The NASA Effect

Due to its high visibility, NASA has a far greater impact than what its budget might suggest. Fully funding NASA will stoke a pipeline of scientists and engineers as never before, and stimulate an entire nation to dream about tomorrow.

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28 comments posted so far. Login to add a comment.

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Picture of Dudtotally25 achievements

+14 1. Dudtotally commented 13 years ago

Aspirations are what make you not kill yourself.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-12 2. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago

#1 Your picture is what makes us stay on this video >:) [Awesome video indeed]
Picture of Sebastien45 achievements

+6 3. Sebastien commented 13 years ago

BTW this is Neil deGrasse Tyson
Picture of gpullen42 achievements

+23 4. gpullen commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of irishgek50 achievements
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-16 5. irishgek commented 13 years ago

I lasted 1:57 seconds .....
Picture of FakeYou31 achievements
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-12 6. FakeYou commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of 1bleacherbum13 achievements

+19 7. 1bleacherbum commented 13 years ago

This man is brilliant!!
Picture of gpullen42 achievements
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-5 8. gpullen commented 13 years ago

#6 why you copy my comment??!!!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-5 9. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of binksy17 achievements

+6 10. binksy commented 13 years ago

He is incredible, he has so much enthusiasm and knowledge, I want to pick his brains!

I've watched a lot of his videos, and they're all interesting, mind can't go wrong.
Picture of iShine29 achievements

-4 11. iShine commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of JohnMichael32 achievements

+5 12. JohnMichael commented 13 years ago

Picture of AL7AIR43 achievements

0 13. AL7AIR commented 13 years ago

Watch out, we got a dumb ass over here. >:) (#3)
Picture of Sebastien45 achievements

+7 14. Sebastien commented 13 years ago

Alright smart guys (and the real genius at #13), it's just I wish I had written his name in the description: video content is not usually indexed.
Hope you still listen to the man!
Picture of Gringo_el_Diablo45 achievements

-3 15. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of Natan_el_Tigre52 achievements

+7 16. Natan_el_Tigre commented 13 years ago

Bear with me while I repost the following:

"A 1997 poll reported that Americans had an average estimate of 20% for NASA's share of the federal budget. In reality, NASA's budget has been between 0.5% and 1% from the late 1960s on. NASA budget briefly peaked at over 4% of the federal budget in the mid-1960s during the build up to the Apollo program."


"Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, "Because it is there." Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the Moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked."
—John F. Kennedy, Speech at Rice University

We the people ... what have we become? :'(
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-6 17. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of fixento232 achievements

-4 18. fixento2 commented 13 years ago

Lets cut to the chaff, NASA is not capable of returning to the moon. They are in the entertainment business. Mars is better PP, but too far for us to travel from a practical sense. NASA has a space station that 99% of the experiments can be performed without astronauts. Incidentally, it was to cost 40 billion now it's over 100 billion, need I say more about waste. We can't barely pay the interest on the national debt we owe, yet the education system is bleeding the taxpayers from the local to the national level without producing viable results. I would rather pay for a cure for cancer in children then finding out if water existed on Mars.
Picture of nZL26 achievements
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-6 19. nZL commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!
Picture of blade93923 achievements
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-5 20. blade939 commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of Sebastien45 achievements

+2 21. Sebastien commented 13 years ago

#18 You are very short sighted. You don't seem to get the point but there it is: buck for buck NASA generates the most inspiration for science, medecine and technology. And you cannot pay for a cure for cancer, if you take the whole of US GDP in cancer research, you will deprive society of other things and you're not guaranteed result.
The question is what is best to do with any amount of available money.
I think Neil makes a great case for the NASA effect.
Picture of thorargent18 achievements

+4 22. thorargent commented 13 years ago

Brilliant man, but NASA has fallen down hard on its perceived mission. They are masters at drawing a plan out for decades and doling out thin rewards for the money. They used to be great, but the people who got them there are dead or retired- the guys there now are just warming their chairs.

The future is not with government, it's with private efforts. NASA probably now means No Actual Science Allowed.
Picture of Ravez33 achievements

-4 23. Ravez commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
Picture of fixento232 achievements

-2 24. fixento2 commented 13 years ago

#18 Short sighted, I think not, you assume that I'm suggesting we don't continue to fund NASA but there is a need for serious oversight to determine if there is practical benefit associated with the expenditure and its not another grandiose plan that will never happen is being funded. NASA forgot that discovery is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Speaking of 1 percent, it is 37 billion dollars the 2012 budget and most of that will have to paid by our grandchildren.

I'm also sure you not suggesting that a cure for a disease is not related to the investment in research.
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+6 25. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago

#3 Thanks, however I got... ahh screw it...
Picture of AL7AIR43 achievements

0 26. AL7AIR commented 13 years ago

#14 I hear you, and him for that matter, loud and clear, and am already packing for my grand grand grand grand children for Kepler 22b :)
Picture of p310don9 achievements

+1 27. p310don commented 13 years ago

Awesome discussion. Great Video. Smart man. BUT, what I really want to know, do you think maybe he doesn't have pants on??
Picture of neversaynever23 achievements

-2 28. neversaynever commented 13 years ago

is he high or something!? :O