Head On Car Crash

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Picture of tim42036 achievements

+31 1. tim420 commented 13 years ago

I dont think there was much chance of anyone surviving that first impact... :|
Picture of vanova19 achievements

+10 2. vanova commented 13 years ago

you need Airbags and God if he exist if you want to survive such impact!
Picture of WickedOne1423 achievements

+35 3. WickedOne14 commented 13 years ago

Probably a texter. (i)
Picture of 01nvr50 achievements

+6 4. 01nvr commented 13 years ago

So what actually happened? That car just seemed to swerve straight into them..
Picture of d-_-b27 achievements

+5 5. d-_-b commented 13 years ago

:S why is this on snotr?
Picture of MajorIdea45 achievements

+3 6. MajorIdea commented 13 years ago

God almighty! No human can survive that!


... now I'm afraid to drive... only a little line separating life from death :|

Picture of gouranga4ever43 achievements

+25 7. gouranga4ever commented 13 years ago

Come on Admin's. Not on Snotr please.
Picture of yakuzasssi24 achievements

+2 8. yakuzasssi commented 13 years ago

#2 all you need is miracle. #7 im with you.
Picture of WildMonkey32 achievements

+3 9. WildMonkey commented 13 years ago

I don't like driving. I hate it. Most people can't even comprehend the forces involved in collisions, and what they do to the human body. And for some reason they think that they are safe in their car, lol, that just goes to show how ignorant people are. MORE SCIENCE EDUCATION!
Picture of drafterdb23 achievements
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-5 10. drafterdb commented 13 years ago

I blame faulty gps driving directions.
Picture of palmer22 achievements

+2 11. palmer commented 13 years ago

same thing happened to me in feb 2011 was goin 90km head on seat belt failed in 99 grand am gt and face went into windshield severe cuts and bruising the post concussion for 4 months after not a fun time
Picture of Siruss21 achievements

+6 12. Siruss commented 13 years ago

Looks like an attempted pass on a solid line.

But whatever the cause, to see innocent lives being lost by someone else's poor judgement - is quite disturbing to say the least.
Picture of davor138720 achievements

+18 13. davor1387 commented 13 years ago

Am I the only one in the world who doesn't have a dash cam.
Picture of Awaits35 achievements

+8 14. Awaits commented 13 years ago

Saw this on some russian site before. Two people died on the spot (red car iirc), had no seatbelts, others were fine. And yes #7, this aint a snotr material.... :/
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+2 15. LightAng3l commented 13 years ago

Why is it so hard to understand what happened? It's very obvious to me.

Red car was overtaking in a continuous line zone and realized he was not going to make it... so he swerved back in his lane hitting the small white car in it's lane, losing control, and ending up in oncoming traffic where the crash happened. :(

Watch again and you'll see the red car trying to go back in it's lane...
Picture of AssieChris24 achievements

+3 16. AssieChris commented 13 years ago

I'm with #6.
Could not have given a better comment.
Picture of jeffy37 achievements

+14 17. jeffy commented 13 years ago

#7 Why not on snotr ? Accidents happen and are a part of our lives . Better learn not to speed up than die in a horrible accident . This video shows you what not to do if you want to carry on living , so i think it's ok .
Picture of paolo34 achievements

+5 18. paolo commented 13 years ago

this is scary!!!! :O
Picture of Btt-X30 achievements

+6 19. Btt-X commented 13 years ago

I'm with #17
Picture of perpetual19 achievements

+6 20. perpetual commented 13 years ago

keep distance , man 8-)
Picture of Burimi59 achievements

+2 21. Burimi commented 13 years ago

#20 and drive slowly!!!!!
Picture of Neutral31 achievements

+3 22. Neutral commented 13 years ago

#21 slow doesn't mean safe, some are driving dangerously slow with everyone overtaking him/her.
It is much safer driving about the same speed of the car in front of you with a safety distance.
The tips for a safe driving is, you must be able to see the second car in front of you at all time.
Picture of Burimi59 achievements

+4 23. Burimi commented 13 years ago

#22 i didn't mean to drive like a snail, i mean it to drive slowly and safely and to keep distance (in a previous comment I wrote "AND" drive slowly)
Picture of DARKENEMY24 achievements

+4 24. DARKENEMY commented 13 years ago

spoken language on video russian
either the tire blew up or the driver tryed to get pass
Picture of freshdrop17 achievements

-1 25. freshdrop commented 13 years ago

This would have been a perfect head on if it had all smashed into the 'slam dunk' creator.
Picture of Zebulun47 achievements

+1 27. Zebulun commented 13 years ago

I'm curious... Are dashcams required in some countries? I don't know one person in the US or Canada that has one (except for police)
Picture of chicgeekette18 achievements

+1 28. chicgeekette commented 13 years ago

I'm with you #17. This is life, people. Detach yourselves from the internet if you can't handle it.
And stop friggin' texting on the road. :|
Picture of stretchpadawan34 achievements

+1 29. stretchpadawan commented 13 years ago

#27 a lot of people are getting them for insurance purposes while they work ( couriers etc ) to protect themselves from dickheads on the roads who lie to the cops and insurance companies
Picture of loadme33 achievements

-2 30. loadme commented 13 years ago

what is this crap doing on snotr?
looking at innocents to die because of some idiot?

and how is this rated high?

get off

Because it says: "Snotr is a source for short and funny or interesting videos."
I dont want my kids to see people dying on this page. If you want to make people aware about the very obvious, you must think, they all are very stupid in the first place.
This video shows no real cause, neighter explains anything. It just shows at least 2 people dying.
Picture of Chett24 achievements

+4 31. Chett commented 13 years ago

I would be inclined to agree with #17. I don't think that this video is anywhere near a level of gruesomeness that it should be removed from Snotr. We involountarily see much worse than this on television. I am NOT saying that the lives lost in this video are less significant, but how many times have we seen footage of the thousands dying instantly on September 11 2001. What about the shooting of President Kenndy. There are certain things that happen that we don't see every day...I always thought the aim of Snotr was to report these happenings. Just my two cents.
Picture of Sizzlik64 achievements

+3 32. Sizzlik (admin) commented 13 years ago

#30 So you want us to go back to cute puppy and kitten vids? If you are afraid your kids would see a car crash or similar..dont even let them watch TV or go on youtube (wich this vid is from) or even safer..dont give them access to the internet..they might see porn. "Snotr is a source for short and funny or interesting videos." ..the term "Interesting" is debateable.."interesting" can be everything that makes you say wow. Can you tell me a "kid friendly" video site wich snotr users would watch?
Picture of Saxxoo39 achievements

+1 33. Saxxoo commented 13 years ago

#32 I wouldn't call this video for "interesting"... however I wouldn't go as far to say this video shouldn't be here either, the title clearly state what the content is = don't want to see it - then don't watch it... simple as that ;)
Picture of JohnMichael32 achievements

+1 34. JohnMichael commented 13 years ago

If you didn't think this video would be interesting, why the hell did you click on the link to the video? The title alone makes this video interesting..
Picture of Nissespand23 achievements

+3 35. Nissespand commented 13 years ago

Hey all, Please watch the video again and take a look at the cracks appearing in the road.
It looks like an earthquake or something similar.
just start-pause the first 3-4 seconds and you will see the cracks appearing.
Picture of ZaMpTi47 achievements

-1 36. ZaMpTi commented 13 years ago

#32 "So you want us to go back to cute puppy and kitten vids?" yes i do prefer to see kittens instead of dead ppl.
Picture of chicgeekette18 achievements

+1 37. chicgeekette commented 13 years ago

#35 Holy shit, I didn't even notice that before! Man that's gotta suck. :S