The woman who got 69 red light cam tickets

Albuquerque New Mexico's Amber Gray could be called the Queen of red light camera tickets.
In the past two and a half years Gray has accumulated 69 red light camera tickets blowing through red lights at speed far exceeding the speed limit. According to the cops, she's also been pulled over by the police 23 times for separate driving incidents in that same time frame and continues to drive on a revoked license. She owes the City of Albuquerque over $10,000 in fines.

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Picture of chicgeekette18 achievements

+4 1. chicgeekette commented 13 years ago

Damnnnn. :O
Picture of Tehnol36 achievements

+34 2. Tehnol commented 13 years ago

1:49 When this baby hits 88 miles per hour....

Seriously isn't this many offences enough to put her in prison?
Picture of PlayaX31 achievements

+34 3. PlayaX commented 13 years ago

if something happens it will be the states fault! they still let her drive. :|
Picture of Cvejic44 achievements

+41 4. Cvejic commented 13 years ago

Suspended license???

Bloody hell, she should be in jail doing some serious time!!
Picture of hafa33 achievements

-1 5. hafa commented 13 years ago

I would not be surprised to find a copy of Right to Travel affidavit in her car. You can get away with virtually anything with that damn sovereign right
Picture of Neutral31 achievements

+4 6. Neutral commented 13 years ago

Maybe she have no brake in her car? :P
Picture of imagic42 achievements

+14 7. imagic commented 13 years ago

i seriously hope she kills herself before she kills someone else
Picture of prekazi36 achievements

0 8. prekazi commented 13 years ago

Q: How can reduce the possibility she having an accident?
A: To hide her car keys.
Picture of edmund31 achievements

+11 9. edmund commented 13 years ago

So when someone dies who will be to blame knowing all this?
She? Or the ones who didn't lock her up?

Picture of cretia27 achievements

+5 10. cretia commented 13 years ago

Flux capacitor must be out of order
Picture of xwyhul17 achievements

+5 11. xwyhul commented 13 years ago

69 this reminds me sex thing
Picture of BiMezo36 achievements

-3 12. BiMezo commented 13 years ago

1:48 - 30 mph zone where you can speed up up to 88 mph?
Why didn't they show that place? I wanna know.
Picture of zoidberg-returns44 achievements

+4 13. zoidberg-returns commented 13 years ago

Maybe she can cook...
Picture of ringmaster54 achievements

0 14. ringmaster commented 13 years ago

#8, with her skills, she will find a way to hi jack a car...
Picture of JPLS30 achievements
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-8 15. JPLS commented 13 years ago

Picture of loadrunner54 achievements

0 16. loadrunner commented 13 years ago

Much better then my ex-girlfriend who barley makes it to 70% of maximum speed and 3th gear in town..
Picture of LQoQK44 achievements

-2 17. LQoQK commented 13 years ago

69 times and no accidents, she is fine just leave her alone,
Picture of WorldChampion26 achievements

0 18. WorldChampion commented 13 years ago

Is it just me or is there always other cars going through those "red lights" with her in the video?
Picture of drevil29 achievements

+2 19. drevil commented 13 years ago

hmm.. embarrass a privat person (full name and uncensored pic) on tv.
thankfully, not allowed in europe.
Picture of Oddi50 achievements

+2 20. Oddi commented 13 years ago

I bet she sucks cop dicks all around thats why shes still free
Picture of skeletron18 achievements

+3 21. skeletron commented 13 years ago

In Indiana she would be in violation of several traffic laws including reckless driving and she would have her car impounded and she would be in jail!
Picture of h8isgr828 achievements

+1 22. h8isgr8 commented 13 years ago

She was clocked going 88mph 1:47. Explains how she went through that intersection twice 0:39. :D
Picture of imagic42 achievements

-1 23. imagic commented 13 years ago

#19 i am from europe, i think they should do that more here also, if you are a criminal here in europe you have more rights than the victims ( or future victims in this case )
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+2 24. Zebulun commented 13 years ago

#3 you could not be more wrong, and all you people voting up his comment are equally as wrong.

It's no fault BUT HER OWN!
Cryin' out loud people, take responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to blame others.
Picture of WickedOne1423 achievements

-1 25. WickedOne14 commented 13 years ago

Here's hoping a Mac truck has her name on it. SMUSH! (i) (i)
Picture of Xtrem6522 achievements

+2 26. Xtrem65 commented 13 years ago

Here in norway, they first take your licence. Keep driving and they take your car.. And they dont sell it for you, they just take it... >:)
Picture of captain_obvious38 achievements

-1 27. captain_obvious commented 13 years ago

typical usa they complain she is going to kill someone but she still has her licence after 69 red light tickets
Picture of stretchpadawan34 achievements

+2 28. stretchpadawan commented 13 years ago

In some Australian states they would jail the stupid bitch, then they would either:

crush her car and sell it for the metal ( the money would go to the cops to catch more tards like her )

or the emergency services would use it for jaws of life training.

Either way she needs a few punches to the head
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+2 29. irishgek commented 13 years ago

Woman driver ....look how many people come to comment now ....sad...
Picture of SunshineEddy42 achievements

+1 30. SunshineEddy commented 13 years ago

#5 has led me down a rather informative trail of information. The United States Constitution protects our RIGHT to travel public roads in personal conveyances of all types. This has been ruled on in the Supreme Court and in various state supreme courts. Any application for a driver's licence is considered a contract and therefore binding. You don't need a licence to drive until you apply for a licence to drive. These links explain the tools you need to protect yourself from institutions you do not wish to be in contract with, such as handouts to give to police when they stop you for some minor traffic violation.

If this woman does indeed have an affidavit to travel, there is nothing they can do until she harms someone else or someone else's property.

Or just do your own web search and find even more information on this. WOW!
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+2 31. sux2bu commented 13 years ago

For those of you that did not really listen,it says she was driving on a revoked driving license @ 1:55 . That should have put her in jail for a long time.
Picture of txo49 achievements

0 32. txo commented 13 years ago

she must save a lot of money in breaks maintenance!
Picture of schlafanzyk35 achievements

+1 33. schlafanzyk commented 12 years ago

Holy shit.. this is like walking around with a machine gun, firing in all directions. At some point, someone is going to get killed. People like her need to be locked away for a long time. If I had kids, I would say forever - or give her a choice to kill herself to save us tax money.
So tired of our society being so ridiculously tolerant towards extreme cases like this while you're being locked away in a second if you get caught with a little bit of weed.
Picture of Acorn25 achievements

-1 34. Acorn commented 11 years ago

Just call the police and follow her, then shoot her dead and walk away a free man.. You can do that in america lol