family but with all the new diseases and antibiotic resistant strains of germs it is a lot more dangerous. Hepatitis would be a big risk toliet to sink and the glasses. That is how it spreads. UGH !!!!
Picture of greenman1 achievements

0 41. greenman commented 17 years ago

Nobody should be surprised by this! There are so many examples of this kind of thing out there that if you were to become aware of them all your head would explode! Listen, it doesn't matter how much you've spent on your ....anything, you can't depend on someone else for your safety. EVER! Take your own life into your own hands in all things. Some day, when you narrowly avoid a deadly traffic accident because you were the only driver who was paying attention, you'll be glad you got into the habit!
Picture of Chazzbird1 achievements

0 42. Chazzbird commented 17 years ago

Obviously, the motive for this neglect is
quite simply the costs of water, the energy it takes to heat it and the
labor time it takes to do the job properly. When you multiply by
thousands of rooms and properties in these chains, we aren't talking
about chump change, here!
But another issue is their attempt to cut costs and their liability by
supplying "single Use" plastic drinking glasses.
Just think of the environmental impact of that practice! The waste, the
pollution caused when these things are incinerated, or what happens in
terms of biodegrade -ability when they go into landfills. The
implications are just as ominous!
And we as "consumers," share a big piece of the responsibility for being
complicit and acting out of convenience rather than survival.

Peace Out,
Picture of doggy823 achievements

0 43. doggy82 commented 17 years ago

Well said!
Picture of mary1quinby2 achievements

0 44. mary1quinby commented 17 years ago

Much of this has to do with businesses being so greedy, that they are hiring illegals paying low wages and letting them do the cleaning the quickest and cheapest. They do not care, all they want is cosmetically for their place to look good. Blame the goverment. The same people we the taxpayers pay to protect us.
Picture of Confused1 achievements

0 45. Confused commented 17 years ago

Someone should investigate if they clean the blankets and bedding also.
Picture of awaddel71 achievements

0 46. awaddel7 commented 17 years ago

I will always supply my own. My suggestion to others is that collapsible glassware is available in standard sizes. Carry your own so you won't carry germs from others.
Picture of awaddel71 achievements

0 47. awaddel7 commented 17 years ago

I will always supply my own. My suggestion to others is that collapsible glassware is available in standard sizes. Carry your own so you won't carry germs from others. I don't know if I could ever trust the hotel on this issue. Whoever mandates these procedures should be fired. Epidemics could start here.
Picture of christian1x1 achievements

0 48. christian1x commented 17 years ago

In the last 2 years, I stayed in motels from Las Vegas to New York, along route 70 North and Route 40 South. I usually use the "Choice" line or the lower end, because I know that I just need to get some sleep and not try to make it my home. I carry LYSOL, my own pillow, my own sheets, wash cloth and towels. I take the bedspread, roll up, and use to prop up my feet when I sleep. I never use it to sleep under. If I need to cover up, I have my own sheet to do so. I have these things with me, because I drive, most of the time. But, when I fly, believe me, I have my can of LYSOL packed in my bag and spray everything down, before I use it.
I would suggest that we all do the same thing.
Happy Traveling!
Picture of MARNIE1 achievements

0 49. MARNIE commented 17 years ago

Don't you know, this same thing goes on on Cruise Ships.

How do you think they have so much sickness on board?
And I still say the airlines do not clean their vents or
anything else if they can get out of it. Please don't
use their pillows or blankets, take your own as long as they
will let you take anything onboard.
Picture of EJPurcell1 achievements

0 50. EJPurcell commented 17 years ago

Get over it people. Check your own house, I'm sure it's just as germ filled.
Picture of mulberryinfinity4 achievements

0 51. mulberryinfinity commented 16 years ago

Duh, who doesn't rinse out those glasses in hot hot water before drinking from them??!
Picture of live2fast1 achievements

0 52. live2fast commented 16 years ago

Well, look who is cleaning the room.... Some wet back who probably doesn't even have a green card! Those people don't know any thing about sanitation! They are "Gross"... I know I live in The land of tons of Wet Backs! They are nasty... Don't know how to flush toilets.... So what do you expect???? Those people are one of the sickest races I have even met..... They crap in their own back yards... Don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.... That's just "Nasty"!!!!!!!!!
Picture of Hellion198238 achievements

+1 53. Hellion1982 commented 14 years ago

This is only one of the most easily verifiable code violations that's caught. What about laundry? And worse, the kitchen?

They could have concentrated on all these issues instead of concentrating on just the dirty glasses.
Picture of taiga1 achievements

+2 54. taiga commented 14 years ago

I can't believe that people think otherwise ... I wash EVERY glass I use in a hotel. I worked at Jasper Park Lodge as a very young student, and we were taught to clean out the drinking glasses with an old bath towel, picked up off the floor, and put a "sterile" paper cover over it ... as a consequence, nothing that ever touches my lips from a hotel room hasn't been rinsed in hot, hot water first ... I've even been known to bring my own SHEETS to a hotel ... now that's another story nobody would want to hear... and pillows! I would never, ever travel without my own PILLOW!

I am just surprised people are actually shocked at this ... what are THEY thinking?