Browse 8 videos by Scotsman50

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Thumbnail of 60MPH Mobility Scooter

60MPH Mobility Scooter

Published 7 years ago in Vehicles. Submitted by Scotsman50

I want one of these to convert for myself.

Thumbnail of Finger of Death

Finger of Death

Published 7 years ago in Nature. Submitted by Scotsman50

Thumbnail of Daylight Robbery

Daylight Robbery

Published 7 years ago in Animals. Submitted by Scotsman50

Thumbnail of Scientist gets to close to lava

Scientist gets to close to lava

Published 7 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Scotsman50

Lucky to escape with his life.

Thumbnail of Coastguard rescue doomed dog.

Coastguard rescue doomed dog.

Published 7 years ago in Animals. Submitted by Scotsman50

Whilst out on a training exercise off the Scottish coast the R.N.L.I Helicopter spotted this dog swimming out to sea.
To far out to return and nowhere to go they called in the Lifeboat to get it to safety.