Browse 124 videos by Judge-Jake

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Thumbnail of The most satisfiing video in the world

The most satisfiing video in the world

Published 8 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of £13.500 but the dream is here

£13.500 but the dream is here

Published 9 years ago in Technology. Submitted by Judge-Jake

ArcaBoard, an electric powered flying machine with 272 horsepower and 203,000 watts of installed power is the most powerful and lightest personal vehicle ever created. ArcaBoard represents total freedom of movement, total freedom of travel. ArcaBoard is a personal vehicle that can move in every possible direction including upwards. The retail price is $19,900 and is available for order now. Shipments will start April 15, 2016.

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Thumbnail of Pick a side

Pick a side

Published 9 years ago in Vehicles. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Woman parked on a double yellow line is blocked in by bus driver who refuses to move his bus until his departure time. Highly trained fighter man objects.

Thumbnail of Mr Piper from 1963. Memory Lane

Mr Piper from 1963. Memory Lane

Published 11 years ago in Weird. Submitted by Judge-Jake