Browse 4 videos by Rusu

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Thumbnail of A fireworks facility in Colombia exploded Sunday in the town of Granada

A fireworks facility in Colombia exploded Sunday in the town of Granada

Published 10 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by Rusu

The blast was caught on camera by a reporter and his camera person :O :xRead more…

Thumbnail of North Sea Big Wave

North Sea Big Wave

Published 10 years ago in Nature. Submitted by Rusu

Thumbnail of ORION


Published 10 years ago in Science. Submitted by Rusu

This video explains in detail NASA's new deep space exploration spacecraft called Orion which will take humans farther into space than ever before including landing on an asteroid, the moons of Mars, and Mars itself.

Thumbnail of Fanuc Robots set up to pack batteries

Fanuc Robots set up to pack batteries

Published 10 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Rusu

Simply amazing 8-)