The Minigun

Yet another crazy video by FPSRussia.

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Picture of bitbox25 achievements

+24 1. bitbox commented 13 years ago

poor fishes :(
Picture of master_shake36 achievements

+10 2. master_shake commented 13 years ago

There goes a year's salary in ammo, very nice comrade!
Picture of Cloe41 achievements
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-5 3. Cloe commented 13 years ago

wow! that is the russian way to make your own water fountain :D
Picture of Cynabal41 achievements
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-10 4. Cynabal commented 13 years ago

Why are you people keep posting this shit videos?
Picture of OnetimeX36 achievements

+5 5. OnetimeX commented 13 years ago

My great uncle Vladimir was scuba diving in that lake, i hope you're proud Boris!! :P :x >:)
Picture of smellyape33 achievements

+12 6. smellyape commented 13 years ago

hmmm, FPS Russia is really getting popular on snotr lately.. hopefully, we won't be seeing any "Epic meal time" here on snotr as well :S
Picture of dbomber6946 achievements

0 7. dbomber69 commented 13 years ago

He aint in Russia. He's an american trying to look like a Russian. Look at the video of him in the troop transport. Hes at a McDonalds in the south but he says hes in Russia. Why doesn't he give up the fake accent and just stop the lie? :P
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+6 8. sux2bu commented 13 years ago

At about $1400.00 a minute at that rate of fire for 7.62x51 ammo he has really "shot" a wad of cash in this vid.
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

+4 9. Highmeadow commented 13 years ago

What an idiot. :|
Picture of Oddi50 achievements

+2 10. Oddi commented 13 years ago

WHY? Why he is he only shooting at water and som rocks??? Where are all those nice things you can put some fire and holes on? :'( Its a fucking MINIGUN ffs gief us somethin!
Picture of vanova19 achievements

-3 11. vanova commented 13 years ago

what they have done wrong those poor fish in the lake!?!?!? they were swimming peacefully then some .... came and shot them all died for a freaking 3min video :-(
Picture of Taineract35 achievements

+9 12. Taineract commented 13 years ago

If he can spend that much $$$$ on ammo, he should have spent more money on cool targets! Nevertheless, way cool gun.
Picture of Randyio50 achievements

+2 13. Randyio commented 13 years ago

Very cool, now try aiming at something
Picture of etplayer35 achievements

+7 14. etplayer commented 13 years ago

Agreed! They should have bought a junker car for a couple of hundred bucks and turned it into swiss cheese :D
Picture of fjwjr62 achievements

0 15. fjwjr commented 13 years ago

I got wood............
Picture of davor138720 achievements

+3 16. davor1387 commented 13 years ago

As a European I can say that he does have the Slavic descent. But as far as the accent goes, it is totally made up and fake. He was most likely born in the United States. Regardless, he still knows how to entertain and put up a good show.
Picture of loadme33 achievements

-2 17. loadme commented 13 years ago

such a loser
such a crap video

please try to keep up originality in snotr vids.

this one was a waste of time about some faggot shooting 30 seconds into a see and trying to look cool.
Picture of abbahh31 achievements

+1 18. abbahh commented 13 years ago

#7 he already told that he isn't a russian he does this only for the entertainment and if u guys don't like his vids DON'T WATCH THEM!!!!!!
Picture of dannodon36 achievements

+1 19. dannodon commented 13 years ago

Is that last part where he fires the gun free hand fake? There are no hot brass cases flying out at his groin... Also no recoil what-so-ever, in Terminator 2 Arnold had a steel support rod under his pants in order to hold the minigun in place.. and Arnold is a bit bigger then this guy.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 20. sux2bu commented 13 years ago

#19 He is using a shoulder strap to hold the weight and the camera is just not able to 'see' the brass dumping out the left side in the dark.
This guy is so lucky and probably wealthy too.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+2 21. Sizzlik (admin) commented 13 years ago

Funny how in each FPSrussia vid people start to complain about "He is not russian..its fake"...ages ago it was stated that he is not russian..the accent just makes it funny. I bet without the accent people would complain about "stupid weapon loving american"...would be funny to see what people say when he would use an indian accent =)
Picture of sircam16 achievements

+1 22. sircam commented 13 years ago

I hear voices in my head but they speak Russian! FPS rocks baby yee haa!
Picture of SvyasMD34 achievements

0 23. SvyasMD commented 13 years ago

I am adding this gun to my zombie apocalypse survival kit wish-list!! wonder how much i'd have to spend for something like that...
Picture of SunshineEddy42 achievements

+1 24. SunshineEddy commented 13 years ago

#21.... I think you're on my wave-length.... I can't tell you how many comments I don't leave because you said them first! I was totally thinking that without the awesomely ridiculous accent, he'd be just another douche overcompensating with big toys, lol!
Picture of CrazyEddie28 achievements

0 25. CrazyEddie commented 12 years ago

When he does that little smile and a nod, does that mean he's just squirted in his pants?
Picture of MindTreat22 achievements

0 26. MindTreat commented 12 years ago

One thing is to fake an accent to make things funny. Another is to fake entire videos, considering special effects and computer editing. Like the quadcopter video, so full of CGI its just annoying...
Sure, sure, he's doing it for entertainment... but damn, if he has so much time, and money, and skills, why not dedicate it to something proper?