Browse 124 videos by Judge-Jake

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Thumbnail of Sea Urchin pulls itself inside out to be reborn.

Sea Urchin pulls itself inside out to be reborn.

Published 8 years ago in Nature. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

Guy drawing a picture of his crush in the classroom

Published 8 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of Ouch time

Ouch time

Published 8 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of 100 photos to restore your faith in humanity

100 photos to restore your faith in humanity

Published 8 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of The story that moved the entire middle school to tears

The story that moved the entire middle school to tears

Published 8 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Judge-Jake

That's the whole middle school and JJ.