Browse 124 videos by Judge-Jake

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Thumbnail of Carnivorous plant eats Chahuahua

Carnivorous plant eats Chahuahua

Published 8 years ago in Nature. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

Published 6 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Grand pianos usually have three legs, this one definitely has five and the music is good too.

Thumbnail of Homemade invention 2018

Homemade invention 2018

Published 6 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Judge-Jake

There are lots of these on the net but there are some gems in this one.

Thumbnail of Giant Rat trap

Giant Rat trap

Published 6 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of The gunfighter

The gunfighter

Published 7 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Apologies if this has been on snort before but this is so funny it's worth a re-run. Also apologies to people easily offended by words like lady front!