New Yorker rides into obstacles in bike lanes to prove a point.

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Picture of gringo40 achievements

+96 1. gringo commented 13 years ago

HA HA The last one is the best :D
Picture of MrGood30 achievements

+56 2. MrGood commented 13 years ago

Thats a ridiculous rule... over here you can ride your bike wherever you want on the road!
Picture of rootkit32 achievements

+30 3. rootkit commented 13 years ago

#2 If there are bike lanes available you should make use of them. I'm not quite sure if you can get a ticket for not using them, though.

Anyway, good way to get the attention he wants, his video should go viral. ;)
Picture of banzemanga46 achievements

+50 4. banzemanga commented 13 years ago

Remember, always ride the bike on lane to avoid tickets; specially when you see a police car parked on the lane. >:)
Picture of wongraven37 achievements

+6 5. wongraven commented 13 years ago

Ancient Vid !! Anyway, like it is here in Norway we have thousends of kamikaze cyclists who think they are invincible in traffick. Its really annoying, they cause a lot of unnessesery problems for car-drivers. They should have their own bike lane, away from the road in every city. To bad politicians dont prioritize this enough ! :(|)
Picture of MajorIdea45 achievements

+13 6. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago

My hero!!!
Picture of Havix25 achievements

+7 7. Havix commented 13 years ago

Ya here they ride thier bikes like its their world. Not stoping at red lights. Jumping out into trafic, I drive a 6 ton truck, and you might be in the right when I run you over but I still win. I can walk away form the wrong you did to put me in the wrong. Ride onall of you couse I missed one of you the other day. SORRY!!!
Picture of snotraddict45 achievements

+1 8. snotraddict commented 13 years ago

I ride a lot and some of these bikers are real a-holes. He has a good point, but I really hate their pretentious thinking of I'm doing the world/planet a favor so I'm special 0:20 .
Picture of Break-a-leg27 achievements

+13 9. Break-a-leg commented 13 years ago

#8 he is doing the world a favor. Every person who gets on a bike is relieving stress on the public transportation system and more importantly on the roads itself. Every car that's not on the road saves on traffic jams and pollution.
More people should do so.
Picture of Maffis42 achievements

+2 10. Maffis commented 13 years ago

Too bad he didn't film before he got ticketed. Now we will never know the circumstance behind his ticket. There is nothing stopping him from dismounting his bike and walking across the blockade. You are a biker; getting hit by a car will not be pleasant. Dismounting and walking takes seconds, but it may save your life. I still think blocking the lanes are stupid, but not biking inside the lanes is even more stupid.
Picture of LaoMa28 achievements

+6 11. LaoMa commented 13 years ago

The biker made a good point, but why on Earth doesn't he wear a helmet? Seriously, I think riding without a helmet in my 200 000 people hometown is suicidal. It's a cheap life insurance.
Picture of Sebastien45 achievements

-3 12. Sebastien commented 13 years ago

#(removed comment) Dude, never tell Snotr folk to grow up!
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+5 13. Zebulun commented 13 years ago

This is another law made by local government (this law is only for New York, or potentially just for the New York City region, it doesn't apply to all of the US or for example In Chicago where Bikers are not "restricted" to a bike lane).
The local lawmakers try to solve a problem of bikers going in and out of traffic and just like typical government, screw it all up. Another example of government getting involved when they should not be.
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

+7 14. moskwiz commented 13 years ago

I'd give this +2 if I could
Picture of master_shake36 achievements
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-5 15. master_shake commented 13 years ago

Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

+2 16. Highmeadow commented 13 years ago

Kind of a stupid point on the biker's side, though. Car drivers have to constantly negotiate their way around obstructions in the city as well. The guy is just militant and inflexible and thinks he's better than the other road users who actually have to obey the rules.
Picture of WickedOne1423 achievements

-2 17. WickedOne14 commented 13 years ago

It should be an OPTION. Not wearing a helmet should be the ticket taker!
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

+5 18. Highmeadow commented 13 years ago

#17 - In the Netherlands, where millions of people ride bikes, they don't seem to feel helmets are necessary. I think mandatory bicycle helmets are going a little too far. It's the slippery slope to banning any sort of risky behaviour. Nobody wants to live in a world that is that boring.
Picture of cretia27 achievements

+5 19. cretia commented 13 years ago

notice how the cop car was parked outside the dohnut shop :D
Picture of lyleoz24 achievements

+3 20. lyleoz commented 13 years ago

When bicyclists pay registration and fees to ride on the road like all other vehicles then they will have the right to complain.
We all have to pay attention.
Would he have ridden into another bicyclist if they were stopped or in his way.
All of this was set up for the camera.
He is just a whiner, who never actually described in full his original infraction which was probably riding like an idiot to begin with.
Picture of imagic42 achievements

+3 21. imagic commented 13 years ago

give this biker his $50 back ánd a medal for coming up for bikers !!

i love the last statement he made crashing into that copcar,, FINE THE SON OF A BITCH COP FOR PARKING ILLIGAL ! or better , tow him away :)
Picture of smodd23 achievements

0 22. smodd commented 13 years ago

Im not surprised of corruption on this country anymore, they try to steal your money in a legal ways because i bet they receive a? percentaje of that money, this is becoming a Tyranny System without Rights for their citizens anymore, the system is going backwards now to the era of Kings and Queens we need Robin Hood again to put this corrupted assholes an arrow between their FuckingGreedy Eyes... It´s already an OBSOLETE SYSTEM THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED¡¡¡ FUCK CAPITALISM ¡¡¡
Picture of regiHR19 achievements

+1 23. regiHR commented 13 years ago

Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+1 24. sux2bu commented 13 years ago

Spoken like a true commie.I think most of the free world would disagree with you.
Currently, over 80% of the world's countries use capitalism, a free-market based economy. Its wide-spread use makes capitalism the most dominant form of economic system operating today. Names of capitalist countries include the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom. In addition, all members of the European Union which includes Ireland,Portugal, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany,Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Malta, Cyprus, Austria, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Greece. Additional countries include Mexico, Australia, India, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Botswana, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Turkey among others.
Picture of azsunnyjim3 achievements

0 25. azsunnyjim commented 11 years ago

Another reason I would not live in NYC