Planets in scale and size

The size and scale of planets compared to each other.

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33 comments posted so far. Login to add a comment.

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Picture of Aliquantulus40 achievements

+5 1. Aliquantulus commented 17 years ago

Never was afraid of the universe until now..
Picture of rjavc24 achievements

+1 2. rjavc commented 17 years ago

damn and i thought sun was the biggest! :O
Picture of dave919145 achievements

+3 3. dave9191 commented 17 years ago

i suddenly feel very small.....
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+2 4. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago

I agree with Aliquantulus, rjavc and dave9191
I thought the sun was big until I saw W Cephei :O
and now I feel very small and afraid of the universe 8-)

Is there any planet or sun bigger then W Cephei? :(|)
Picture of CyBrChRsT1 achievements

0 5. CyBrChRsT commented 17 years ago

Gives new meaning to Orian's Belt on Men in Black.
We're specs of dust OR the size of an atom in our terms compared to what life might be out there. Yeah that's pretty scary esp. if they have weapons the size of our planet and larger. :O
I've lost the ability to ever sleep peacefully again! lol
Picture of NMY20 achievements

+1 6. NMY commented 17 years ago

#1 indeed
Picture of Napper32 achievements

+2 7. Napper commented 17 years ago

Yes, there is bigger stars than W Cephei, BabyJLE.
And C Cephei might actually be a small star, if we just could look futher in the space.
Picture of BombDiggady19 achievements

+1 8. BombDiggady commented 17 years ago

wow, I knew there were stars bigger than our sun, but it was just overwhelming at the end to see the size difference.
Picture of Shak4 achievements

0 9. Shak commented 17 years ago

Cool clip.

Very small minded to think we are the biggest or anything like that, the universe is a big place.


In retrospect, I reckon its also fairly small minded to think Earth is the only populated planet in the universe considering that even Mars shows signs of being hospitable once. One, possibly two planets in the same group, and yet there are countless other Galaxies, and planets orbiting stars? Doubt this is a question of 'maybe'.
Picture of Noobeater26 achievements

+2 10. Noobeater commented 17 years ago

Ive seen horseballs bigger than those suns.
Picture of ilovetrouble7778 achievements

+1 11. ilovetrouble777 commented 17 years ago

For acturus, there should be one more ' 0 ' at the last.
But great video. Thanks for sharing it
Picture of Tehrasha28 achievements

+1 12. Tehrasha commented 17 years ago

Ok, so they skipped poor little demoted Pluto, but where was Uranus? Come on, I want to see the size of Uranus! >:)
Picture of djac5 achievements

0 13. djac commented 17 years ago

OMG...never thing im so small....( thanks for sharing it)
Picture of Rinsy11 achievements

+1 14. Rinsy commented 17 years ago

it is so... big... :O and we are so small.. :)
Picture of drarkanex11 achievements

+1 15. drarkanex commented 17 years ago

Where's Uranus? It's Big and Gassy
Picture of Napper32 achievements

+1 16. Napper commented 17 years ago

Biggest known star so far is VY Canish Majoris. And it is much more bigger than W Cephei.
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+2 17. LightAng3l commented 17 years ago

but do they have water? :D

and water makes us special :)

and dooooohh rjavc can you think the sun is the biggest ? :))))
Picture of Kodeine4 achievements

0 18. Kodeine commented 17 years ago

My Cephei ---> o
My balls ---> OO

..dont act like your not impressed.
Picture of Deblaauwn32 achievements

+1 19. Deblaauwn commented 17 years ago

#2 You really never heard of, at least, Betelgeuze before?
Picture of Indycaller1 achievements

0 20. Indycaller commented 17 years ago

God is wonderfully so worthy :'(
Picture of no1home6 achievements

+1 21. no1home commented 16 years ago

makes you think... :|
Picture of Bahamaut7 achievements

0 22. Bahamaut commented 16 years ago

Good thing we are the only race in universe :(|)
Picture of Knives3 achievements

+1 23. Knives commented 16 years ago

thats crazy cool! >:)
Picture of bynenss6 achievements

+1 24. bynenss commented 16 years ago

12 Posted 71 days ago by Tehrasha

Ok, so they skipped poor little demoted Pluto, but where was Uranus? Come on, I want to see the size of Uranus!

If you really want to see the size of my anus, here it is.
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements

+1 25. SpikedSilver commented 16 years ago

that would be a nice collapse
Picture of DigitNSM7 achievements

+1 26. DigitNSM commented 16 years ago

Picture of martintanevski36 achievements

+1 27. martintanevski commented 16 years ago

:O :O :O :O
Picture of matsellah5 achievements

+1 28. matsellah commented 16 years ago

What do they teach in school these days?
Picture of donatelo18 achievements

+2 29. donatelo commented 15 years ago

we are dust on dust on dust :'(
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

-3 30. badboy007 commented 15 years ago













::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
Picture of Poxyklyp14 achievements

+4 31. Poxyklyp commented 15 years ago

#22 You're free to believe what you want...but anyone who thinks that out of the billions of galaxies in our universe, we're the only lifeforms, is rather ignorant, or a religious fanatic. Even if god did make the universe, there's no reason to believe he's incapable of making lifeforms in other galaxies...
Picture of Hellion198238 achievements

+2 32. Hellion1982 commented 14 years ago

Makes me feel so insignificant.
Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

+1 33. loadrunner commented 13 years ago

If our planet exploded, there would be no single civilisation on any other planet, noticing it.

That big is our Universe