Beagles experience sun and grass for the first time

Beagles, who have lived their entire lives inside a research lab, knowing nothing except the confines of their metal cages, are now free. ARME (Animal Rescue Media Education) were approached by a research facility who were willing to release them after they had been used in several tests. ARME is a non-profit organization that relies on donations.

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21 comments posted so far. Login to add a comment.

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Picture of Chogath38 achievements

+25 1. Chogath commented 13 years ago

Well done to this organization!! pretty good model to follow.. hope more people all over the world do such things and protect poor animals
Picture of y3lom40 achievements

+8 2. y3lom commented 13 years ago

this is way better than WWF launching a campaign against mario for wearing a tanuki costume... thumbs up!
Picture of dave919145 achievements

+22 3. dave9191 commented 13 years ago

This very touching and heart warming, even for a hard nut like me who doesn't like animals very much.

Picture of ThiDubstepLover31 achievements

+13 4. ThiDubstepLover commented 13 years ago

I love those kind of videos :D
Picture of svabo66643 achievements

+9 5. svabo666 commented 13 years ago

Amazing :)
Picture of BangkokJarek26 achievements

0 6. BangkokJarek commented 13 years ago

I'd like to get a hold of some of those people who think torturing animals like this is OK and run some test on them.
Picture of cranky40 achievements

+5 7. cranky commented 13 years ago

Dogs are ment to run around, be part of a pack and feel loved. I'm happy for these beagles whilst my thoughts (and actions whenever I can) go out to other tortuted animals.
Picture of Slap_chop_ninja36 achievements

+7 8. Slap_chop_ninja commented 13 years ago

#2 you'll find that was the PETA lunatics again. Extremist scum.

These guys are awesome though, more power to them.
Picture of JordanR1811 achievements

+1 9. JordanR18 commented 13 years ago

What would those dogs be tested on?
Picture of c0mmanderKeen36 achievements

+2 10. c0mmanderKeen commented 13 years ago

I dont get why they dont get to move outside etc; if we assume for a moment that its ok to perform tests on these animals those tests are severely affected by changed developement and biochemistry... If you want to test something you have to keep everything "normal" and change one variable only

Maybe the test was oppressive confinement :(
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+7 11. Sizzlik (admin) commented 13 years ago

#9 Cosmetic articles..but the researchers found that the beagles look stupid with lipstick and eye liners =)
Picture of archis51 achievements

+8 12. archis commented 13 years ago

In year 1969 there was a test on dogs. There were 3 groups. The first was the control group, who would be captured in cages and then released. The second group was shocked with electricity in their cages, which you could stop by pressing a botton(dogs quickly figured it out). In the third (unlike the second) group the dogs were shoked constantly and the dogs could not do anything about it. Naturaly after a while they becomed easily frightened and depresive. After a while they were released, but they did not run away, even, if they again were harmed. The hoplessness in them was so big that they gived up and saw no use for running, accepted their faith as unchangable.
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+4 13. sux2bu commented 13 years ago

At 3:45 I think that dog is starting to like the girl! :D
Great heart warming vid.
Picture of motz13 achievements

+1 14. motz commented 13 years ago

awsome video
Picture of Neutral31 achievements

+1 15. Neutral commented 13 years ago

They were so lovely and adorable, how can they do such things to these cuties :'( hope they found their good owners
Picture of Auer28 achievements

+5 16. Auer commented 13 years ago

I love dogs and I just couldnt stop crying of happiness when they finally set free. So touching!
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+7 17. sux2bu commented 13 years ago

Here is a test done on monkeys.......

If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage,
hang a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs
under the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.

As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys
with cold water. After a while another monkey makes an attempt with
same result ... all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water.
Pretty soon when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the
other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put the cold water away.

Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one.

The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs.

To his shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him.

After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it
with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked.
The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment... with enthusiasm.

Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by
a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to
the stairs he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating
him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs.
Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of
the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold
water. Nevertheless, none of the monkeys will try to climb
the stairway for the banana.

Why, you ask?

Because in their minds..........that is the way it has always been!
Picture of Yathish2118 achievements

+3 18. Yathish21 commented 13 years ago

amazing video, hands off.
Picture of Gigamlat16 achievements

-3 19. Gigamlat commented 13 years ago

Plz mute the bitch saying aawww....
Picture of Smilina14 achievements

-4 20. Smilina commented 13 years ago

Next time someone asks me why do I always check, double check and triple check companies to see if they test on animals before I decide to buy a product, I'll just show them this video.
And for all of you who care about this, here's where you can easily check whether a product you use is from an animal-friendly company -
Picture of dukasu23 achievements

+3 21. dukasu commented 13 years ago
