
The installation 'bios [bible]' consists of an industrial robot, which writes down the bible on rolls of paper. The machine draws the calligraphic lines with high precision. Like a monk in the scriptorium it creates step by step the text.

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Picture of gouranga4ever43 achievements

+37 1. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago

What an amazing invention. If this takes off we could all own books ourselves!
Picture of master_shake36 achievements

+60 2. master_shake commented 13 years ago

Next the machines will make up their own religion to oppress us with >:)
Picture of Weebor17 achievements

+27 3. Weebor commented 13 years ago

What the main question school kids will wanna know is "can it do my homework?" :D
Picture of captain_obvious38 achievements

+25 4. captain_obvious commented 13 years ago

just print it?
goes a lot faster!
Picture of davor138720 achievements

+3 5. davor1387 commented 13 years ago

Simply amazing how precise it draws each letter without making a mistake.
Picture of kekke200037 achievements

+22 6. kekke2000 commented 13 years ago

#(removed comment) It's still not handwritten so why not? :)
Picture of Rykimaruh20 achievements

-1 7. Rykimaruh commented 13 years ago

#6 Wouldn't provide the level of quality that this one offers.
Picture of WorldChampion26 achievements

+3 8. WorldChampion commented 13 years ago

A real page turner this book is... oh wait a minute...
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+2 9. huldu commented 13 years ago

Well, to some degree it is handwritten, by a computer. It's not like it's mass producing these texts. Each letter is being drawn just like if it were to be made by a human.
Picture of cranky40 achievements

+3 10. cranky commented 13 years ago

I didn't know it takes so many strikes for one letter in calligraphy. It's impressive when I realise how much effort it took for all those books to be really hand written by humans.
Picture of Slap_chop_ninja36 achievements

+1 11. Slap_chop_ninja commented 13 years ago

Damn. That's some fancy toilet paper.
Picture of vanova19 achievements

+4 12. vanova commented 13 years ago

God is just waiting we create enough Robots then he will kill us all!
Picture of MurderVictim18 achievements

+2 13. MurderVictim commented 13 years ago

Interesting from the viewpoint of the technical aspect of getting a robot to write so precisely. Just a pity it couldn't have written something more useful than the bible. :|
Picture of ughlah41 achievements

+1 14. ughlah commented 13 years ago

It is ink, it looks like ink, it feels like ink, that's the difference to printing.

I'd rather have a handwritten bible than a printed one, even if it is handwritten by a machine.
Picture of Gorf35 achievements

+6 15. Gorf commented 13 years ago

Does this mean we don't need monks any more?
Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

-1 16. loadrunner commented 13 years ago

"hears machine sneeze after 150 ours of non stop writing" omg.
Picture of SupremeNomNom19 achievements

+1 17. SupremeNomNom commented 13 years ago

I fell asleep watching this video Oo
Picture of Bobnut1224 achievements

+1 18. Bobnut12 commented 13 years ago

So this is how the Cylons started.
Picture of orion27 achievements

-1 19. orion commented 13 years ago

Impressive precision technology, but not something I'd want to go watch. And still a bit slower than a human, it might be possible to do it faster without losing precision.
Picture of Plecter28 achievements

+7 20. Plecter commented 13 years ago

Anyone else think this is ironic?
Picture of FatalBaboon25 achievements

+4 21. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago

All this cool technology... and they make it write the Bible? in german??
Picture of davor138720 achievements

-3 22. davor1387 commented 13 years ago

Indeed it is strange for Germany to be doing something like this, considering Christianity is quite new to the nation.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+4 23. Sizzlik (admin) commented 13 years ago

#22 Quite new to the nation? Christianity is known in germanys area way back since year 700 ..just back then this area wasnt called germany :P So as far as i know this religion is known here even before germany became germany =)
Picture of librabooks40 achievements

+2 24. librabooks commented 13 years ago

Somebody give that woman a shirt that fits!
Picture of nomaddaf22 achievements

0 25. nomaddaf commented 13 years ago

Use your head people. It is German technology.Johannes Gutenberg,a german made the first printing press and printed a page from bible first.So it is fitting that they would showcase this in this fashion.
Picture of Yathish2118 achievements

0 26. Yathish21 commented 13 years ago

waste of money and time.. :D