Bear Grylls: Balls of Steel

Bear Grylls decides it's a good idea to climb a sixty meter high bridge which leads directly onto train tracks.

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Picture of JohnMichael32 achievements

+40 1. JohnMichael commented 13 years ago

His insurance company probably drank their own piss when they saw this episode..
Picture of nomaddaf22 achievements

+25 2. nomaddaf commented 13 years ago

This show is total bull and so is this guy, It is all scripted. And he has safety equipment that is not seen. Edited out. Show after show is full of coincidence one after another.You couldn't catch this much thrill in a hundred life times. Sorry but I cry fake.
Picture of jeffy37 achievements
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-5 3. jeffy commented 13 years ago

Say what you want about Bear Grylls , but the man really risks his own life sometimes ( no , not when he is drinking his own piss ) . That's preety much enough . I'd like to see you who cry " fake " even attempt this .
Picture of gouranga4ever43 achievements

+56 4. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago

The cameraman is Chuck Norris..
Picture of loadme33 achievements

+7 5. loadme commented 13 years ago

take a closer look at some makeing ofs

half of it is fake
at no time he is really in danger. imo the only really dangerous situation was the jump on the train.
Picture of worm24 achievements

-3 6. worm commented 13 years ago

Bear Grylls Do not try luck as Steve Irwin
Picture of Acquiesce36 achievements

+30 7. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago

They cleary say at the begining of each video :

"Bear Grylls and the crew receive support when they are in potentially life threatening situation as required by health & safety regulation.

On some occasions, situations are presented to Bear so he can demonstrate survival techniques.

Professional advice should always be sought before entering any dangerous environment."

So its not about fake or not, they have never claimed that it was all true.
Picture of Paul196825 achievements

+24 8. Paul1968 commented 13 years ago

ok lets get one thing straight, bear has guts. theres a difference between having balls and having guts.
go out with the lads for a night on the beer and come home at 3am to see your wife standing waiting for you with a broom, you ask if she still doing housework at this hour..... thats having guts

go out with the boys for a night on the beer come home at 3 am smelling of perfume and lipstick on your shirt and slap your wifes arse on the way past her and say your next chubby.... thats having balls.

both result in death.
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+1 9. irishgek commented 13 years ago

Ok so your telling me its safe to throw a rusty bit of chain up on to some tracks and then "trust" that its hooked safely on something ? what a load of bull shit love the way they skipped showing us how that was hooked on ,
Picture of defade30 achievements

+6 10. defade commented 13 years ago

The jump out of the train tunnel is just ridiculous. It's not even done well.
Picture of Ferdinand10 achievements

+2 11. Ferdinand commented 13 years ago

Hilarious nonsense. TV made specially for gullible idiots.
Picture of moon-trial21 achievements

-1 12. moon-trial commented 13 years ago

I want this auto grab chain!! :x
Picture of Pana39 achievements

-2 13. Pana (reviewer) commented 13 years ago

#8 Will i have fantasies like that when i get married :) ?
Picture of JohnMichael32 achievements

+1 14. JohnMichael commented 13 years ago

Say fake all you want, this guy used a paramotor (powered hangglider) to fly above Mount Everest (in -60 degrees Celsius). He beat the paramotor hight record by 3000(!) meters (previous record was 6000 m).
In your mind he probably faked that one too right? He had safety cords hanging from satelites or something perhaps?
Picture of Ferdinand10 achievements

-3 15. Ferdinand commented 13 years ago

So he flew a powered hang-glider, big deal. That's rather different to the ridiculous chain-swinging train-dodging comic-strip exploits he's asking us to believe here. He's a dimwit, rather like you...
Picture of ace54329 achievements

0 16. ace543 commented 13 years ago

#2 he went online a few weeks ago to answer questions:

A person asked him if this particular video with the train was real and his response was:
"real train, real tunnel, real new underpants needed afterwards!"

...real scenario who knows but you might be interested in it :)
Picture of UncleLee22 achievements

+6 17. UncleLee commented 13 years ago

Why didnt he just walk along on the ground until the end of the trestle and then walk up the hill to the railroad tracks?
Picture of JohnMichael32 achievements

+2 18. JohnMichael commented 13 years ago

#15 He climbed Mount Everest at 23 years old, you hadn't even gotten your cherry popped by that age...
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

0 19. Highmeadow commented 13 years ago

#17 - that's what I was thinking. I guess common sense wouldn't have made good script. :P
Picture of Ferdinand10 achievements

-2 20. Ferdinand commented 13 years ago

#18, in fact by age 18 I had already made love to eight very nice girls. That is something you could only dream about... a wet dream. lol. :D
Picture of JohnMichael32 achievements

0 21. JohnMichael commented 13 years ago

#20 Last time I checked, only virgins used the phrase 'made love'. The rest of the world calls it 'had sex'...
Picture of Ghostriderr1111116 achievements

+1 22. Ghostriderr11111 commented 13 years ago

My left ball fell off it sack...........when I saw the oncoming train!!!

Bear Grylls former British SAS (Special Air Service)
Picture of tiggfigg29 achievements

0 23. tiggfigg commented 13 years ago

The train conductors must have shat bricks, when Bear Grylls stormed the cockpit.
Picture of Kaworu33 achievements

+1 24. Kaworu commented 13 years ago

Well I just got back from a trip to Montana and had some locals tell me how staged this episode was. Most of the topography was way off like hundreds of miles apart from scene to scene and allot of the hazards he got himself into had pretty well planned and prearranged solutions, I can see why some people tend to cling to the "its real" concept the show tends to portray but to those who call Bears scenic survival adventures there back yard, its quite an elaborate TV show. Emphasis on "Show." Please don't get me wrong though, I love the guy and think his show is pretty cool but reason and logic reigns supreme when it comes to his most grizzly skirmishes with the wilds hes flung to. :P
Picture of ShameAndBlame15 achievements

0 25. ShameAndBlame commented 13 years ago

doesn't make it any less impresive what he does that stuff is planned, he still has to do it. And how difficult would it be if they couldn't present him with challenges or plan ahead, or edit? It would just be watching a guy walking around in the woods. Would hardly make for interesting tv.
Picture of Betspanker24 achievements

+1 26. Betspanker commented 13 years ago

This is total balls. Why would he climb up there? Why can't he just follow the track from the ground?
Picture of SunshineEddy42 achievements

-1 27. SunshineEddy commented 13 years ago

I'm guessing most of the people complaining and bitching about how it's fake are the same people were pissed when they found out The Blair Witch Project was just a movie. Geez people, I kind of thought the whole idea of entertainment was an escape from reality. When did so many people lose track of that?