Go Beyond Oil

A GreenPeace message.

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Picture of nemmie29 achievements
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-9 1. nemmie commented 13 years ago

Everything up to 1:35 is true, rest is just utopian talk from a bunch of hippies...
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements
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-6 2. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

Oh dear, and he was doing so well until he tried to make the tenuous and unproven link between seeking out the last remnants of the planet's oil, and a 'catastrophic 6 degree rise in global temperatures'. Just more greenpeace twaddle, soaked up en masse by greenie idiots everywhere.
Picture of wusdix20 achievements
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-5 3. wusdix commented 13 years ago

the rest is not utopian ... it's our last chance to try to clean all the shit we'v done to the earth ; now it's up to the big companies that rule the world to think about the 6 billion people instead of their own pockets.
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+14 4. ughlah commented 13 years ago

With the money we need (same goes for europe and the us) to save the economy we could easily switch from oil to water/air generated energy.

Humans tend to do everything at the last possible moment. I suspect there will drastic changes towards "green" energy productions when we see drastic changes in the weather more and more. Question is how long it will take nature to recover.

Switching your energy provider for an about 8% higher cost towards a "green" one isn't such a high price to send a message. Even if it is not exactly how energy distribution works, but thats another story...
Picture of Rexxae40 achievements

+32 5. Rexxae commented 13 years ago

#4 Humans tend to do everything at the last possible moment...

reminds me of homework :D
Picture of Tehnol36 achievements

+5 6. Tehnol commented 13 years ago

Before anyone comes out with "renewables can't produce baseload power" that is false. Last year with wind and hydro power China produced 30% more power than Australia uses in a year.

Also, I don't believe the world will come to it's senses in time to save itself. Big oil companies have too much influence on the worlds governments and the people. The CEO's of BP and the like only care about their money, and they will keep doing what their doing to get it. They have no incentive to change their ways, so why would they?
Picture of ui23634 achievements

+2 7. ui236 commented 13 years ago

I'm sorry but before we can run our economie on green power we must dramaticaly change the economy itself. If you take a list of the biggest companies in the world you will always see oilcompanies at the top. Our economy doesn't only run on oil, it's also the core of the economy itself.
Picture of cretia27 achievements

+4 8. cretia commented 13 years ago

#6 just because its hydro does not mean it is good for the planet .EG Right now construction is going ahead in brazil the amazon river is being dammed with over 40 dams this will kill the forest
"the worlds Lungs"....
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements

-1 9. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

#6 "Last year with wind and hydro power China produced 30% more power than Australia uses in a year. "

Are you saying that China produced 30% more power than Australia uses in a year... with only wind and hydro? No. I thought not. The truth is that China produces only 14% from hydro and less than 0.1% from wind power.

So sadly, the truth is, renewables can't produce baseload power.
Picture of ringmaster54 achievements

+1 10. ringmaster commented 13 years ago

I know where people that vote this video down work. That is not how you show your love for your children!
Picture of bountyhunter5326 achievements

+1 11. bountyhunter53 commented 13 years ago

I feel like moving planet... Mars maybe?
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

0 12. irishgek commented 13 years ago

Again green peace they are two bit two faced idiots they show here all this crap about wind and hydro yet here in ireland I can remember a protest they did about a wind farm because it would upset a few fu*king birds.

They have an aweful big mouth and love to spend money protesting and making lovely websites and spreading there "great ideas" and then when some one wants to make a difference they go and protest because now the birds are more important than saving our planet.

Sorry but I know local charity's and local projects in my area that have a greater impact that green peace will ever have on me. There nothing but no good lazy hippies who go around asking for handouts so they can do another protest or make another video and waste tons of resources while there at it.
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements
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-10 13. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

#12 irishgek, your spelling, grammar and punctuation are appalling. I guess you really are Irish?
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+2 14. huldu commented 13 years ago

Have no fear - we'll find another planet to destroy once this is depleted.
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+1 15. irishgek commented 13 years ago

#13 Shut up troll.
Picture of fjwjr62 achievements

-3 16. fjwjr commented 13 years ago

I wonder how this video was produced? How many parts of the computer it was created on were made from oil? How about the servers and computers that were used for "research" and sending it out on the web? How did the producers get to work to make it? Where do they live? I bet some of them have never lived outside of an urban environment, like Manhattan, but want to preach to me about how to live my life. Oh, shut up!.......and Snotr won't put up any videos that I suggest.........
Picture of esona23 achievements

-2 17. esona commented 13 years ago

Its quite simple really.
Oil is running out and while we burn it its killing out atmosphere.
See levels are rising due to us killing the atmosphere etc.
So stop burning oil start to use water for power.
I think they call it killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
Picture of SheikhDjibouti10 achievements

0 18. SheikhDjibouti commented 13 years ago

Obviously using oil is totally safe and having no effect on the planet at all.

It's great these large corporations volunteer to distribute oil for free to all the world's populations on an equal basis.

And I'm so glad that we don't have to use useless technologies like solar energy. We may as well just sell the sun on e-bay, since it doesn't really help the economy.
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements
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-8 19. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

#15. Shut up troll.
Picture of LaoMa28 achievements

+2 20. LaoMa commented 13 years ago

#6 might be right about the numbers, but he's clearly missing the point. Australia has a population equal to the one of Beijing. And Beijing population is only about 2% of China as a country. The amount of power needed is just astronomical.
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements

-1 21. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

"The amount of power needed is just astronomical."

Quite. And that amount of power cannot possibly be provided by wind turbines.
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

-3 22. Highmeadow commented 13 years ago

Here we go again. Wind turbines and solar panels are going to save the world. Whatever. If we made a huge change to that technology right now, we would probably find that in 50 years we'll be talking about how solar and wind energy disrupted natural weather cycles and we are headed for another ice age. Face it people, there are too many of us, and we are doomed to eventual extinction. Sieze the day.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+6 23. Sizzlik (admin) commented 13 years ago

#22 Well..thats stupid thinking. Nobody said we have to switch from fossil/nuclear power to green sollutions in one day. But using them can reduce the need of oil, coal, nuclear stuff..so..reduce some pullution. And how will Wind turbines, Sea turbines and solar pannels produce a new ice age? Does wind turbines produce wind? Sea turbines bigger waves and solar pannels more heat? They just use the power of nature wich is all around us now anyways.
Picture of cameramaster55 achievements

+1 24. cameramaster commented 12 years ago

And on June the 11th ( 2012) I'll be taking part in a annual protest cycle ride through central London to protest against oil dependency.....and I can GUARANTEE we WILL get peoples attention. How?....Simple....its the London NAKED cycle ride.......I'm just hoping its a warm day :D :D :D