Browse 124 videos by Judge-Jake

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Thumbnail of Old man in nursing home regenerated by music

Old man in nursing home regenerated by music

Published 6 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Judge-Jake

I listened to a TED lecture a few years ago that explained that in the event that you should get dementia that you would still have all the songs and poetry that you might have memorised through your lifetime. Which although I'm not intending to go down that road should give a ce…
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Thumbnail of The Pink Panther Funny clips

The Pink Panther Funny clips

Published 7 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by Judge-Jake

If you needed cheering up today, this ought to do it. JJ

Thumbnail of 21 TV Shows that existed but shouldn't have

21 TV Shows that existed but shouldn't have

Published 7 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of Turn 2 hex nuts into a 1Ct diamond ring

Turn 2 hex nuts into a 1Ct diamond ring

Published 5 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Why at the end.